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What is the salary in U.S. Army, Pacific?

Looking for a job at U.S. ARMY, PACIFIC? Look at salary statistics and make your own choice


Salaries at U.S. Army, Pacific range from $39 207 per year for a Supply Technician (OA) position, $26 per hour for a Heavy Mobile Equipment Repairer position to $225 700 per year for a Assistant Chief of Staff, G8 position, $56 per hour for a Maintenance Supervisor position

The average salary at U.S. Army, Pacific is $93 367 per year, $37 per hour

Salary information at U.S. Army, Pacific is objective data that will be useful to anyone considering employment at this company. The statistics in the table below are based on recent and archived U.S. Army, Pacific job openings, so they can be considered practically accurate.

Positions Salary
Accountant $111 026 - 144 331 per year
Administrative Officer $77 898 - 101 263 per year
Administrative Services Assistant $55 378 - 71 993 per year
Ammunition Manager $102 444 - 133 176 per year
Ammunition Program Specialist $90 662 - 117 856 per year
Antiterrorism Officer $102 444 - 133 176 per year
Army Reserve Administrator $59 407 - 77 226 per year
Assistant Chief of Staff $152 925 - 195 200 per year
Assistant Chief of Staff, G8 $150 159 - 225 700 per year
Attorney-Adviser $111 026 - 144 331 per year
Attorney-Adviser (Contract) $127 397 - 165 619 per year
Attorney-Adviser (International) $127 397 - 165 619 per year
Audio-Visual Production Specialist $86 151 - 111 996 per year
Auditor $86 151 - 111 996 per year
Budget Analyst $86 151 - 111 996 per year
Budget Officer $116 811 - 151 858 per year
Civil Engineer $107 809 - 140 155 per year
Command Knowledge Manager $127 397 - 165 619 per year
Data Scientist $75 640 - 98 330 per year
Defense Travel Specialist $93 367 - 121 378 per year
DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS $138 035 - 179 448 per year
Deputy Inspector General $107 809 - 140 155 per year
Dietitian (Holistic Health and Fitness) $93 367 - 121 378 per year
Director of Postal Operations $102 444 - 133 173 per year
Director Training Activity -Alaska $138 035 - 179 448 per year
Drug Test Coordinator $62 517 - 81 272 per year
Electrical Equipment Repairer $37 - 43 per hour
Electronics Mechanic $35 - 41 per hour
Emergency Management Specialist $107 809 - 140 155 per year
Emergency Management Specialist (Actions Controller) $64 384 - 83 695 per year
Engineering Equipment Operator $39 - 45 per hour
Engineering Equipment Operator Leader (LRAM) $41 - 48 per hour
Environmental Protection Specialist $77 192 - 100 344 per year
Equipment Concentration Site Manager $90 662 - 117 856 per year
Equipment Specialist (Aircraft) $98 232 - 127 698 per year
Executive Assistant $59 407 - 77 226 per year
Executive Director Of Future Plans And Concepts, U.S. Army Pacific $147 649 - 221 900 per year
Exercise Planning Specialist $98 232 - 127 698 per year
Explosives Safety Specialist $86 151 - 111 996 per year
Facility Operations Specialist $64 384 - 83 695 per year
Facility Operations Specialsit $67 738 - 88 058 per year
Family Advocacy Program Specialist $71 877 - 93 437 per year
Family Program Director $90 662 - 117 856 per year
Family Program Specialist $57 118 - 74 250 per year
Financial Literacy Specialist $71 877 - 93 437 per year
Financial Management Analysis $90 662 - 117 856 per year
FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT ANALYST $77 898 - 101 263 per year
Financial Management Analyst (Data Analytics) $62 517 - 117 856 per year
Foreign Affairs Specialist $121 059 - 157 373 per year
General Engineer $107 809 - 140 155 per year
Global Force Management Specialist $102 444 - 133 176 per year
Health Technician (Nutrition Educator) $52 636 - 68 426 per year
Heavy Mobile Equipment Repair Inspector $29 - 34 per hour
Heavy Mobile Equipment Repairer $26 - 31 per hour
Heavy Mobile Equipment Repairer Leader $39 - 45 per hour
Helicopter Flight Instructor (Flight Simulator) $93 367 - 121 378 per year
Holistic Health and Fitness Program Director $107 809 - 140 155 per year
HR SPEC $102 444 - 133 176 per year
HR Spec (Military) $107 809 - 140 155 per year
Human Resources Assistant (Military) $55 378 - 71 993 per year
Human Resources Assistant (Military/OA) $48 567 - 63 137 per year
Human Resources Specialist $98 232 - 127 698 per year
Human Resources Specialist (Military) $64 384 - 83 695 per year
Information Technology Specialist (Customer Support) $105 676 - 137 375 per year
Inspector General $107 809 - 140 155 per year
Instrumentation Integration Analyst $90 662 - 117 856 per year
Intelligence Specialist $102 444 - 133 176 per year
Intelligence Specialist (Operations Support) $107 809 - 140 155 per year
Intelligence Specialist (Operations) $107 809 - 140 155 per year
Intelligence Specialist (Staff Management) $102 444 - 133 176 per year
Inventory Management Specialist $90 662 - 117 856 per year
IT Project Manager (Network) $107 809 - 140 155 per year
IT Project Manager (NETWORK/SYSANALYSIS) $102 444 - 133 176 per year
IT SPECIALIST (APPSW/CUSTSPT) $86 198 - 112 055 per year
IT Specialist (INFOSEC) $93 261 - 121 239 per year
IT SPECIALIST (INFOSEC/CUSTSPT) $100 091 - 130 124 per year
IT Specialist (NETWORK/CUSTSPT) $86 198 - 112 055 per year
IT Specialist (PLCYPLN) $102 444 - 133 176 per year
IT Specialist (PLCYPLN/INFOSEC) $107 809 - 140 155 per year
IT Specialist (Security) $81 961 - 106 546 per year
IT Specialist (Systems Administration) $93 367 - 121 378 per year
IT Specialist (Systems Administration/Applications Software) $107 809 - 140 155 per year
Joint Multinational Exercise Program Manager $102 444 - 133 176 per year
Knowledge Management Specialist $90 662 - 117 856 per year
Lead Budget Analyst $98 232 - 127 698 per year
Lead Logistics Management Specialist $98 232 - 127 698 per year
Liaison Officer $127 397 - 165 619 per year
Live Maneuver Training Analyst $86 151 - 111 996 per year
Logistic Management Specialist $102 444 - 133 176 per year
Logistics Management Specialist $57 118 - 74 250 per year
Logistics Management Specialist (AMMO) $107 809 - 140 155 per year
Logistics Management Specialist (OCS/ACSA) $102 444 - 133 176 per year
LRAM Coordinator $71 877 - 93 437 per year
Maintenance Mechanic $35 - 41 per hour
Maintenance Supervisor $48 - 56 per hour
Maintenance Worker $31 - 36 per hour
Management Analyst $86 151 - 111 996 per year
Management and Program Analyst $75 640 - 117 856 per year
Management and Program Analyst (Operations) $127 397 - 165 619 per year
Management and Program Analyst (Support Operations) $121 059 - 157 373 per year
Medical Planner $93 367 - 121 378 per year
MILDEC Planner (Special Activities) $102 444 - 133 176 per year
Military Pay Technician $48 567 - 63 137 per year
Military Personnel and Administrative Assistant $48 567 - 63 137 per year
Military Personnel and Administrative Specialist $57 118 - 74 250 per year
Military Plans and Mobilization Specialist $107 809 - 140 155 per year
Military Plans Specialist $93 367 - 121 378 per year
Mobilization Plans Officer $86 151 - 111 996 per year
Occupational Therapist (Holistic Health and Fitness) $93 367 - 121 378 per year
Occupational Therapy Assistant (Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant) $52 636 - 68 426 per year
Operations and Training Officer $102 444 - 133 176 per year
Operations and Training Specialist $90 662 - 117 856 per year
Operations Center Manager $86 151 - 111 996 per year
OPERATIONS OFFICER $86 151 - 111 996 per year
Operations Protection Officer $127 397 - 165 619 per year
Organizational Inspection Program Coordinator $102 444 - 133 176 per year
Paralegal Specialist $55 378 - 88 058 per year
Personnel Recovery Manager $107 809 - 140 155 per year
Physical Security Specialist $90 662 - 117 856 per year
Physical Therapist (Holistic Health and Fitness) $93 367 - 121 378 per year
Physical Therapy Assistant (Holistic Health and Fitness) $48 648 - 63 241 per year
Plans and Operations Specialist $107 809 - 140 155 per year
PLANS AND OPERATIONS SPECIALIST (HICON) $86 151 - 111 996 per year
Plans Specialist (CBRNE) $107 809 - 140 155 per year
Prevention Specialist (PREV WF) $98 232 - 127 698 per year
Program Analysis Officer $107 809 - 140 155 per year
Program Analyst $90 662 - 140 155 per year
Program Analyst (MCTSP) $107 809 - 140 155 per year
Program Analyst (Plans and Operations) $90 662 - 117 856 per year
Program Analyst (Security Cooperation) $75 640 - 117 856 per year
Program Manager (ATLR) $149 852 - 191 900 per year
Program Manager (CEIE) $107 809 - 140 155 per year
Program Manager (Civilian Harm Mitigation and Response) $127 397 - 165 619 per year
Program Manager (Internship) $75 640 - 98 330 per year
Program Manager (Strategic Advisor) $107 809 - 140 155 per year
Programs Inspection Specialist $90 662 - 117 856 per year
Protocol Specialist $86 151 - 111 996 per year
Public Affairs Specialist $77 898 - 101 263 per year
Quality of Life and Family Programs Specialist $86 151 - 111 996 per year
Range Maintenance Worker (Motor Vehicle Operator) $32 - 38 per hour
Range Management Officer $107 809 - 140 155 per year
Range Operations Manager $86 151 - 111 996 per year
Range Operations Specialist $64 384 - 83 695 per year
Range Planning Specialist $71 877 - 93 437 per year
Range Safety Technician $48 567 - 63 137 per year
Range Scheduling Specialist $59 407 - 77 226 per year
Readiness Advisor $121 059 - 157 373 per year
Ready and Resilient Program Manager $107 809 - 140 155 per year
Resource Management Analyst $107 809 - 140 155 per year
Resource Management Officer $90 662 - 117 856 per year
Resource Manager $127 397 - 165 619 per year
Safety & Occupational Health Specialist $86 151 - 111 996 per year
Safety and Occupational Health Manager $102 444 - 133 176 per year
Safety and Occupational Health Specialist $86 151 - 111 996 per year
Safety and Occupational Heath Manager $93 367 - 121 378 per year
SCENARIO DESIGN SPECIALIST $102 444 - 133 176 per year
Scenario Planner $86 151 - 111 996 per year
Scheduling Specialist $67 738 - 88 058 per year
Security Assistant $59 407 - 77 226 per year
Security Cooperation Planning Specialist $93 367 - 121 378 per year
Security Officer $102 444 - 133 176 per year
Security Specialist $86 151 - 111 996 per year
Security Specialist (Antiterrorism/Vulnerability Management) $107 809 - 140 155 per year
Security Specialist (Disclosure) $102 444 - 133 176 per year
Security Specialist (Plans and Mobilization) $90 662 - 140 155 per year
Senior Range Specialist $59 407 - 77 226 per year
Senior Tasking & Orders Manager $107 809 - 140 155 per year
Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SAR WF) $75 640 - 98 330 per year
Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (Sexual Assault Response Workforce) $81 956 - 106 541 per year
SHARP Program Compliance Specialist (SAR WF) $107 809 - 140 155 per year
Sharp Program Prevention Specialist (SAR WF) $86 151 - 111 996 per year
SHARP Program Prevention Specialist (Sexual Assault Response Workforce) $93 367 - 121 378 per year
SHARP Program Support Services Specialist (Sexual Assault Response Workforce) $93 367 - 121 378 per year
Staff Administrative Specialist $59 407 - 77 226 per year
Staff Operations and Training Specialist $59 407 - 77 226 per year
Supervisory Accountant $127 397 - 165 617 per year
Supervisory Budget Analyst $102 444 - 133 176 per year
Supervisory Facility Operations Specialist $86 151 - 111 996 per year
Supervisory Financial Management Analyst $107 809 - 140 155 per year
Supervisory HR Specialist (Military) $111 026 - 144 331 per year
Supervisory Intelligence Specialist $127 397 - 165 619 per year
Supervisory Intelligence Specialist (Operations Support) $116 811 - 151 858 per year
Supervisory Intelligence Specialist (Operations) $102 444 - 133 176 per year
Supervisory IT Specialist (Policy and Planning / Customer Support) $127 397 - 165 619 per year
Supervisory Logistics Management Specialist $102 444 - 133 176 per year
Supervisory Management Analyst $102 444 - 133 176 per year
Supervisory Management and Program Analyst (FUOPS) $127 397 - 165 619 per year
Supervisory Management and Program Analyst (Operations) $107 809 - 140 155 per year
Supervisory Military Personnel and Administrative Specialist $71 877 - 93 437 per year
Supervisory Prevention Specialist (Prevention Lead) (Prev WF) $107 809 - 140 155 per year
Supervisory Program Analyst (Data Analytics) $127 397 - 165 619 per year
Supervisory Range Operations Specialist $75 640 - 98 330 per year
Supervisory Ranger Operations Specialist $75 640 - 98 330 per year
Supervisory Safety & Occupational Health Specialist $121 059 - 157 373 per year
SUPERVISORY SARC (PRINCIPAL) (SAR WF) $107 809 - 140 155 per year
SUPERVISORY SARC (SAR WF) $86 151 - 111 996 per year
Supervisory Security Specialist $116 811 - 151 858 per year
Supervisory Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (Sexual Assault Response Workforce) $98 232 - 127 698 per year
Supervisory Staff Administrator $71 877 - 93 437 per year
Supervisory Training and Exercise Specialist $111 026 - 144 331 per year
Supply Technician $52 636 - 68 426 per year
Supply Technician (OA) $39 207 - 50 974 per year
Supv Intelligence Specialist (Staff Management) $107 809 - 140 155 per year
Supv IT Specialist (PLCYPLN) $127 397 - 165 619 per year
Supv Logistics Management Specialist $121 059 - 157 373 per year
Tasking Operations & Foreign Disclosure Officer $107 809 - 140 155 per year
Telecommunications Specialist $107 809 - 140 155 per year
Telecommunications Specialist (Satellite Communications Planner) $110 020 - 143 027 per year
Training Administrator $93 367 - 121 378 per year
Training and Exercise Specialist $110 020 - 143 027 per year
Training Development Specialist $107 809 - 140 155 per year
Training Instructor (TADSS) $59 407 - 77 226 per year
Training Program Manager (HST) $107 809 - 140 155 per year
Training Specialist (Plans and Operations) $86 151 - 111 996 per year
Training Support Officer $116 811 - 151 858 per year
Training Support Specialist (Training Aids and Devices Simulator/Simulation/ Forklift Operator) $67 738 - 88 058 per year
Training Technician (Military) $64 384 - 83 695 per year
Unit Administrative Technician $51 110 - 66 445 per year
Unit Training Specialist $77 898 - 101 263 per year
Victim Advocate (SHARP) (SAR WF) $59 407 - 77 226 per year
Victim Advocate (SHARP) (Sexual Assault Response Workforce) $67 738 - 88 058 per year
Victim Advocate (SHARP)(SAR WF) $63 526 - 82 580 per year
Victim Advocate (SHARP)(Sexual Assault Response Workforce) $67 738 - 88 058 per year
Well Being and Quality of Life Specialist $107 809 - 140 155 per year

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