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What is the salary in Bonneville Power Administration?

Looking for a job at BONNEVILLE POWER ADMINISTRATION? Look at salary statistics and make your own choice


Salaries at Bonneville Power Administration range from $33 693 per year for a Student Trainee (Operations Research Analyst) position, $36 per hour for a Electrician Helper position to $212 100 per year for a Vice President of Transmission System Operations position, $87 per hour for a Generation Dispatcher position

The average salary at Bonneville Power Administration is $105 666 per year, $65 per hour

Salary information at Bonneville Power Administration is objective data that will be useful to anyone considering employment at this company. The statistics in the table below are based on recent and archived Bonneville Power Administration job openings, so they can be considered practically accurate.

Positions Salary
Accountant $105 666 - 137 363 per year
Accounting Officer $146 874 - 183 500 per year
Aircraft Flight Instructor $134 550 - 174 920 per year
Aircraft Patrol Observer $71 - 71 per hour
Aircraft Pilot $128 510 - 167 060 per year
Appraiser $111 234 - 144 608 per year
Apprentice I $41 - 41 per hour
Archeologist $105 666 - 137 363 per year
Architect $93 543 - 121 601 per year
Asset Management Specialist (Data Management) $105 666 - 137 363 per year
Attorney-Adviser (General) $88 860 - 137 363 per year
Auditor $105 666 - 137 363 per year
Biological Scientist (Environmental) $50 094 - 79 655 per year
Budget Analyst $111 234 - 144 608 per year
Business Analyst $105 666 - 137 363 per year
Business Resilience Program Manager $111 234 - 144 608 per year
Business Specialist $78 044 - 121 601 per year
Business Systems Analyst (Data Management) $111 234 - 144 608 per year
Chemist $88 860 - 115 518 per year
Chief Technology Innovation and Strategy Officer $146 874 - 183 500 per year
Civil (Hydraulics) / Mechanical / Electrical Engineer $126 883 - 153 442 per year
Civil (Hydraulics) / Mechanical / Electrical Engineer (Project Representative) $109 908 - 146 542 per year
Civil / Mechanical / Electrical / Electronics Engineer $121 180 - 146 542 per year
Civil / Mechanical / Electrical Engineer $126 883 - 153 442 per year
Civil / Mechanical Engineering $81 708 - 116 652 per year
Civil Engineer $121 180 - 146 542 per year
Civil Engineer/Mechanical Engineer/Electrical Engineer $126 883 - 153 442 per year
Civil/Mechanical/Electrical/Electronics Engineer $121 180 - 146 542 per year
Community Planner/General Engineer/Architect $88 860 - 130 349 per year
Compliance Specialist $111 234 - 144 608 per year
Compliance Specialist (Program Manager) $111 234 - 144 608 per year
Compliance Support Specialist (Data Steward) $64 504 - 83 854 per year
Constituent Account Executive $116 393 - 168 283 per year
Contract Administration Analyst $74 137 - 115 518 per year
Contract Specialist $88 860 - 115 518 per year
Contract Specialist (Recent Graduate) $50 094 - 79 655 per year
Control Center Assistant $60 151 - 78 195 per year
Control Center Operations Analyst $60 151 - 78 195 per year
Critical Infrastructure Project Engineer $129 038 - 156 047 per year
Culture and Outreach Specialist $64 504 - 101 454 per year
Culture Specialist $111 234 - 144 608 per year
Customer Account Executive (Real Time Trader and Scheduler) $52 734 - 83 854 per year
Customer Account Executive (Real-Time Trader and Scheduler) $52 734 - 83 854 per year
Customer Service Reliability Program Specialist $105 666 - 137 363 per year
Customer Services Reliability Program Specialist $78 044 - 121 601 per year
Data Scientist $93 543 - 121 601 per year
Deputy Vice President Energy Efficiency $146 874 - 183 500 per year
Deputy Vice President Generation Asset Management $146 874 - 183 500 per year
Director of Market Initiatives $154 613 - 191 900 per year
Disbursement Specialist $52 734 - 83 854 per year
District Operations and Maintenance Manager $122 198 - 177 885 per year
Dittmer Dispatch Supervisor $131 445 - 170 881 per year
Diversity and Inclusion Specialist $105 666 - 144 608 per year
Economist $61 275 - 96 375 per year
Electrical / Electronics Engineer $121 180 - 146 542 per year
Electrical Engineer $92 928 - 118 499 per year
Electrical Engineer (Field) (RG) $66 802 - 96 414 per year
Electrical Engineer (Programming) $97 297 - 136 466 per year
Electrical Engineer (Recent Grad) $69 946 - 100 951 per year
Electrical Utility Material Handler $47 - 47 per hour
Electrical Utility Materials Handler $51 - 51 per hour
Electrician (Construction) $61 - 61 per hour
Electrician (Maint) $65 - 65 per hour
Electrician (Maintenance) $60 - 60 per hour
Electrician Foreman I $73 - 73 per hour
Electrician Foreman I (Maintenance) $68 - 68 per hour
Electrician Foreman III (Construction) $73 - 73 per hour
Electrician Foreman III (Maintenance) $80 - 80 per hour
Electrician Foreman III (T) $75 - 75 per hour
Electrician Foreman III (T) (Maintenance) $75 - 75 per hour
Electrician Helper $36 - 45 per hour
Electronics Engineer $121 180 - 146 542 per year
Electronics Engineer (Recent Grad) $49 025 - 77 955 per year
Electronics Engineer (Recent Grad) $69 946 - 100 951 per year
Electronics Technician $93 543 - 121 601 per year
Emergency Management Specialist $105 666 - 137 363 per year
Energy Efficiency Representative $103 409 - 134 850 per year
Engineering Technician $74 137 - 115 518 per year
Engineering Technician (Civil) $88 860 - 115 518 per year
Engineering Technician (Drafting/Mechanical) $93 543 - 115 366 per year
Engineering Technician (Electrical) $88 860 - 115 518 per year
Environmental Engineer $111 234 - 144 608 per year
Environmental Protection Specialist $74 137 - 115 518 per year
Environmental Support Assistant $64 504 - 83 854 per year
Equal Employment Manager $154 613 - 191 900 per year
Equal Employment Specialist $111 234 - 144 608 per year
Executive Associate Officer $78 044 - 121 601 per year
Facilities Maintenace Worker $43 - 46 per hour
Facilities Maintenance Worker $46 - 46 per hour
Facilities Operations Specialist $111 234 - 144 608 per year
Facility Operations Specialist $74 137 - 115 518 per year
Financial Analyst $105 666 - 137 363 per year
Financial Assistant/Analyst (Recent Graduate) $52 734 - 83 854 per year
Fish and Wildlife Administrator $105 666 - 137 363 per year
General Engineer (Recent Graduate) $66 802 - 96 414 per year
General Engineer/Physical Scientist/ Operations Research Analyst $64 504 - 122 137 per year
Generation Dispatcher $87 - 87 per hour
Geographer $111 234 - 144 608 per year
Geographer (GIS) $88 860 - 115 518 per year
Geographer (Remote Sensing) $88 860 - 115 518 per year
Governance and Internal Controls Supervisor $131 445 - 170 881 per year
Government Information Specialist $111 234 - 144 608 per year
Heavy Equipment Operator $57 - 57 per hour
Heavy Mobile Equipment Mechanic $55 - 55 per hour
High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) System Protection & Control Craftsman I $69 - 69 per hour
Historian $111 234 - 144 608 per year
Hydrologist $131 445 - 170 881 per year
Industrial Hygientist $98 496 - 137 363 per year
Industry Economist $105 666 - 137 363 per year
Instrumentation Craftsman (Lab) I & II $69 - 71 per hour
Interdisciplinary - Civil Engineer/Environmental Engineer $85 552 - 122 137 per year
Interdisciplinary - Community Planner/General Engineer/Architect $93 543 - 136 466 per year
Interdisciplinary - Supervisory Community Planner/General Engineer/Architect $111 234 - 144 608 per year
Interdisciplinary - Supervisory Historian/Supervisory Anthropologist/Supervisory Archeologist $146 874 - 183 500 per year
Interdisciplinary Architect/Civil Engineer (Structural)/Mechanical Engineer/Electrical Engineer $105 666 - 137 363 per year
Interdisciplinary Civil / Environmental Engineer $52 734 - 83 854 per year
Interdisciplinary Civil Engineer-Physical Scientist (Environmental) $105 666 - 137 363 per year
Interdisciplinary Civil Engineer/Mechanical Engineer/Electrical Engineer $126 883 - 153 442 per year
Interdisciplinary Civil/ Electrical/ Electronics Engineer $126 883 - 153 442 per year
Interdisciplinary Civil/Mechanical Engineer $139 474 - 170 881 per year
Interdisciplinary Civil/Mechanical/Electrical Engineer $121 180 - 146 542 per year
Interdisciplinary Civil/Mechanical/Electrical/Electronics Engineer $139 474 - 170 857 per year
Interdisciplinary Electrical Engineer/ Electronics Engineer $121 180 - 146 542 per year
Interdisciplinary Electrical Engineer/Mechanical Engineer $97 297 - 124 061 per year
Interdisciplinary Electrical/Electronic Engineer $126 883 - 153 442 per year
Interdisciplinary Electrical/Electronic/Civil/Mechanical Engineer $129 038 - 156 047 per year
Interdisciplinary Electrical/Electronics Engineer $129 038 - 156 047 per year
Interdisciplinary Electrical/Electronics/Civil/Mechanical Engineer $129 038 - 156 047 per year
Interdisciplinary Mechanical Engineer/Electrical Engineer $115 079 - 141 638 per year
Interdisciplinary Mechanical/Electrical/Civil/ Electronics Engineer $121 180 - 146 542 per year
Interdisciplinary Operations Research Analyst-Physical Scientist $111 234 - 144 608 per year
Interdisciplinary Physical Scientist-Operations Research Analyst $111 234 - 144 608 per year
Interdisciplinary Supervisory Civil/Mechanical/Electrical Engineer $139 474 - 170 857 per year
Interdisciplinary Supervisory Community Planner / General Engineer / Architect $105 666 - 137 363 per year
Interdisciplinary Supervisory Historian-Anthropologist-Archeologist $124 865 - 162 322 per year
Interdisciplinary Supervisory Industry Economist-Mathematician-Statistical Mathematician $124 865 - 162 322 per year
Interdisciplinary Supervisory Mechanical/Electrical/Civil/ Electronics Engineer $139 474 - 170 857 per year
Interdisciplinary Supervisory Mechanical/Electrical/Civil/Electronics Engineer $139 474 - 170 857 per year
Interdisiplinary Electrical/Electronics Engineer $129 038 - 156 047 per year
Interior Designer $88 860 - 115 518 per year
Internal Operations Manager $105 666 - 137 363 per year
Inventory Management Specialist $61 275 - 96 375 per year
IT Cybersecurity Specialist $124 865 - 162 322 per year
IT Project Manager $111 234 - 144 608 per year
IT Specialist $105 666 - 137 363 per year
IT Specialist (APPSW) $105 666 - 137 363 per year
IT Specialist (APPSW/CUSTSPT) $88 860 - 115 518 per year
IT SPECIALIST (APPSW/DATAMGT) $105 666 - 137 363 per year
IT Specialist (APPSW/SYSADMIN) $111 234 - 144 608 per year
IT Specialist (Data Management) $93 543 - 121 601 per year
IT Specialist (DATAMGMT/APPSW) $93 543 - 121 601 per year
IT Specialist (DATAMGT) $88 860 - 115 518 per year
IT Specialist (DATAMGT/APPSW) $88 860 - 115 518 per year
IT SPECIALIST (INFOSEC) $105 666 - 137 363 per year
IT Specialist (Network) $93 543 - 121 601 per year
IT Specialist (Network/SysAdmin) $103 728 - 134 850 per year
IT Specialist (PLCYPLN) $111 234 - 144 608 per year
IT Specialist (Recent Grad) $66 732 - 86 750 per year
IT Specialist (RG) $54 111 - 82 854 per year
IT Specialist (SYSADMIN) $105 666 - 137 363 per year
IT Specialist (SYSADMIN/APPSW) $111 234 - 144 608 per year
IT Specialist (SYSADMIN/CUSTSPT) $86 962 - 113 047 per year
IT Specialist (SYSADMIN/DATAMGT) $111 234 - 144 608 per year
IT Specialist (SYSADMIN/INFOSEC) $105 666 - 137 363 per year
IT Specialist (SYSADMIN/OS) $105 666 - 137 363 per year
IT Specialist (SYSADMIN/SYSANALYS) $105 666 - 137 363 per year
IT Specialist (SYSADMIN/SYSANALYSIS) $105 666 - 137 363 per year
IT SPECIALIST (SYSADMIN/SYSANALYST) $105 666 - 137 363 per year
IT Specialist (SYSANALYSIS) $88 860 - 115 518 per year
IT Specialist (SYSANALYSIS/APPSW) $105 666 - 137 363 per year
IT Specialist (SYSANALYSIS/INET) $111 234 - 144 608 per year
IT Specialist (SYSANALYSIS/SYSADMIN) $105 666 - 137 363 per year
IT Specialist (System Administration/Analysis) $111 234 - 144 608 per year
IT Specialist (System Administration/Operating Systems) $105 666 - 137 363 per year
IT Specialist (System Analysis/Application Software) $111 234 - 144 608 per year
IT Specialist (Systems Administration/Operating Systems) $111 234 - 144 608 per year
IT SPECIALIST(SYSADMIN/DATAMGT) $105 666 - 137 363 per year
Land Surveyor $88 860 - 115 518 per year
Lead Management and Program Analyst $111 234 - 144 608 per year
Librarian $93 543 - 121 601 per year
Line Equipment Operator $54 - 54 per hour
Lineman $60 - 60 per hour
Lineman Foreman I $67 - 67 per hour
Lineman Foreman III $73 - 73 per hour
Management & Program Analyst $93 543 - 121 601 per year
Management Analyst $105 666 - 137 363 per year
Management and Program Analyst $74 137 - 115 518 per year
Management and Program Analyst (Business) $111 234 - 144 608 per year
Management and Program Analyst (COR Function Business Analyst) $105 666 - 137 363 per year
Management and Program Analyst (Export Control Analyst) $105 666 - 137 363 per year
Management and Program Analyst (Supplemental Labor - Operations Team Lead) $111 234 - 144 608 per year
Management and Program Analyst (Supplemental Labor) $93 543 - 121 601 per year
Management and Program Analyst (System Product Owner) $111 234 - 144 608 per year
Management Associate I $50 094 - 79 655 per year
Market Research & Market Modeling Project Manager - Energy Efficiency (Public Utilities Specialist) $93 543 - 121 601 per year
Mathematical Statistician $105 666 - 137 363 per year
Mathematical Statistician (Recent Grad) $64 504 - 83 854 per year
Mechanical Engineer $109 019 - 130 349 per year
Natural Resource Specialist (Environmental Compliance) $111 234 - 144 608 per year
Operations and Planning Manager $131 445 - 170 881 per year
Operations Research Analyst $50 094 - 79 655 per year
Operations Research Analyst (Recent Graduate) $46 696 - 79 655 per year
Personnel Security Specialist $52 734 - 83 854 per year
Physical Scientist $88 860 - 137 363 per year
Physical Scientist (Environmental) $98 496 - 137 363 per year
Physical Scientist/Operations Research Analyst $131 445 - 170 881 per year
Physical Security Specialist $111 234 - 144 608 per year
Policy Analyst $105 666 - 137 363 per year
Policy Analyst (Environmental) $111 234 - 144 608 per year
Policy Specialist $105 666 - 137 363 per year
Power Customer Services Manager $144 179 - 187 429 per year
Power System Control Craftsman I & II $73 - 76 per hour
Power System Control Craftsman Trainee 5 $60 - 60 per hour
Printing Service Specialist - GPO $64 504 - 83 854 per year
Procurement Analyst $124 865 - 162 322 per year
Program Analyst $61 275 - 96 375 per year
Program Analyst (Change Management) $111 234 - 144 608 per year
Program Analyst (Change Manager) $105 666 - 137 363 per year
Program Analyst (Environmental Compliance) $78 044 - 121 601 per year
Program Analyst (INFOSEC) $111 234 - 144 608 per year
Program Analyst Analytic Specialist (D&I) $78 044 - 121 601 per year
Program Management Specialist $103 409 - 144 608 per year
Program Specialist (Compliance and Governance) $111 234 - 144 608 per year
Project Engineer - Interdisciplinary Civil/Mechanical/Electrical/Electronics Engineer $103 507 - 136 466 per year
Project Management Specialist $111 234 - 144 608 per year
Project Manager $105 666 - 137 363 per year
Property Disposal Specialist (Hazardous Waste Management) $93 543 - 121 601 per year
PSC Craftsman (Control Center) I & II $75 - 77 per hour
Pubic Utilities Specialist $78 044 - 121 601 per year
Public Affairs Specialist (Graphics and Digital Content) $88 860 - 115 518 per year
Public Affairs Specialist (Social Media) $93 543 - 121 601 per year
Public Affairs Specialist (Strategic Communications) $105 666 - 137 363 per year
Public Utilities Specialist $105 666 - 137 363 per year
Public Utilities Specialist (Account Executive) $105 666 - 137 363 per year
Public Utilities Specialist (Administration) $61 275 - 79 655 per year
Public Utilities Specialist (Administration) (Recent Graduate) $52 734 - 68 556 per year
Public Utilities Specialist (Analysis) $103 728 - 150 535 per year
Public Utilities Specialist (Budget Operations) $111 234 - 144 608 per year
Public Utilities Specialist (Business Analyst) $105 666 - 137 363 per year
Public Utilities Specialist (Contracts) $105 666 - 137 363 per year
Public Utilities Specialist (Customer Account Executive) $124 865 - 162 322 per year
Public Utilities Specialist (Data Management & Analysis) $105 666 - 137 363 per year
Public Utilities Specialist (Data Management/Analysis) $111 234 - 144 608 per year
Public Utilities Specialist (Data Steward) $93 543 - 121 601 per year
Public Utilities Specialist (EESC Lead) $124 865 - 162 322 per year
Public Utilities Specialist (EIM Entity Scheduling Coordinator) $111 234 - 144 608 per year
Public Utilities Specialist (Energy Efficiency) $74 137 - 115 518 per year
Public Utilities Specialist (Fiber and Wireless Account Executive) $111 234 - 144 608 per year
Public Utilities Specialist (Lead Market Integration Analyst) $111 234 - 144 608 per year
Public Utilities Specialist (Market Initiative Program Manager) $124 865 - 162 322 per year
Public Utilities Specialist (Market Initiatives Program Manager) $131 445 - 170 881 per year
Public Utilities Specialist (Market Initiatives) $131 445 - 170 881 per year
Public Utilities Specialist (Marketing) $78 044 - 121 601 per year
Public Utilities Specialist (Metering) $52 734 - 68 556 per year
Public Utilities Specialist (OASIS Management) $93 543 - 121 601 per year
Public Utilities Specialist (Policy Lead- Provider of Choice) $134 180 - 174 433 per year
Public Utilities Specialist (Portfolio Management) $124 865 - 162 322 per year
Public Utilities Specialist (Program Manager) $131 445 - 170 881 per year
Public Utilities Specialist (Project Manager) $105 666 - 137 363 per year
Public Utilities Specialist (Rates) $64 504 - 101 454 per year
Public Utilities Specialist (Rates) (RG) $61 275 - 79 655 per year
Public Utilities Specialist (Recent Graduate) $50 094 - 79 655 per year
Public Utilities Specialist (Reliability Standards Specialist) $111 234 - 144 608 per year
Public Utilities Specialist (Reservation Program Manager) $131 445 - 170 881 per year
Public Utilities Specialist (Resource Economics Planner) $105 666 - 137 363 per year
Public Utilities Specialist (Revenue Analyst) $93 543 - 121 601 per year
Public Utilities Specialist (Revenue) $61 275 - 96 375 per year
Public Utilities Specialist (Scheduling Program Manager) $131 445 - 170 881 per year
Public Utilities Specialist (Settlement Analyst) $78 044 - 121 601 per year
Public Utilities Specialist (Settlements Analyst) $93 543 - 121 601 per year
Public Utilities Specialist (Settlements Product Owner) $111 234 - 144 608 per year
Public Utilities Specialist (System Administration) $105 666 - 137 363 per year
Public Utilities Specialist (Transmission Scheduling) $57 118 - 89 835 per year
Public Utility Specialist (Metering) $111 234 - 144 608 per year
Realty Specialist $74 137 - 119 760 per year
Records and Information Management Specialist $95 543 - 121 601 per year
Reliability Standards Owner $111 234 - 144 608 per year
Safety and Occupational Health Manager $105 666 - 137 363 per year
Safety and Occupational Health Specialist $78 044 - 121 601 per year
Secretary (OA) $49 176 - 70 795 per year
Secretary (OA) (Administrative Associate) $50 094 - 72 125 per year
Security Officer $154 613 - 191 900 per year
Security Specialist $93 543 - 121 601 per year
Sheet Metal Mechanic $65 - 65 per hour
Space Management Technical Representative $64 504 - 83 854 per year
Statistician $105 666 - 137 363 per year
Student Trainee (Accounting) $38 050 - 68 556 per year
Student Trainee (Auditing) $36 145 - 65 122 per year
Student Trainee (Business Analyst) $33 897 - 55 339 per year
Student Trainee (Civil Engineer) $35 373 - 45 982 per year
Student Trainee (Civil Engineering) $36 145 - 46 989 per year
Student Trainee (Contracting) $38 050 - 68 556 per year
Student Trainee (Electrical Engineer) $36 145 - 46 989 per year
Student Trainee (Electronics Engineer) $36 145 - 46 989 per year
Student Trainee (Environmental) $38 050 - 68 556 per year
Student Trainee (Financial Analysis) $38 050 - 68 556 per year
Student Trainee (General Engineer) $33 693 - 78 826 per year
Student Trainee (Mechanical Engineering) $36 145 - 46 989 per year
Student Trainee (Natural Resource Specialist) $35 373 - 45 982 per year
Student Trainee (Operations Research Analyst) $33 693 - 65 122 per year
Student Trainee (Program Analyst) $38 050 - 68 556 per year
Student Trainee (Public Utilities Specialist) $33 897 - 55 339 per year
Student Trainee (Realty Specialist) $36 145 - 46 989 per year
Substation Maintenance Craft Specialist $111 234 - 144 608 per year
Substation Operations Specialist $98 496 - 137 363 per year
Substation Operator $60 - 60 per hour
Substation Operator Apprentice I $41 - 41 per hour
Substation Operator Trainee 1 $55 - 55 per hour
Substation Operator Trainee I $55 - 55 per hour
Supervisory Accountant $131 445 - 170 881 per year
Supervisory Business Analyst $154 613 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Civil / Mechanical / Electrical / Electronics Engineer $133 208 - 163 178 per year
Supervisory Civil/Mechanical/Electrical/Electronics Engineer $133 208 - 163 178 per year
Supervisory Community Planner / General Engineer / Architect $111 234 - 153 442 per year
Supervisory Contract Specialist $105 666 - 137 363 per year
Supervisory Disbursement Specialist $111 234 - 144 608 per year
Supervisory Electrical Engineer $133 208 - 163 178 per year
Supervisory Electrical Engineer/Supervisory Electronics Engineer $157 613 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Electronics Engineer $139 474 - 170 857 per year
Supervisory Electronics Engineer (Controls & Communications Manager) $146 874 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Environmental Protection Specialist $124 865 - 162 322 per year
Supervisory Facility Operations Specialist $154 613 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Financial Analyst $146 874 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Fish and Wildlife Administrator $131 445 - 170 881 per year
Supervisory General Supply Specialist $124 865 - 162 322 per year
Supervisory Geographer (GIS)/Civil Engineer/Cartographer/Land Surveyor/Data Scientist $131 445 - 170 857 per year
Supervisory IT Project Manager $131 445 - 170 881 per year
Supervisory IT Specialist $124 865 - 162 322 per year
Supervisory IT Specialist (CUSTSPT/SYSADMIN) $103 728 - 134 850 per year
Supervisory IT Specialist (PLCYPLN) $131 445 - 170 881 per year
Supervisory IT Specialist (SYSADMIN) $124 865 - 162 322 per year
Supervisory IT Specialist (SYSADMIN/APPSW) $131 445 - 170 881 per year
Supervisory Management & Program Analyst $131 445 - 170 881 per year
Supervisory Management Analyst $111 234 - 144 608 per year
Supervisory Management Analyst (Internal Operations Manager) $131 445 - 170 881 per year
Supervisory Management and Program Analyst $131 445 - 170 881 per year
Supervisory Management Specialist $131 445 - 170 881 per year
Supervisory Mechanical / Electrical / Civil / Electronics Engineer $133 208 - 163 178 per year
Supervisory Operations Research Analyst $131 445 - 170 881 per year
Supervisory Physical Scientist/Operations Research Analyst $124 865 - 162 322 per year
Supervisory Public Utilities Specialist $124 865 - 162 322 per year
Supervisory Public Utilities Specialist (Contracts) $131 445 - 170 881 per year
Supervisory Public Utilities Specialist (Transmission Scheduling) $122 575 - 159 350 per year
Supervisory Realty Specialist $105 666 - 142 408 per year
Supervisory Security Specialist $131 445 - 170 881 per year
Supervisory Tribal Account Executive $146 874 - 183 500 per year
Supply Systems Analyst $74 137 - 115 518 per year
Supply Systems Data Specialist $64 504 - 101 454 per year
Support Services Specialist $81 242 - 105 612 per year
Surveyor Technician $78 044 - 101 454 per year
Sustainability Program Specialist $105 666 - 137 363 per year
System Protection and Control Specialist $78 044 - 121 601 per year
System Protection Control Craftsman I & II $69 - 71 per hour
System Protection Control Craftsman Trainee 5 $65 - 65 per hour
System Protection Control Craftsman Trainee 7 $63 - 63 per hour
Telecommunication Specialist $93 543 - 121 601 per year
Telecommunications Specialist $93 543 - 121 601 per year
Transmission Field Clerk (OA) $45 080 - 58 601 per year
Transmission Line/Fiber Field Maintenance Specialist $111 234 - 144 608 per year
Transmission Technology Infrastructure Services Manager $154 613 - 191 900 per year
Tribal Account Executive $124 865 - 162 322 per year
Vendor Maintenance Coordinator $93 543 - 121 601 per year
Vice President of Transmission System Operations $185 335 - 212 100 per year
Welder $65 - 65 per hour
Work Planner Scheduler $105 666 - 137 363 per year
Work Schedule Planner $88 621 - 129 494 per year
Writer-Editor (Recent Graduate) $50 094 - 65 122 per year

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