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What is the salary in Army Tank-Automotive and Armament Command (TACOM)?

Looking for a job at ARMY TANK-AUTOMOTIVE AND ARMAMENT COMMAND (TACOM)? Look at salary statistics and make your own choice


Salaries at Army Tank-Automotive and Armament Command (TACOM) range from $33 693 per year for a Firefighter (Basic Life Support) (Direct Hiring Authority) position, $15 per hour for a Recreation Aid NF-01 position to $196 112 per year for a Supervisory HR Officer position, $53 per hour for a Production Systems Supervisor position

The average salary at Army Tank-Automotive and Armament Command (TACOM) is $73 230 per year, $27 per hour

Salary information at Army Tank-Automotive and Armament Command (TACOM) is objective data that will be useful to anyone considering employment at this company. The statistics in the table below are based on recent and archived Army Tank-Automotive and Armament Command (TACOM) job openings, so they can be considered practically accurate.

Positions Salary
Accountant $82 830 - 107 680 per year
Accountant (Direct Hiring Authority) $82 830 - 107 680 per year
Accounting Technician $49 482 - 64 328 per year
ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT $60 526 - 114 102 per year
Administrative Officer $95 895 - 124 659 per year
Administrative Support Assistant (CYS) (Developmental) NF-02/03 $17 - 21 per hour
Administrative Support Assistant (OA) $39 946 - 51 926 per year
Administrative Support Assistant (OA) (Direct Hiring Authority) $44 117 - 57 354 per year
Administrative Support Assistant (Office Automation) $46 696 - 60 703 per year
Administrative Support Assistant (Office Automation) (Direct Hire Authority) $44 117 - 57 354 per year
Administrative Support Assistant (Office Automation) (Direct Hiring Authority) $46 696 - 60 703 per year
Air Conditioning Equipment Mechanic $29 - 34 per hour
Air Conditioning Equipment Mechanic (MVO) $29 - 34 per hour
Air Conditioning Mechanic (MVO) $29 - 34 per hour
Archivist $95 895 - 124 659 per year
Army Substance Abuse Program (Employee Assistance Program Coordinator) $73 230 - 95 197 per year
Artillery Hydro-Pneumatic Systems Mechanic Leader $34 - 40 per hour
Artillery Hydro-Pneumatic Systems Mechanic Supervisor $41 - 47 per hour
Artillery Repairer $24 - 28 per hour
Artillery Repairer Leader $29 - 34 per hour
Artillery Repairer Supervisor $33 - 38 per hour
Attorney-Adviser $73 696 - 136 553 per year
ATTORNEY-ADVISER (CONTRACT) $80 006 - 175 178 per year
Attorney-Adviser (General) $82 830 - 151 308 per year
Auditor $69 107 - 107 680 per year
Auditor (Direct Hiring Authority) $72 553 - 113 047 per year
Automation and Administrative Support Specialist $62 579 - 81 352 per year
Automotive Machinist Leader $28 - 33 per hour
Automotive Machinist Supervisor $33 - 39 per hour
Automotive Mechanic $26 - 30 per hour
Automotive Mechanic Leader $28 - 32 per hour
Automotive Worker $24 - 28 per hour
Boiler Plant Equipment Mechanic $25 - 29 per hour
Boiler Plant Operator $25 - 29 per hour
Boiler Plant Operator (Direct Hiring Authority) $27 - 31 per hour
Boiler Plant Operator Leader $33 - 38 per hour
Boiler Plant Worker $23 - 27 per hour
Budget Analyst $91 270 - 118 651 per year
Budget Analyst (Direct Hiring Authority) $57 118 - 89 835 per year
Building Mechanic $26 - 30 per hour
Business and Recreation Chief NF-04 $59 933 - 95 657 per year
Business Manager NF-04 $50 000 - 75 000 per year
Business Operations Manager $100 990 - 131 285 per year
Capacity Planner $73 696 - 114 827 per year
Carpenter $30 - 35 per hour
Carpenter Worker (MVO) $25 - 29 per hour
Cashier (Mobile Sales) NF-02 $15 - 18 per hour
Chemist $73 230 - 95 197 per year
Chemist (Direct Hire Authority) $72 553 - 94 317 per year
Child and Youth Program Assistant CY-01/02 $17 - 21 per hour
Civil Engineer $87 773 - 114 102 per year
COMMODITY MANAGER $47 381 - 109 270 per year
Construction Control Inspector $57 564 - 74 830 per year
Construction Control Representative $59 966 - 77 955 per year
Cook (CYS) NA-06 $20 - 24 per hour
Cook Leader NL-06 $22 - 26 per hour
Cook NA-06 $20 - 24 per hour
Crane Operator $25 - 33 per hour
Crane Operator Leader $31 - 37 per hour
Crane Operator Supervisor $38 - 44 per hour
CYS Assistant Director NF-03 $42 350 - 48 500 per year
CYS Facility Director NF-04 $57 118 - 74 250 per year
CYS Functional Technology Specialist NF-04 $53 576 - 64 822 per year
CYS Training Specialist NF-04 $57 118 - 74 250 per year
DATA SCIENTIST $114 031 - 148 245 per year
Deputy Customer Programs Quality and Logistics Manager $125 786 - 163 524 per year
DEPUTY DIRECTOR EMERGENCY SERVICES $104 374 - 135 690 per year
Deputy Industrial Manager $119 340 - 155 139 per year
Director of Installation Management $119 340 - 155 139 per year
Drug Test/Suicide Prevention Coordinator (Direct Hire Authority) $69 107 - 89 835 per year
EIS Mechanic Leader $30 - 35 per hour
Electrical Engineer $83 477 - 108 521 per year
Electrical Worker $23 - 27 per hour
Electrician $25 - 29 per hour
Electrician (HV/MVO) $19 - 29 per hour
Electromotive Equipment Mechanic $25 - 29 per hour
Electronic Industrial Controls Mechanic (MVO) $27 - 32 per hour
Electronic Industrial Control Mechanic $30 - 35 per hour
Electronic Industrial Control Mechanic (MVO) $27 - 32 per hour
Electronic Industrial Controls Mechanic $27 - 38 per hour
Electronic Industrial Controls Mechanic (MVO) $27 - 32 per hour
Electronic Industrial Controls Mechanic MVO $27 - 32 per hour
Electronic Integrated Systems Mechanic $27 - 32 per hour
Electronic Integrated Systems Mechanic (Direct Hire Authority) $27 - 32 per hour
Electronic Integrated Systems Mechanic (Direct Hiring Authority) $27 - 32 per hour
Electronic Integrated Systems Mechanic Leader $30 - 35 per hour
Electronic Integrated Systems Mechanic Supervisor $36 - 42 per hour
Electronic Integrated Systems Repair Inspector $28 - 33 per hour
Electronic Measurement Equipment Mechanic $27 - 32 per hour
Electronic Measurement Equipment Mechanic (Direct Hire Authority) $27 - 31 per hour
ELECTRONICS MECHANIC $26 - 31 per hour
Electronics Mechanic (Optical Equipment Repair) $25 - 29 per hour
Electronics Mechanic Leader $29 - 34 per hour
Electronics Technician $60 526 - 78 683 per year
Electronics Worker $23 - 27 per hour
Electroplater $28 - 33 per hour
Electroplater Leader $27 - 32 per hour
Electroplater Supervisor $37 - 44 per hour
Electroplating Inspector $26 - 30 per hour
Electroplating Worker $27 - 32 per hour
Emergency Management Specialist $83 477 - 108 521 per year
EMERGENCY SERVICES DISPATCHER $42 022 - 54 625 per year
Emergency Services Dispatcher (Direct Hiring Authority) $39 576 - 57 354 per year
Emergency Services Manager (FORCE PROTECTION) $106 445 - 138 382 per year
Emergency Services Specialist $89 515 - 116 366 per year
Engineering Technician $70 857 - 92 110 per year
Engineering Technician (Civil) (Direct Hire Authority) $59 966 - 94 317 per year
Engineering Technician (Direct Hiring Authority) $72 553 - 94 317 per year
Engineering Technician (Electrical) $84 046 - 109 260 per year
Engineering Technician (Materials) $73 230 - 114 102 per year
Engineering Technician (Mechanical) $84 046 - 109 260 per year
Engineering Technician (Mechanical)- $73 230 - 95 197 per year
Environmental Engineer (Direct Hire Authority) $49 025 - 113 047 per year
Environmental Protection Specialist $57 118 - 74 250 per year
Environmental Protection Specialist (Direct Hire Authority) $72 553 - 94 317 per year
Equal Employment Manager $82 830 - 107 680 per year
Equal Employment Specialist $91 270 - 141 089 per year
Equal Employment Specialist (Direct Hiring Authority) $59 966 - 94 317 per year
Equipment Assistant (Direct Hiring Authority) $44 117 - 57 354 per year
Equipment Cleaner Leader (FLO) $21 - 25 per hour
Equipment Facilities and Services Assistant (Office Automation) (Direct Hiring Authority) $42 022 - 54 625 per year
Equipment Specialist $77 738 - 101 055 per year
Equipment Specialist (Auto) $91 270 - 118 651 per year
Equipment Specialist (Automotive) $72 553 - 94 317 per year
Equipment Specialist (General) (Direct Hiring Authority) $72 553 - 94 317 per year
EQUIPMENT SPECIALIST (ORD/ELEC) $91 270 - 118 651 per year
Executive Assistant $43 642 - 104 005 per year
Fabric Worker Leader $26 - 31 per hour
Fabric Worker Supervisor $32 - 37 per hour
Facilities and Equipment Specialist (Direct Hiring Authority) $72 553 - 94 317 per year
Facilities Specialist $72 553 - 94 317 per year
Facilities Specialist (Direct Hiring Authority) $86 962 - 113 047 per year
Facilities Support Assistant (Direct Hiring Authority) $44 117 - 63 733 per year
Financial Management Analyst $91 270 - 118 651 per year
Financial Management Analyst (Direct Hiring Authority) $69 107 - 89 835 per year
Financial Management Officer NF-04 $55 000 - 85 000 per year
Financial Management Specialist (Audit Readiness) $84 046 - 109 260 per year
Financial Management Specialist NF-04 $55 000 - 75 000 per year
Financial Manager $122 198 - 158 860 per year
Financial Technician (Direct Hiring Authority) $57 118 - 74 250 per year
Fire Chief (Direct Hiring Authority) $86 962 - 113 047 per year
Fire Protection Inspector $55 886 - 72 650 per year
Fire Protection Specialist $60 526 - 78 683 per year
Firefighter (Basic Life Support) $47 060 - 61 178 per year
Firefighter (Basic Life Support) (Direct Hiring Authority) $33 693 - 60 703 per year
Firefighter (Paramedic) $51 713 - 74 250 per year
Firefighter (Paramedic) (Direct Hiring Authority) $57 118 - 74 250 per year
Food Service Worker NA-02 $17 - 20 per hour
Fuel Distribution System Worker (Motor Vehicle Operator/Forklift Operator) (Direct Hiring Authority) $24 - 28 per hour
GENERAL ENGINEER $91 270 - 118 651 per year
General Engineer (Energy Manager) $90 178 - 117 227 per year
General Engineer (Facilities Engineer) $90 178 - 117 227 per year
General Engineer (Planner) $61 727 - 116 366 per year
General Equipment Assembler $29 - 33 per hour
General Equipment Mechanic Leader $30 - 35 per hour
General Supply Specialist $82 830 - 107 680 per year
General Supply Specialist (Direct Hiring Authority) $57 118 - 74 250 per year
Hazardous Material/Waste Coordinator $28 - 33 per hour
Hazardous Waste Disposer $24 - 28 per hour
Heavy Mobile Equipment Mechanic $29 - 34 per hour
Heavy Mobile Equipment Mechanic (Direct Hire Authority) $27 - 32 per hour
Heavy Mobile Equipment Mechanic (Direct Hiring Authority) $27 - 31 per hour
Heavy Mobile Equipment Mechanic (Motor Vehicle Operator) $27 - 32 per hour
Heavy Mobile Equipment Mechanic Inspector $27 - 32 per hour
Heavy Mobile Equipment Mechanic Inspector Leader $29 - 34 per hour
Heavy Mobile Equipment Mechanic Inspector Supervisor $37 - 43 per hour
Heavy Mobile Equipment Mechanic Leader $32 - 37 per hour
Heavy Mobile Equipment Mechanic Supervisor $35 - 41 per hour
Heavy Mobile Equipment Mechanic Supervisor (Direct Hire Authority) $35 - 41 per hour
Heavy Mobile Equipment Mechanic Supervisor (Direct Hiring Authority) $37 - 43 per hour
Heavy Mobile Equipment Mechanic Supervisor (Motor Vehicle Operator) $35 - 41 per hour
Heavy Mobile Equipment Repair Inspector $31 - 36 per hour
Heavy Mobile Equipment Repair Inspector Supervisor $34 - 40 per hour
Heavy Mobile Equipment Repairer $26 - 31 per hour
Heavy Mobile Equipment Repairer (Motor Vehicle Operator) $23 - 27 per hour
Heavy Mobile Equipment Repairer (MVO) $23 - 27 per hour
Heavy Mobile Equipment Repairer Leader $25 - 29 per hour
Heavy Mobile Equipment Repairer Supervisor $31 - 36 per hour
Heavy Mobile Equipment Repairer Supervisor (Motor Vehicle Operator) $30 - 36 per hour
Heavy Mobile Equipment Reparier $28 - 32 per hour
Heavy Moblie Equipment Mechanic Supervisor $37 - 43 per hour
Human Capital Analyst $41 537 - 98 989 per year
Human Resources Analyst $51 453 - 66 888 per year
Industrial Engineer $69 107 - 107 680 per year
Industrial Engineering Technician $52 472 - 91 154 per year
Industrial Equipment Maintenace Mechanic Leader $30 - 35 per hour
Industrial Equipment Maintenance Supervisor $43 - 50 per hour
Industrial Equipment Mechanic $28 - 35 per hour
Industrial Equipment Mechanic Supervisor $35 - 41 per hour
Industrial Equipment Operator $24 - 28 per hour
Industrial Management Specialist $89 515 - 116 366 per year
Industrial Specialist $58 564 - 92 110 per year
Industrial Specialist (Ordnance) $38 249 - 91 154 per year
Information Technology Program Manager (Policy and Planning) $105 038 - 136 553 per year
Information Technology Specialist (Data Management/Application Software) $86 962 - 113 047 per year
Information Technology Specialist (Information Security) (Direct Hire Authority) $86 962 - 113 047 per year
Information Technology Specialist (INFOSEC) $91 270 - 118 651 per year
Information Technology Specialist (INFOSEC/DATAMGT) $108 532 - 141 089 per year
Information Technology Specialist (Network Services) (Direct Hire Authority) $73 286 - 95 270 per year
Information Technology Specialist (Policy & Planning/Information Security) (Direct Hiring Authority) $73 286 - 95 270 per year
Information Technology Specialist (Policy and Planning/Information Security) Direct Hiring Authority $82 830 - 107 680 per year
Information Technology Specialist (SYSANALYSIS) $69 646 - 90 537 per year
Information Technology Specialist (System Administrator) (Direct Hire Authority) $73 286 - 95 270 per year
Inspector General $95 895 - 148 245 per year
Instrument Mechanic Inspector Leader $38 - 44 per hour
Intelligence Specialist (I&TS) $108 532 - 141 089 per year
INTELLIGENCE SPECIALIST(I&TS) $108 532 - 141 089 per year
Interdisciplinary $87 773 - 114 102 per year
Interdisciplinary Engineer (Direct Hire Authority) $52 106 - 107 680 per year
INVENTORY MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST $91 270 - 118 651 per year
Inventory Management Specialist (DEMAND PLANNER) $93 175 - 121 128 per year
Inventory Management Specialist (DISTRIBUTION) $91 270 - 118 651 per year
Inventory Management Specialist (Item Manager) $57 118 - 74 250 per year
Inventory Management Specialist (ORDER FULFILLMENT) $91 270 - 118 651 per year
Inventory Management Specialist (PROCUREMENT) $95 895 - 124 659 per year
Inventory Management Specialist (PROCUREMENT)- $91 270 - 118 651 per year
Inventory management specialist (SOURCING) $91 270 - 118 651 per year
Inventory Management Specialist (Varies) $51 453 - 98 989 per year
INVESTIGATOR $73 230 - 95 197 per year
IT Specialist ( Systems Administration) $83 477 - 108 521 per year
IT Specialist (APPSW) $114 031 - 148 245 per year
IT Specialist (Customer Support) $53 309 - 69 301 per year
IT Specialist (CUSTSPT) $95 895 - 124 659 per year
IT Specialist (INFOSEC) $70 857 - 92 110 per year
IT Specialist (NETWORK SERVICES) $69 646 - 90 537 per year
IT Specialist (Network) $87 773 - 114 102 per year
IT SPECIALIST (NETWORK/CUSTSPT) $73 286 - 95 270 per year
IT Specialist (Policy and Planning) $95 895 - 124 659 per year
Laborer $21 - 25 per hour
Laborer (Direct Hiring Authority) $21 - 25 per hour
Laborer (Forklift Operator) (Direct Hiring Authority) $23 - 27 per hour
Lead Budget Analyst $84 928 - 110 406 per year
Lead Budget Analyst (Direct Hiring Authority) $82 830 - 107 680 per year
Lead Child and Youth Program Assistant (Level 5) CY-02 $21 - 23 per hour
Lead Equipment Specialist $98 496 - 128 043 per year
Lead Financial Management Analyst $114 031 - 148 245 per year
Lead Firefighter (Basic Life Support) $51 713 - 67 231 per year
Lead Hazardous Waste Disposer (Motor Vehicle Operator/ Forklift Operator) $25 - 29 per hour
Lead Inventory Management Specialist $69 646 - 90 537 per year
Lead Inventory Management Specialist (DISTRIBUTION)- $108 532 - 141 089 per year
Lead Inventory Management Specialist (ORDER FULFILLMENT) $114 031 - 148 245 per year
Lead Inventory Management Specialist (SOURCING) $114 031 - 148 245 per year
Lead Inventory Management Specialist (SUPPLY PLANNER)- $114 031 - 148 245 per year
LEAD IT SPECIALIST (INFOSEC) $114 031 - 148 245 per year
Lead Logisitics Management Specialist $114 031 - 148 245 per year
Lead Logistics Management Specialist $108 532 - 141 089 per year
Lead Management and Program Analyst $82 830 - 107 680 per year
Lead Master Scheduler $74 684 - 116 366 per year
Lead Police Officer (Direct Hiring Authority) $51 713 - 67 231 per year
Lead Program Analyst (Lean Six Sigma) (Direct Hiring Authority) $82 830 - 107 680 per year
Lead Program Analyst (Process Improvement) $89 515 - 116 366 per year
Lead Quality Assurance Specialist $89 515 - 116 366 per year
Lead Quality Assurance Specialist (Planner) $88 332 - 114 827 per year
Lead Resource Management Analyst $114 031 - 148 245 per year
Lead Security Assistant (Office Automation) $44 117 - 57 354 per year
Lead Security Specialist $69 107 - 89 835 per year
Lead Security Specialist (Direct Hiring Authority) $69 107 - 89 835 per year
Lead Supply Systems Analyst $108 532 - 141 089 per year
Lead Technical Writer-Editor $114 031 - 148 245 per year
Lead Traffic Management Specialist (Direct Hiring Authority) $82 830 - 107 680 per year
Lead Training Instructor $98 496 - 128 043 per year
Legal Administrative Specialist $66 126 - 104 005 per year
Locksmith (Direct Hiring Authority) $26 - 30 per hour
Locomotive Engineer (Direct Hiring Authority) $25 - 29 per hour
Logisitcs Management Specialist $114 031 - 148 245 per year
Logistics Management Specialist $52 527 - 101 055 per year
Logistics Management Specialist (Direct Hiring Authority) $72 553 - 113 047 per year
LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST- $95 895 - 124 659 per year
Machine Tool Operator $23 - 31 per hour
Machine Tool Work Inspector $33 - 39 per hour
Machine Tool Work Inspector Leader $35 - 41 per hour
Machine Tool Work Inspector Supervisor $41 - 48 per hour
Machinist $25 - 29 per hour
Machinist (Welder) $26 - 31 per hour
Machinist Leader $29 - 34 per hour
Machinist Supervisor $40 - 47 per hour
Maintenance Management Officer $99 265 - 129 043 per year
Maintenance Management Specialist $69 646 - 90 537 per year
Maintenance Management Specialist (Industrial Product Support Vendor Contracting Officer Rep) $59 966 - 77 955 per year
Maintenance Mechanic $24 - 28 per hour
Maintenance Mechanic Leader $26 - 31 per hour
Maintenance Parts Specialist (MRP Planner) $37 990 - 74 830 per year
Maintenance Parts Technician $47 060 - 61 178 per year
Maintenance Supervisor $42 - 49 per hour
Maintenance Systems Analyst $72 553 - 94 317 per year
Maintenance Worker $26 - 31 per hour
Maintenance Worker (MVO) NA-07 $21 - 25 per hour
Management Analyst $46 696 - 74 250 per year
Management Analyst (Direct Hiring Authority) $49 025 - 94 317 per year
Management Analyst (MANPOWER) $60 526 - 78 683 per year
Management and Program Analyst $91 270 - 141 089 per year
Management Support Assistant (OA) NF-03 $46 000 - 64 000 per year
Management Support Assistant (Office Automation) $50 464 - 65 605 per year
Manufacturing Data Analyst $74 684 - 116 366 per year
Manufacturing Engineering Manager $125 786 - 163 524 per year
Manufacturing Supervisor $39 - 46 per hour
Marine Equipment Repairer $25 - 29 per hour
Marine Maintenance Program Assistant $57 824 - 75 168 per year
Marine Surveyor $83 854 - 109 011 per year
Material Handler (Direct Hiring Authority) $23 - 27 per hour
Materials Examiner and Identifier (Direct Hiring Authority) $25 - 29 per hour
Materials Examiner And Identifier (FLO) Leader $24 - 28 per hour
Materials Examiner and Identifier Supervisor $34 - 39 per hour
Materials Examiner and Identifier Supervisor (Direct Hiring Authority) $33 - 39 per hour
Materials Expediter (Motor Vehicle Operator) (Direct Hiring Authority) $25 - 29 per hour
Materials Expediter Leader $24 - 28 per hour
Materials Expediter Supervisor $31 - 36 per hour
Materials Handler $23 - 27 per hour
Materials Handler (Direct Hiring Authority) $24 - 28 per hour
Materials Handler (Forklift Operator) Leader (Direct Hiring Authority) $27 - 31 per hour
MATERIALS HANDLER (Motor Vehicle Operator/Fork Lift Operator) $19 - 23 per hour
MATERIALS HANDLER (MVO/FLO) $21 - 25 per hour
Materials Handler Leader $29 - 33 per hour
Materials Handler Supervisor $35 - 41 per hour
Materials Handler Supervisor (Direct Hiring Authority) $32 - 37 per hour
Materials Processing Supervisor $41 - 48 per hour
Mechanical Engineer $83 477 - 108 521 per year
Mechanical Engineer (Direct Hire Authority) $42 068 - 107 680 per year
Mechanical Equipment Repairer $26 - 31 per hour
Mechanical Equipment Repairer (Direct Hiring Authority) $26 - 31 per hour
MEDAL ASSEMBLER & EXAMINER $24 - 28 per hour
Metal Forger $31 - 36 per hour
Metal Tank & Radiator Repair Supervisor $33 - 38 per hour
Metal Tank and Radiator Repairer Leader $27 - 32 per hour
Mobile & Powered Systems Equipment Mechanic Leader $34 - 39 per hour
Mobile Equipment Operator $29 - 34 per hour
Mobile Equipment Operator Supervisor $34 - 40 per hour
Mobile Equipment Servicer $20 - 24 per hour
Mobile Equipment Servicer (Motor Vehicle Operator) $21 - 25 per hour
Mobile Equipment Servicer (Motor Vehicle Operator/Forklift Operator) (Direct Hire Authority) $23 - 27 per hour
Motor Vehicle Operator $23 - 27 per hour
Motor Vehicle Operator (Direct Hiring Authority) $26 - 31 per hour
Motor Vehicle Operator (Materials Handler/FLO) Leader $27 - 31 per hour
Motor Vehicle Operator Supervisor $32 - 37 per hour
MRP Planner Buyer $73 230 - 95 197 per year
Nondestructive Tester & Inspector $30 - 38 per hour
OFFICE ASSISTANT (Legal / OA) $49 482 - 64 328 per year
Office Assistant (Legal/OA) $49 482 - 64 328 per year
Office Automation Assistant (Direct Hiring Authority) $39 576 - 51 446 per year
Operations Analyst $91 270 - 118 651 per year
Operations Assistant NF-02 $17 - 22 per hour
Operations Integration Officer $134 751 - 191 900 per year
Operations Support Officer $95 895 - 148 245 per year
Outreach Services Director NF-04 $57 564 - 72 000 per year
Packaging Specialist (Direct Hiring Authority) $46 696 - 74 250 per year
Packaging Specialist (Recent Graduates) $54 061 - 70 280 per year
Painter $28 - 32 per hour
Painter Leader $27 - 32 per hour
Painter Leader (Direct Hiring Authority) $32 - 37 per hour
Painter Supervisor $32 - 37 per hour
Painting Worker $26 - 30 per hour
Painting Worker Supervisor $32 - 37 per hour
Painting/Finish Inspector $25 - 29 per hour
Paralegal Specialist $66 126 - 104 005 per year
Paralegal Specialist (Direct Hiring Authority) $59 966 - 77 955 per year
Parts Management Specialist $57 118 - 74 250 per year
PATENT ATTORNEY $128 252 - 166 724 per year
Pest Controller (Direct Hire Authority) $26 - 30 per hour
Physical Science Technician $38 249 - 75 340 per year
Physical Security Specialist $87 773 - 114 102 per year
Pipefitter $26 - 31 per hour
Pipefitter (Direct Hiring Authority) $27 - 32 per hour
Planner and Estimator (Production Machinery Mechanic) $39 - 46 per hour
Planner/Estimator (Production Machine Mechanic) $41 - 47 per hour
Plant Manager $125 786 - 163 524 per year
Plumber $24 - 28 per hour
Pneudraulic System Repair Inspector $27 - 31 per hour
Police Officer $42 022 - 54 625 per year
Police Officer (Direct Hiring Authority) $37 696 - 60 703 per year
Police Officer (Instructor) $51 713 - 67 231 per year
Police Officer (Logistics) $51 713 - 67 231 per year
Police Officer (Logistics) (Direct Hiring Authority) $54 292 - 70 578 per year
Police Officer (Special Reaction Team) $49 482 - 64 328 per year
Powered Support System Repairer $26 - 31 per hour
Powered Support Systems Mechanic Supervisor $40 - 46 per hour
Precision Calibration/Measurement Inspector $32 - 38 per hour
Process Improvement Specialist $46 696 - 74 250 per year
PROCUREMENT SPECIALIST $108 532 - 141 089 per year
Production Controller $57 118 - 74 250 per year
Production Controller ( Parts Manager) $59 966 - 77 955 per year
Production Controller (Direct Hiring Authority) $57 118 - 74 250 per year
Production Controller (Metal) $69 107 - 89 835 per year
Production Controller (Ordnance) $57 956 - 91 154 per year
Production Machinery Inspector $32 - 38 per hour
Production Machinery Mechanic $27 - 32 per hour
Production Machinery Mechanic (Machine Repair) $30 - 38 per hour
Production Machinery Mechanic Leader (Machine Repair) $36 - 42 per hour
Production Support Supervisor (Direct Hiring Authority) $38 - 45 per hour
Production Systems Supervisor $46 - 53 per hour
Program Analyst $83 477 - 108 521 per year
Program Analyst (Direct Hiring Authority) $59 966 - 77 955 per year
Program Analyst (Lean Six Sigma) (Direct Hire Authority) $49 025 - 94 317 per year
PROGRAM ANALYST (LEAN SIX SIGMA) (Direct Hiring Authority) $49 025 - 94 317 per year
Program Analyst (Operations) $95 895 - 124 659 per year
Program Analyst (Plans and Operations) $108 532 - 141 089 per year
Program Analyst (Process Improvement) $47 381 - 91 154 per year
Program Assistant (OA/ Travel Orders) $42 350 - 55 051 per year
Program Assistant (OA/Travel Orders) $44 529 - 57 889 per year
Program Coordinator $69 107 - 89 835 per year
PROGRAM MANAGER $105 038 - 136 553 per year
Program Manager (Deputy Senior Responsible Official) $82 830 - 128 043 per year
Program Specialist $69 646 - 90 537 per year
Programs Quality and Logistics Manager $140 375 - 182 485 per year
Project Management Specialist $114 031 - 148 245 per year
Property Book Officer (Direct Hiring Authority) $72 553 - 94 317 per year
Property Disposal Specialist $61 727 - 80 244 per year
Protocol Officer $70 857 - 110 406 per year
Public Affairs Specialist $49 482 - 95 197 per year
Public Affairs Specialist (Social-Digital Media, Videography, and Photojournalism) $114 031 - 148 245 per year
Quality Assurance Specialist $57 118 - 107 680 per year
Quality Assurance Specialist (Direct Hiring Authority) $59 966 - 77 955 per year
Quality Assurance Specialist (Materials & Processes) $49 797 - 114 827 per year
Quality Assurance Specialist (Materials and Process) $69 107 - 89 835 per year
Quality Engineer $84 928 - 110 406 per year
Railroad Maintenance Vehicle Operator $25 - 29 per hour
Railroad Maintenance Vehicle Operator (Direct Hire Authority) $25 - 29 per hour
Real Property Manager (Direct Hiring Authority) $72 553 - 94 317 per year
Realty Specialist (Direct Hire Authority) $49 025 - 77 955 per year
Recreation Aid NF-01 $15 - 16 per hour
Recreation Assistant (Facilities Operator) NF-02 $17 - 20 per hour
Recreation Assistant (Facility Assistant) NF-02 $19 - 22 per hour
Resource Analyst $54 061 - 70 280 per year
Resource Management Officer $125 786 - 163 524 per year
Resources Management Analyst (Direct Hiring Authority) $72 553 - 94 317 per year
Rubber Worker Inspector $26 - 30 per hour
Rubber Worker Leader $27 - 32 per hour
Safety & Occupational Health Specialist $87 773 - 114 102 per year
Safety and Occupational Health Specialist $60 526 - 78 683 per year
Safety and Occupational Health Specialist (Direct Hiring Authority) $69 107 - 89 835 per year
Safety Technician (Office Automation) $44 529 - 64 328 per year
SAFTETY ENGINEER $114 031 - 148 245 per year
Sandblaster $25 - 29 per hour
Secretary $59 869 - 77 828 per year
Secretary (OA) $57 956 - 75 340 per year
Secretary (Office Automation) $58 564 - 92 110 per year
Security Assistant (Direct Hiring Authority) $39 576 - 51 446 per year
Security Assistant (Office Automation) (Direct Hiring Authority) $37 696 - 49 009 per year
Security Assistant (Office Automation) Direct Hiring Authority) $42 022 - 54 625 per year
Security Assistant (Visitor Control Officer) $42 022 - 54 625 per year
Security Guard $42 350 - 55 051 per year
Security Guard (Desk Control ) $49 482 - 64 328 per year
Security Guard (Desk Control) $49 482 - 64 328 per year
Security Specialist $91 270 - 118 651 per year
SECURITY SPECIALIST (ANTITERRORISM) $87 773 - 114 102 per year
Security Specialist (Antiterrorism/Force Protection) $86 962 - 113 047 per year
Security Specialist (Force Protection) (Direct Hiring Authority) $72 553 - 94 317 per year
Security Specialist (Personnel) $49 482 - 64 328 per year
Small Arms Repair Inspector Supervisor $34 - 40 per hour
Small Arms Repairer $22 - 26 per hour
Small Arms Repairer (Motor Vehicle Operator) $23 - 27 per hour
Small Arms Repairer Inspector $25 - 29 per hour
Small Arms Repairer Inspector Leader $29 - 34 per hour
Small Arms Repairer Leader $25 - 29 per hour
Small Arms Repairer Supervisor $31 - 36 per hour
Staff Action Control Officer $91 270 - 118 651 per year
Staff Action Officer $57 118 - 89 835 per year
Storage Specialist (Direct Hiring Authority) $59 966 - 77 955 per year
Student Intern (Office Assistant) $43 642 - 56 731 per year
Student Trainee (Laborer) $16 - 29 per hour
Student Trainee (Office Support) $37 126 - 48 263 per year
Supervisor Attorney-Adviser $134 751 - 191 900 per year
Supervisor Quality Assurance Specialist $124 123 - 161 362 per year
Supervisory Budget Analyst $99 265 - 129 043 per year
Supervisory Budget Analyst (Direct Hiring Authority) $103 409 - 134 435 per year
Supervisory Engineering Technician (Mechanical) $88 332 - 114 827 per year
Supervisory Environmental Engineer $104 374 - 135 690 per year
Supervisory Environmental Engineer (Direct Hire Authority) $103 409 - 134 435 per year
Supervisory Facility Operations Specialist (Direct Hiring Authority) $86 962 - 113 047 per year
Supervisory Financial Management Analyst $134 751 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Firefighter $69 107 - 89 835 per year
Supervisory General Engineer $103 409 - 134 435 per year
Supervisory General Engineer (Facilities Manager) $90 178 - 139 407 per year
Supervisory General Supply Specialist $86 962 - 113 047 per year
Supervisory General Supply Technician $57 118 - 74 250 per year
Supervisory HR Officer $128 252 - 196 112 per year
Supervisory Industrial Engineer $106 445 - 138 382 per year
Supervisory Industrial Engineering Technician $84 046 - 109 260 per year
Supervisory Information Technology Specialist (Project Management/System Administrator) $103 409 - 134 435 per year
Supervisory Intelligence Specialist $158 501 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory IT Specialist (Policy and Planning $104 374 - 135 690 per year
Supervisory IT Specialist (Policy and Planning) $117 302 - 152 490 per year
Supervisory Maintenace Management Specialist $87 773 - 114 102 per year
Supervisory Maintenance Management Specialist $87 773 - 114 102 per year
Supervisory Maintenance Manager $82 830 - 107 680 per year
Supervisory Management and Program Analyst $82 830 - 107 680 per year
Supervisory Management and Program Analyst (Direct Hiring Authority) $98 496 - 128 043 per year
Supervisory Police Officer $57 118 - 74 250 per year
Supervisory Police Officer (Captain) $72 553 - 94 317 per year
Supervisory Police Officer (Direct Hiring Authority) $72 553 - 94 317 per year
Supervisory Production Controller $86 962 - 113 047 per year
Supervisory Production Management Specialist $98 496 - 128 043 per year
Supervisory Production Planning Specialist $87 773 - 114 102 per year
SUPERVISORY PROGRAM ANALYST $128 252 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Program Analyst (Process Improvement) $105 038 - 136 553 per year
Supervisory Program Specialist (CYS Services) NF-03 $43 086 - 54 262 per year
Supervisory Quality Assurance Specialist $105 038 - 136 553 per year
Supervisory Recreation Specialist NF-03 $50 000 - 60 000 per year
Supervisory Safety & Occupational Health Specialist $128 252 - 183 500 per year
SUPERVISORY SAFETY ENGINEER $134 751 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Secretary of the General Staff $128 252 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Security Guard $54 799 - 71 237 per year
Supervisory Security Specialist (Direct Hiring Authority) $57 118 - 74 250 per year
Supervisory Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (Principal) (SAR WF) $114 031 - 148 245 per year
Supervisory Supply Management Specialist $87 773 - 114 102 per year
Supervisory Supply Management Specialist (Direct Hiring Authority) $82 830 - 107 680 per year
Supervisory Supply Systems Analyst $91 270 - 141 089 per year
Supervisory Supply Technician $59 966 - 77 955 per year
Supervisory Training Specialist $74 441 - 115 079 per year
Supply Management Officer $118 101 - 153 529 per year
Supply Management Specialist $91 270 - 118 651 per year
Supply Management Specialist (Recent Graduates) $54 061 - 70 280 per year
Supply Managment Specialist $95 895 - 124 659 per year
Supply System Analyst $95 895 - 124 659 per year
Supply System Analyst (Direct Hiring Authority) $72 553 - 94 317 per year
Supply Systems Analyst $91 270 - 118 651 per year
Supply Systems Analyst (Direct Hiring Authority) $72 553 - 94 317 per year
Supply Technician $46 696 - 60 703 per year
Supply Technician (Audit Readiness) $49 482 - 64 328 per year
Supply Technician (Calibration) $47 381 - 61 595 per year
Supply Technician (Direct Hiring Authority) $49 025 - 63 733 per year
Supply Technician (Motor Vehicle Operator) $42 022 - 54 625 per year
Supply Technician (Motor Vehicle Operator/Office Automation) $46 696 - 60 703 per year
Supply Technician (OA) $46 696 - 60 703 per year
Supply Technician (Office Automation) $49 025 - 63 733 per year
Supply Technician (Office Automation) (Direct Hire Authority) $49 025 - 63 733 per year
Supply Technician (Office Automation) (Direct Hiring Authority) $42 022 - 54 625 per year
Supply Technician (Office Automation) Direct Hiring Authority $49 025 - 63 733 per year
Supply Technician (Office Automation/Motor Vehicle Operator) $46 696 - 60 703 per year
Supply Technician Office Automation (Direct Hiring Authority) $44 117 - 57 354 per year
Supv Attorney-Adviser (Contract) $134 751 - 191 900 per year
Surveillance Inspector (Ammounition) $25 - 29 per hour
Surveillance Inspector (Ammunition) $25 - 29 per hour
Surveillance Inspector (Ammunition) (Direct Hiring Authority) $25 - 29 per hour
Survey Specialist $60 526 - 78 683 per year
TECHNICAL WRITER (AUTO/INFO TECH) $95 895 - 124 659 per year
TECHNICAL WRITER-EDITOR $93 175 - 121 128 per year
Technical Writer-Editor (Auto) $91 270 - 118 651 per year
Technical Writer-Editor (Automotive) $52 527 - 121 128 per year
TECHNICAL WRITER-EDITOR (ORD) $108 532 - 118 651 per year
Telecommunications Mechanic $30 - 35 per hour
Toolmaker $29 - 33 per hour
Toolmaker Leader $33 - 38 per hour
Toolmaker Supervisor $37 - 43 per hour
Tools and Parts Attendant $22 - 25 per hour
Tools and Parts Attendant (Forklift Operator/Motor Vehicle Operator) $20 - 24 per hour
Tools and Parts Attendant (Motor Vehicle Operator/Forklift Operator) $21 - 25 per hour
Tools and Parts Attendant (MVO/FLO) $21 - 25 per hour
Tools and Parts Attendant Supervisor $34 - 40 per hour
Tractor Operator $19 - 22 per hour
Traffic Management Specialist $91 270 - 118 651 per year
Traffic Management Specialist (Direct Hire Authority) $59 966 - 77 955 per year
Training Administrator $73 230 - 95 197 per year
Training Instructor $69 107 - 89 835 per year
Training Instructor (Motor Vehicle Operator/Fork-Lift Operator) (Direct Hiring Authority) $46 696 - 60 703 per year
Training Instructor (MVO/FLO) $46 696 - 60 703 per year
Training Specialist $91 270 - 118 651 per year
Training Specialist (Direct Hiring Authority) $72 553 - 94 317 per year
Transportation Assistant (Freight) (Direct Hiring Authority) $46 696 - 60 703 per year
Transportation Specialist $50 464 - 65 605 per year
Unique Item Identifier Assistant $37 990 - 49 392 per year
Utility Systems Repairer-Operator (Direct Hiring Authority) $31 - 36 per hour
Victim Advocate (SHARP)(SAR WF) $60 526 - 78 683 per year
Wastewater Treatment Plant Oper $25 - 29 per hour
Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator $22 - 26 per hour
Welder $24 - 35 per hour
Welder Inspector Supervisor $35 - 41 per hour
Welder Leader $29 - 34 per hour
Welding Worker $25 - 33 per hour
WOOD WORKER $26 - 31 per hour
Wood Worker (Blocker & Bracer) Leader (Direct Hiring Authority) $30 - 35 per hour
Wood Worker (Direct Hiring Authority) $26 - 31 per hour
Wood Worker (Fork Lift Operator) $27 - 31 per hour
Workforce and Training Specialist $69 107 - 89 835 per year

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