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What is the salary in Offices, Boards and Divisions?

Looking for a job at OFFICES, BOARDS AND DIVISIONS? Look at salary statistics and make your own choice


Salaries at Offices, Boards and Divisions range from $32 357 per year for a Summer Law Intern-Pathways/Law Clerk position, $23 per hour for a Utility Systems Repairer-Operator Helper position to $221 900 per year for a Senior Level Trial Attorney position, $41 per hour for a Utility Systems Repairer-Operator position

The average salary at Offices, Boards and Divisions is $132 368 per year, $34 per hour

Salary information at Offices, Boards and Divisions is objective data that will be useful to anyone considering employment at this company. The statistics in the table below are based on recent and archived Offices, Boards and Divisions job openings, so they can be considered practically accurate.

Positions Salary
Accountant $53 105 - 122 459 per year
Accountant (Systems) $82 764 - 128 956 per year
Administrative Management Specialist (Recent Graduate) $55 924 - 88 926 per year
Administrative Officer $94 199 - 122 459 per year
Administrative Program Specialist $99 200 - 128 956 per year
Administrative Specialist $78 592 - 102 166 per year
Administrative Specialist (FIRS) $68 405 - 107 590 per year
Administrative Specialist Foreign Investments Section (1 YEAR) (REIMBURSABLE DETAIL) $75 329 - 128 956 per year
Analyst (1 YEAR) (REIMBURSABLE DETAIL) $117 962 - 181 216 per year
Architect $112 015 - 172 075 per year
Assistant Director $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Assistant Director for Management & Administration $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Assistant Director for Management and Administration $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Assistant Director, Procurement (CTAP/ICTAP only) $139 395 - 181 216 per year
Assistant Human Resources Officer (Director, HR Operations) $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Assistant Human Resources Officer (Director, Human Capital) $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Assistant Section Chief $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Associate Director $147 649 - 221 900 per year
Attorney $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Attorney (Open Season) $115 439 - 191 900 per year
Attorney Adviser $112 015 - 183 500 per year
Attorney Adviser (HTPU Policy Counsel) $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Attorney Adviser (Indian Matters) $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Attorney Adviser (Policy Counsel) $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Attorney Adviser (Special Litigation Counsel) $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Attorney Advisor $98 496 - 177 978 per year
Attorney Advisor (FOIA/Privacy Act) $132 368 - 183 500 per year
Attorney Advisor (General) $132 368 - 172 075 per year
Attorney Advisor (Indian Matters) $117 962 - 153 354 per year
Attorney Advisor (Program Management and Training Unit) $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Attorney Advisor (Remissions) $112 015 - 183 500 per year
Attorney Advisor (Training) $132 368 - 183 500 per year
Attorney and Assistant United States Attorney $55 756 - 143 598 per year
Attorney Foreign Investment Review (NTE 1 YEAR) (REIMBURSABLE DETAIL) $117 962 - 191 900 per year
Attorney- Adviser $117 962 - 191 900 per year
Attorney-Advisor $112 015 - 183 500 per year
Attorney-Advisor (Employment Counsel) $112 015 - 183 500 per year
Attorney-Advisor (General) $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Audiovisual Production Specialist $139 395 - 181 216 per year
Auditor $112 015 - 145 617 per year
Budget Analyst $64 957 - 122 459 per year
Case Analyst $94 199 - 122 459 per year
Case Management Specialist $82 764 - 107 590 per year
Chief Counterintelligence and Export Control Section (Supvy Attorney-Advisor) $147 649 - 221 900 per year
Chief National Security Cyber Section $141 022 - 212 100 per year
Chief Technology Program Management Section $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Chief Voting Section $141 022 - 212 100 per year
Chief, Chicago Office $147 649 - 221 900 per year
Chief, Economic Policy Section $147 649 - 221 900 per year
Chief, Healthcare and Consumer Products Section $147 649 - 221 900 per year
Chief, Policy and Strategy Section $147 649 - 221 900 per year
Chief, Special Litigation Section $147 649 - 221 900 per year
Chief, Transportation, Energy, and Agriculture Section $147 649 - 221 900 per year
Civil Rights Analyst $94 199 - 145 617 per year
Civil Trial Attorney (Open Continuous) $89 834 - 176 300 per year
Community Outreach Coordinator $94 199 - 122 459 per year
Community Outreach Specialist $94 199 - 145 617 per year
Compliance Specialist (Law Enforcement) $78 592 - 102 166 per year
Computer Scientist/Computer Engineer (Interdisciplinary) $117 962 - 181 216 per year
Contract Specialist $64 957 - 122 459 per year
Contract Specialist (Senior Contracting Officer) $132 368 - 172 075 per year
Contract Specialist - DETAIL OPPPORTUNITY $99 200 - 153 354 per year
Contract Specialist - Direct Hire $82 764 - 153 354 per year
Contracting Officer Representative $82 764 - 153 354 per year
Correspondence Management Analyst $99 200 - 153 354 per year
Criminal Investigative Specialist (Law Enforcement) $99 200 - 128 956 per year
Criminal Trial Attorney (Open Continuous) $88 229 - 176 300 per year
Data Scientist $132 368 - 172 075 per year
Deputy Assistant Attorney General $147 649 - 221 900 per year
Deputy Assistant Director $117 962 - 181 216 per year
Deputy Chief $142 022 - 212 100 per year
Deputy Chief - MLARS $147 649 - 221 900 per year
Deputy Chief Information Officer $147 649 - 221 900 per year
Deputy Chief, Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section $147 649 - 221 900 per year
Deputy Chief, Narcotic and Dangerous Drug Section $147 649 - 221 900 per year
Deputy Director $141 022 - 212 100 per year
Deputy Director (Auditing), Finance Staff $147 649 - 221 900 per year
Deputy Director (Policy) $141 022 - 212 100 per year
Deputy Director - ICITAP $141 022 - 212 100 per year
Deputy Director - OPDAT $147 649 - 221 900 per year
Deputy Director, Budget Staff (Operations and Funds Control) $147 649 - 221 900 per year
Deputy Director, Budget Staff (Programs and Process) $147 649 - 221 900 per year
Deputy Director, Office of Enforcement Operations $141 022 - 212 100 per year
Deputy Executive Secretary $141 022 - 212 100 per year
Digital Investigative Analyst $117 962 - 153 354 per year
Director $141 022 - 212 100 per year
Director - OPDAT $147 649 - 221 900 per year
Director Budget Staff $141 022 - 212 100 per year
Director of Litigation $147 649 - 221 900 per year
Director Office of Tribal Justice $141 022 - 212 100 per year
Director, Human Resources $141 022 - 212 100 per year
Director, Human Resources (Deputy CHCO) $147 649 - 221 900 per year
Director, Office of Information Management $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Director, Office of Litigation Support $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Director, Office of Records Management Policy (ORMP) $147 649 - 221 900 per year
Diversity Officer $117 962 - 153 354 per year
Economist $94 199 - 145 617 per year
Economist (Open Continuous) $126 233 - 176 300 per year
Emergency Actions Specialist $112 015 - 145 617 per year
Emergency Management Specialist $99 200 - 153 354 per year
Employee Assistance Program Manager $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Employee Assistance Program Specialist $132 368 - 172 075 per year
Entry Level Attorneys $59 319 - 84 546 per year
Equal Employment Specialist $112 015 - 145 617 per year
Equal Opportunity Investigator $99 200 - 153 354 per year
Equal Opportunity Specialist $94 199 - 145 617 per year
Equal Opportunity Specialist (Investigator/Victim-Witness) $99 200 - 153 354 per year
Equitable Sharing Program Coordinator $139 395 - 181 216 per year
Ethics Program Specialist $112 015 - 172 075 per year
Executive Assistant $112 015 - 145 617 per year
Executive Correspondence Officer $112 015 - 145 617 per year
Executive Officer $141 022 - 212 100 per year
Executive Staff Assistant $68 405 - 107 590 per year
Facilities Operations Specialist $82 764 - 107 590 per year
Finance Technician $45 146 - 72 703 per year
Finance Trainee (DOJ Pathways Intern) $34 135 - 55 736 per year
Financial Administration Specialist $117 962 - 153 354 per year
Financial Damages Analyst $82 764 - 128 956 per year
Financial Loss Analyst $82 764 - 128 956 per year
Financial Management Analyst $78 592 - 122 459 per year
Financial Management Specialist $64 957 - 102 166 per year
Financial Specialist $139 395 - 181 216 per year
Financial Technician $42 870 - 69 035 per year
General Attorney $139 395 - 191 900 per year
General Attorney (Vaccine) $117 962 - 181 216 per year
Government Information Specialist $78 592 - 122 459 per year
Government Information Specialist (FOIA Processing) $55 924 - 88 926 per year
Government Information Specialist (FOIA Processing) Recent Graduates $55 924 - 88 926 per year
Government Information Specialist (FOIA/PA) $94 199 - 145 617 per year
Government Information Specialist (FOIA/PA) (Recent Graduate) $68 405 - 88 926 per year
Hearing Examiner $117 962 - 181 216 per year
HR Specialist (Classification/Recruitment & Placement) $117 962 - 153 354 per year
HR Specialist (Recent Graduate) $45 146 - 72 703 per year
Human Resource Specialist $99 200 - 128 956 per year
Human Resource Specialist (Recruitment and Placement) $82 764 - 128 956 per year
Human Resources Assistant $38 317 - 55 736 per year
Human Resources Assistant (OA) $61 933 - 80 510 per year
Human Resources Specialist $132 368 - 172 075 per year
Human Resources Specialist (Classification) $132 368 - 172 075 per year
Human Resources Specialist (Classification/Recruitment & Placement) (Open Continuous) $99 200 - 153 354 per year
Human Resources Specialist (Compensation) $112 015 - 145 617 per year
Human Resources Specialist (Employee Benefits) $94 199 - 145 617 per year
Human Resources Specialist (Executive Resources) $139 395 - 181 216 per year
Human Resources Specialist (Performance Management) $139 395 - 181 216 per year
Human Resources Specialist (Policy) $139 395 - 181 216 per year
Human Resources Specialist (Recent Graduate) $53 105 - 84 441 per year
Human Resources Specialist (Recruitment and Placement) $112 015 - 145 617 per year
Human Resources Specialist (Senior Advisor) $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Information Security Specialist $94 199 - 145 617 per year
Information Technology Program Manager (CUSTSPT-INFOSEC) $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Information Technology Specialist (CUSTSPT) $94 199 - 122 459 per year
Information Technology Specialist (Forensics) $139 395 - 181 216 per year
Information Technology Specialist (NETWORK) $139 395 - 181 216 per year
Information Technology Specialist (Policy and Planning) $55 924 - 72 703 per year
Information Technology Specialist (Scripting) $139 395 - 181 216 per year
Intelligence Research Specialist $112 015 - 145 617 per year
Intelligence Research Specialists $99 200 - 153 354 per year
Interdisciplinary Computer Scientist / Computer Engineer $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Interdisciplinary Engineer $117 962 - 153 354 per year
International Affairs Specialist (Recent Graduate) $45 146 - 88 926 per year
Investigative Analyst $53 105 - 84 441 per year
Investigative Analyst (Night Shift) $55 924 - 88 926 per year
IT Cybersecurity Project Manager $139 395 - 181 216 per year
IT Cybersecurity Specialist $132 368 - 172 075 per year
IT Cybersecurity Specialist (ENTARCH) $132 368 - 172 075 per year
IT Cybersecurity Specialist (INFOSEC) $112 015 - 145 617 per year
IT Cybersecurity Specialist (PLCY/PLN) $132 368 - 172 075 per year
IT Program Manager $132 368 - 172 075 per year
IT Program Manager (INFOSEC) $132 368 - 172 075 per year
IT Project Manager $112 015 - 145 617 per year
IT Project Manager (PLCYPLN) $132 368 - 172 075 per year
IT SPEC (INFOSEC) $132 368 - 172 075 per year
IT Specialist (APPSW) $117 962 - 153 354 per year
IT Specialist (APPSW/INFOSEC) $132 368 - 172 075 per year
IT Specialist (CustSpt) $99 200 - 153 354 per year
IT Specialist (CUSTSPT/INFOSEC) $112 015 - 145 617 per year
IT Specialist (DATAMGMT) $163 964 - 191 900 per year
IT Specialist (ENTARCH/APPSW) $112 015 - 145 617 per year
IT Specialist (Enterprise Architecture) $132 368 - 172 075 per year
IT Specialist (InfoSec) $155 700 - 183 500 per year
IT SPECIALIST (INFOSEC) - DIRECT HIRE $139 395 - 181 216 per year
IT Specialist (INFOSEC)/Information System Security Manager - ICTAP Only $139 395 - 181 216 per year
IT SPECIALIST (INFOSEC/CUSTSPT) $139 395 - 181 216 per year
IT Specialist (INFOSEC/PLCYPLN/ENTARCH) $139 395 - 181 216 per year
IT Specialist (Relativity System Owner) $139 395 - 181 216 per year
IT Specialist (SYSADMIN/INFOSEC) $112 015 - 145 617 per year
IT Specialist (SYSANALYSIS) $132 368 - 172 075 per year
Law Enforcement Associate Director $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Lead Budget Analyst $132 368 - 172 075 per year
Lead Human Resources Specialist $139 395 - 181 216 per year
Lead Human Resources Specialist (Staffing/Recruitment) $117 962 - 153 354 per year
Lead Information Technology Project Manager $139 395 - 181 216 per year
Lead Logistics Management Specialist $139 395 - 181 216 per year
Lead Management Analyst $82 764 - 128 956 per year
Lead Paralegal Specialist $94 199 - 122 459 per year
Lead Physical Security Specialist $112 015 - 145 617 per year
Lead Program Administrative Specialist $117 962 - 153 354 per year
Lead Records and Information Management Specialist $139 395 - 181 216 per year
Lead Security Specialist $139 395 - 181 216 per year
Lead Telecommunications Specialist $112 015 - 145 617 per year
Lead Trial Attorney (Assistant Deputy Chief, Health Care Fraud Unit) $136 908 - 183 500 per year
Learning Management Specialist $132 368 - 172 075 per year
Legal Administrative Officer $121 485 - 157 934 per year
Legal Administrative Specialist $78 592 - 102 166 per year
Legal Administrative Specialist (Criminal Justice Analyst) $132 368 - 172 075 per year
Legal Administrative Specialist (Human Trafficking Analyst) $94 199 - 122 459 per year
Legal Administrative Specialist (National Security) $99 200 - 128 956 per year
Legal Administrative Specialist (Victim-Witness Assistance Program Manager) $117 962 - 153 354 per year
Legal Assistant $61 933 - 80 510 per year
Legal Assistant (OA) $50 326 - 72 703 per year
Legal Assistant (Recent Graduate) $45 146 - 58 686 per year
Legal Assistant OA $53 105 - 76 459 per year
Legal Rulemaking Support Foreign Investments Section (1 YEAR) (REIMBURSABLE DETAIL) $82 764 - 153 354 per year
Legislative and Policy Analyst $94 199 - 145 617 per year
Legislative and Policy Analyst Detail $99 200 - 153 354 per year
Legislative Specialist $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Librarian (Law) $82 764 - 128 956 per year
Litigation Support Specialist $94 199 - 122 459 per year
Litigation Support Specialist (Recent Graduate) $55 924 - 88 926 per year
Litigation Support Supervisor $139 395 - 181 216 per year
Litigation Technology Case Manager $94 199 - 145 617 per year
Littigation Support Specialist $82 764 - 153 354 per year
Logistics Management Officer $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Management & Program Analyst $94 199 - 145 617 per year
Management & Program Analyst (Intelligence) $99 200 - 153 354 per year
Management Analyst $132 368 - 172 075 per year
Management Analyst (Recent Graduate) $64 957 - 84 441 per year
Management and Program Analyst $53 105 - 69 035 per year
Management and Program Analyst (FIRS) $139 395 - 181 216 per year
Management and Program Analyst (Health Care Fraud Unit) $78 592 - 122 459 per year
Management and Program Analyst (Intelligence) $139 395 - 181 216 per year
Management and Program Analyst (Senior Advisor) $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Management Support Specialist $53 105 - 84 441 per year
Managment and Program Analyst $135 860 - 176 620 per year
Medical Advisor $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Museum Curator $117 962 - 153 354 per year
National Criminal Discovery Coordinator $141 022 - 212 100 per year
Office Support Assistant $34 135 - 69 035 per year
Office Support Manager $117 962 - 153 354 per year
Office Support Trainee (DOJ Pathways Intern) $34 135 - 55 736 per year
Office Support Trainee (Pathways) $35 947 - 58 686 per year
Paralegal Specialist $64 957 - 102 166 per year
Paralegal Specialist (National and International) $64 957 - 102 166 per year
Paralegal Specialist (National and International) (Recent Graduates) $64 957 - 84 441 per year
Paralegal Specialist (Premerger) $82 764 - 107 590 per year
Paralegal Specialist (Recent Graduate) $53 105 - 69 035 per year
Paralegal Specialist (Recent Graduate) Appellate Section $55 924 - 88 926 per year
Paralegal Specialist (Spanish) $53 105 - 102 166 per year
Patent Attorney $132 368 - 183 500 per year
Personnel Liaison Specialist $78 592 - 145 617 per year
Personnel Psychologist (Industrial and Organizational Psychologist) $132 368 - 172 075 per year
Personnel Security Specialist $112 015 - 145 617 per year
Physical Security Specialist $112 015 - 145 617 per year
Policy Analyst $94 199 - 122 459 per year
Policy Analyst (Recent Graduate) $68 405 - 88 926 per year
Procurement Analyst $132 368 - 172 075 per year
Procurement Trainee (Pathways Intern) $38 317 - 55 736 per year
Program Analyst $94 199 - 145 617 per year
Program Analyst (Data Analytics) $139 395 - 181 216 per year
Program Analyst (Deputy Chief of Staff) $99 200 - 153 354 per year
Program Analyst (FARA) $139 395 - 181 216 per year
Program Analyst (Recent Graduate) $53 105 - 102 166 per year
Program Analyst - CTAP & ICTAP Only $68 405 - 88 926 per year
Program Analyst Trainee (DOJ Pathways Intern) $45 146 - 72 703 per year
Program Management Specialist $94 199 - 122 459 per year
Program Manager $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Program Manager (International) $117 962 - 181 216 per year
Program Specialist $78 592 - 122 459 per year
Program Support Assistant $58 811 - 76 459 per year
Public Affairs Specialist $78 592 - 122 459 per year
Records & Information Management Specialist $112 015 - 145 617 per year
Records and Information Management Specialist $68 405 - 107 590 per year
Records and Information Management Specialist $64 957 - 102 166 per year
Records Information Management Specialist $68 405 - 107 590 per year
Research Support Specialist (Recent Graduates) $45 146 - 88 926 per year
Secretary (Office Automation) $53 105 - 69 035 per year
Section Chief $147 649 - 221 900 per year
Section Chief, ES-0905-00 $141 022 - 212 100 per year
Security Officer $139 395 - 181 216 per year
Security Specialist $78 592 - 102 166 per year
Senior Advisor $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Senior Advisor (Human Capital) $141 022 - 212 100 per year
Senior Advisor Customer and Business Solutions $147 649 - 221 900 per year
Senior Advisor, Customer and Business Solutions $141 022 - 212 100 per year
Senior Budget Analyst $139 395 - 181 216 per year
Senior Evaluation Specialist $117 962 - 181 216 per year
Senior Financial Management Analyst $117 962 - 153 354 per year
Senior Legal Counsel $147 649 - 221 900 per year
Senior Level Appellate Counsel (False Claims Act) $147 649 - 221 900 per year
Senior Level Trial Attorney $147 649 - 221 900 per year
Senior Litigation Counsel (Environmental Justice) $142 022 - 212 100 per year
Senior Litigation Support Specialist $139 395 - 181 216 per year
Sexual Misconduct Response Unit Director $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Social Science Analyst (Policing Assistance and Reform) $139 395 - 181 216 per year
Space Management Specialist $112 015 - 145 617 per year
Special Counsel $141 022 - 212 100 per year
Staff Assistant $64 957 - 84 441 per year
Statistician $139 395 - 181 216 per year
Statistician (Data Scientist) - Direct Hire $78 592 - 145 617 per year
Student Trainee (Administrative Support Assistant O/A) $34 135 - 38 317 per year
Student Trainee (Administrative Support) $34 127 - 49 640 per year
Student Trainee (Human Resources) $40 351 - 58 686 per year
Student Trainee (OA) $38 317 - 55 736 per year
Student Trainee (Paralegal Specialist) $55 924 - 88 926 per year
Subject Matter Expertise Support (Data Security) (1 YEAR) (REIMBURSABLE DETAIL) $117 962 - 181 216 per year
Summer Law Intern-Pathways/Law Clerk $32 357 - 59 319 per year
Supervisory Administrative Officer $132 368 - 172 075 per year
Supervisory Administrative Specialist $117 962 - 153 354 per year
Supervisory Attorney Adviser $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Attorney Adviser (Deputy Chief) $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Attorney Adviser (Deputy Director for Policy and Programs) $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Attorney Advisor (Chief FOIA) $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Attorney Advisor (FOIA/PA) $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Attorney-Advisor $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Budget Analyst $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Building Management Specialist $139 395 - 181 216 per year
Supervisory Case Analyst $139 395 - 181 216 per year
Supervisory Contract Specialist (AMS Chief) $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Contract Specialist (Assistant Director) $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Contract Specialist (Chief, Acquisitions Management Section) $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Contract Specialist (Deputy Director) $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Economist $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Equal Opportunity Investigator $132 368 - 172 075 per year
Supervisory Facility Operations Specialist $112 015 - 145 617 per year
Supervisory Financial Administration Specialist $139 395 - 181 216 per year
Supervisory Financial Management Analyst (Assistant Director) $132 368 - 172 075 per year
Supervisory Financial Management Specialist $139 395 - 181 216 per year
Supervisory Financial Manager $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory General Attorney (Deputy Chief - FOIA/PA) $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory General Attorney (Deputy Chief) $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Government Information Specialist $132 368 - 172 075 per year
Supervisory Grants Management Specialist (Deputy Director) $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Grants Management Specialist (Principal Associate Director) $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory HR Specialist (Classification/Recruitment) $132 368 - 172 075 per year
Supervisory HR Specialist (Staffing/Classification) $139 395 - 181 216 per year
Supervisory Human Resources Specialist $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Human Resources Specialist (Assistant Director) $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Human Resources Specialist (Assistant Director, Human Capital) $132 368 - 172 075 per year
Supervisory Human Resources Specialist (Labor/Employee Relations) $132 368 - 172 075 per year
Supervisory Information Technology Specialist (APPSW) $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Intelligence Research Specialist $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Investigative Analyst $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory IT Cybersecurity Specialist $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory IT Cybersecurity Specialist (ENTARCH) $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory IT Cybersecurity Specialist (PLCY/PLN) $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory IT Program Manager $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory IT Program Manager (Deputy Chief Information Officer) $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory IT Program Manager (INFOSEC/CUSTSPT) $163 965 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory IT Specialist $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory IT Specialist (ENTARCH) $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory IT Specialist (INFOSEC)/Information System Security Manager - Direct Hire $132 368 - 172 075 per year
Supervisory IT Specialist (Policy and Planning) $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Legal Administrative Specialist $139 395 - 181 216 per year
Supervisory Legal Assistant $64 957 - 92 995 per year
Supervisory Legislative and Policy Analyst $132 368 - 172 075 per year
Supervisory Litigation Support Specialist $139 395 - 181 216 per year
Supervisory Logistics Management Specialist $139 395 - 181 216 per year
Supervisory Management Analyst $132 368 - 172 075 per year
Supervisory Management and Program Analysis Officer $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Management and Program Analyst $132 368 - 172 075 per year
Supervisory Paralegal Specialist $96 808 - 125 851 per year
Supervisory Personnel Security Specialist $139 395 - 181 216 per year
Supervisory Policy Analyst (Deputy Director) $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Procurement Analyst $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Program Analyst $112 015 - 145 617 per year
Supervisory Program Analyst (Assistant Director) $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Program Management Specialist $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Program Manager $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Program Specialist $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Program Specialist (OI) $132 368 - 172 075 per year
Supervisory Records and Information Management Specialist $117 962 - 153 354 per year
Supervisory Security Specialist $132 368 - 172 075 per year
Supervisory Trial Attorney $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Trial Attorney (Assistant Deputy Chief, Litigation) $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Trial Attorney (Associate Director) $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Trial Attorney (Chief, FCPA Unit) $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Trial Attorney (Chief, Litigation Unit) $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Trial Attorney (Chief, Market Integrity and Major Frauds Unit) $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Trial Attorney (Chief, Policy and Statutory Enforcement Unit) $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Trial Attorney (Consumer Protection Branch) $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Trial Attorney (Deputy Chief and Head of National Cryptocurrency Enforcement Team) $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Trial Attorney (Deputy Chief) $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Trial Attorney (Deputy Chief, Bank Integrity Unit) $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Trial Attorney (Deputy Chief, Electronic Surveillance Unit) $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Trial Attorney (Deputy Chief, International Unit) $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Trial Attorney (Deputy Chief, Litigation) $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Trial Attorney (Deputy Chief, RICO) $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Trial Attorney (Principal Assistant Deputy Chief, FCPA Unit) $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Trial Attorney (Principal Assistant Deputy Chief, MIMF Unit) $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Trial Attorney (Senior Deputy Chief) $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Supvy Management and Program Analyst $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Targeting Support (1 YEAR) (REIMBURSABLE DETAIL) $82 764 - 153 354 per year
Telecommunications Specialist $64 957 - 122 459 per year
Training Management Specialist $94 199 - 145 617 per year
Travel Administrator $78 592 - 122 459 per year
Trial Attorney $132 368 - 183 500 per year
Trial Attorney (Assistant Chief) $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Trial Attorney (Bank Integrity Unit) $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Trial Attorney (CAMP LEJEUNE) $117 962 - 191 900 per year
Trial Attorney (Civil Fraud) $132 368 - 183 500 per year
Trial Attorney (Civil) $115 439 - 191 900 per year
Trial Attorney (Consumer - Affirmative Litigation) $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Trial Attorney (Consumer - Defensive Litigation) $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Trial Attorney (Consumer Protection Branch) $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Trial Attorney (Corporate Enforcement, Compliance, and Policy Unit) $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Trial Attorney (Corporate Financial Litigation) $112 015 - 183 500 per year
Trial Attorney (Detail) $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Trial Attorney (Digital Currency) $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Trial Attorney (Environmental Torts Litigation) $117 962 - 191 900 per year
Trial Attorney (FCPA & MIMF Units) $139 395 - 191 900 per year
Trial Attorney (Federal Programs Branch) $99 200 - 191 900 per year
Trial Attorney (Federal Tort Claims Act) $117 962 - 191 900 per year
Trial Attorney (FOIA/PA Unit) $132 368 - 183 500 per year
Trial Attorney (Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Unit) $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Trial Attorney (Health Care Fraud Unit) $116 393 - 183 500 per year
Trial Attorney (HTPU) $117 962 - 191 900 per year
Trial Attorney (International Unit) $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Trial Attorney (ITFO - New York) $115 118 - 183 500 per year
Trial Attorney (Litigation Unit) $132 368 - 183 500 per year
Trial Attorney (Market Integrity and Major Frauds Unit) $132 368 - 183 500 per year
Trial Attorney (National Courts Section) $112 015 - 183 500 per year
Trial Attorney (New York Field Office) $121 485 - 191 900 per year
Trial Attorney (OIL/DCS) $99 200 - 191 900 per year
Trial Attorney (OIL/District Court Section) $94 199 - 183 500 per year
Trial Attorney (Senior Litigation Counsel) $160 458 - 191 900 per year
Trial Attorney (Senior Litigation Counsel) Open Continuous $145 831 - 176 300 per year
Trial Attorney (Special Litigation Counsel) $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Trial Attorney (Torts Branch-Environmental Torts Litigation) $117 962 - 191 900 per year
TRIAL ATTORNEY (TORTS-CSTL/Bivens) $117 962 - 191 900 per year
Trial Attorney (Torts/ASA) $117 962 - 191 900 per year
Trial Attorney - Civil Fraud Section $139 395 - 191 900 per year
Trial Attorney - International Unit (Reimbursable Detail) $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Trial Attorney - Office of Foreign Litigation $139 395 - 191 900 per year
Trial Attorney(Consumer Protection Branch) $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Trial Attorney- Consumer Protection Branch $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Trial Attorney- Torts Branch-Environmental Torts Litigation $121 258 - 183 500 per year
Trial Attorney-eDiscovery (Consumer Protection Branch) $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Trial Attorney-Torts Branch Constitutional & Specialized Tort Litigation/Vaccine $94 199 - 183 500 per year
Trial Attorney-Torts Branch-Aviation, Space & Admiralty $112 015 - 183 500 per year
Trial Attorney-Torts/Aviation, Space & Admiralty-San Francisco Field Office $144 017 - 183 500 per year
Utility Systems Repairer Operator $34 - 39 per hour
Utility Systems Repairer-Operator $35 - 41 per hour
Utility Systems Repairer-Operator Helper $23 - 26 per hour
Veterans Employment Program Manager $117 962 - 153 354 per year
Victim Witness Program Coordinator $99 200 - 128 956 per year
Visual Information Specialist $78 592 - 122 459 per year
Wood Crafter $32 - 37 per hour
Writer-Editor $94 199 - 122 459 per year

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