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What is the salary in National Nuclear Security Administration?

Looking for a job at NATIONAL NUCLEAR SECURITY ADMINISTRATION? Look at salary statistics and make your own choice


Salaries at National Nuclear Security Administration range from $39 993 per year for a Human Resources Assistant (Information Systems) position to $221 900 per year for a Senior Naval Reactors Representative (Puget Sound Naval Shipyard) position

The average salary at National Nuclear Security Administration is $117 962 per year

Salary information at National Nuclear Security Administration is objective data that will be useful to anyone considering employment at this company. The statistics in the table below are based on recent and archived National Nuclear Security Administration job openings, so they can be considered practically accurate.

Positions Salary
Accountant $57 672 - 108 724 per year
ADA for Advanced Simulation and Computing and Institutional Research and Development Programs $193 819 - 221 900 per year
Airplane Pilot $128 354 - 183 582 per year
Assistant Deputy Administrator for Engineering and Technology Maturation $193 819 - 221 900 per year
Assistant Deputy Administrator for Pit Production Modernization $185 335 - 212 100 per year
Assistant Deputy Administrator for Stockpile Sustainment $193 819 - 221 900 per year
Assistant Deputy Administrator for Strategic Materials Production Modernization $193 819 - 221 900 per year
Assistant Deputy Administrator for Warhead Assembly and Non-Nuclear Modernization $193 819 - 221 900 per year
Associate Administrator and Deputy Under Secretary for Counterterrorism and Counterproliferation $185 335 - 212 100 per year
Associate Administrator for Management and Budget $193 819 - 221 900 per year
Associate Assistant Deputy Administrator for Global Material Security $185 335 - 212 100 per year
Auditor $59 015 - 156 334 per year
Biological Scientist/General Engineer/ Physical Scientist $123 485 - 197 540 per year
Budget Analyst $58 564 - 156 334 per year
Budget Analyst (Chief, Budget and Performance Branch) $106 445 - 164 245 per year
Civil (Structural) Engineer $94 199 - 150 016 per year
Computer Engineer $139 395 - 191 900 per year
Computer Scientist $117 962 - 181 216 per year
Congressional Affairs Specialist $117 962 - 181 216 per year
Contract Specialist $58 226 - 154 243 per year
Contract Specialist (Open Continuous) $49 028 - 152 771 per year
Contract Specialist (Open-Continuous) $40 028 - 152 771 per year
Data Scientist $117 962 - 181 216 per year
Deputy Associate Administrator for Counterterrorism and Counterproliferation $193 819 - 221 900 per year
Deputy Associate Administrator for Safety $185 335 - 212 100 per year
Deputy Associate Administrator Infrastructure Lifecycle Management $193 819 - 221 900 per year
Deputy Director - Executive Secretariat $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Deputy Director Regulatory Infrastructure and Security Division $193 819 - 221 900 per year
Deputy Manager Kansas City Field Office $193 819 - 221 900 per year
Deputy Manager Livermore Field Office $185 335 - 212 100 per year
Deputy Manager Los Alamos Field Office $185 335 - 212 100 per year
Deputy Manager Nevada Field Office $193 819 - 221 900 per year
Deputy Manager Savannah River Field Office $193 819 - 221 900 per year
Deputy Manager Y-12 Field Office $193 819 - 221 900 per year
Director External and Public Affairs $193 819 - 221 900 per year
Director Finance and Budget $193 819 - 221 900 per year
Director of Government Affairs $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Director Office of Experimental Sciences $185 335 - 212 100 per year
Director Office of Nuclear Incident Response $185 335 - 212 100 per year
Director Office of Partnership Services $185 335 - 212 100 per year
DPADA for Production Modernization and Materials Management $193 318 - 221 900 per year
Editor $112 015 - 172 075 per year
Emergency Management Specialist $99 451 - 152 775 per year
Emergency Management Specialist (Geospatial) $117 962 - 181 216 per year
Emergency Managment Specialist $104 498 - 160 533 per year
Equal Employment Manager $123 041 - 159 950 per year
Equal Employment Opportunity Manager $145 250 - 188 821 per year
Equipment Specialist $99 451 - 152 775 per year
Executive Administrative Specialist (Communications Specialist) $74 642 - 191 900 per year
Executive Assistant $117 962 - 181 216 per year
Executive Officer (Chief of Staff) $98 496 - 151 308 per year
Facilities Management Specialist $117 962 - 181 216 per year
Facility Representative $83 634 - 188 001 per year
Facility Representative (General Engineer/ Physical Scientist) $87 878 - 197 540 per year
Federal Administrative Specialist $74 642 - 140 713 per year
Federal Project Director Savannah River Plutonium Processing Facility $185 335 - 212 100 per year
Federal Project Director Uranium Processing Facility $185 335 - 212 100 per year
Financial Specialist $104 498 - 160 533 per year
Fire Protection Engineer $118 651 - 181 431 per year
Foreign Afairs Specialist $94 199 - 150 016 per year
Foreign Affairs Specialist $112 015 - 172 075 per year
Foreign Affairs Specialist (Leader) $139 395 - 204 000 per year
General Attorney $108 246 - 167 336 per year
General Engineer $117 522 - 179 705 per year
General Engineer (Federal Project Director) $86 962 - 134 435 per year
General Engineer (Project Engineer) $86 962 - 138 492 per year
General Engineer (Safety System Oversight/Maintenance Engineer) $108 245 - 167 336 per year
General Engineer (Senior Federal Project Director) $172 484 - 204 000 per year
General Engineer / Physical Scientist $117 522 - 188 001 per year
General Engineer/ Physical Scientist $116 393 - 186 195 per year
General Engineer/ Physical Scientist (Facility Representative) $87 878 - 197 540 per year
General Engineer/Physical Scientist $118 651 - 181 431 per year
General Engineer/Physical Scientist (Facilities Representative) $123 485 - 197 540 per year
General Engineer/Physical Scientist (Facility Oversight Program Manager) $152 105 - 191 900 per year
General Engineer/Physical Scientist (Facility Representative) $86 962 - 195 482 per year
General Engineer/Physical Scientist (Federal Project Director) $108 245 - 167 336 per year
General Engineer/Physical Scientist (Federal Technical Training Program Manager) $82 830 - 128 043 per year
General Engineer/Physical Scientist (Open Continuous) $49 028 - 152 771 per year
General Engineer/Physical Scientist (Operations Engineer) $87 878 - 139 951 per year
General Engineer/Physical Scientist (Quality Assurance Engineer/Scientist) $86 962 - 195 482 per year
General Engineer/Physical Scientist (Senior Program Manager) $123 485 - 204 000 per year
General Engineer/Physical Scientist (Worker Safety & Health Program Manager) $82 830 - 128 043 per year
Genral Engineer/Physical Scientist $174 300 - 204 000 per year
Grants Management Specialist $104 498 - 160 533 per year
Health Physicist $117 522 - 179 705 per year
HR Specialist (Recruitment and Staffing) $58 564 - 122 459 per year
Human Resource Specialist (Workforce Relations) $117 962 - 181 216 per year
Human Resources Assistant (Information Systems) $39 993 - 80 510 per year
Human Resources Specialist $112 015 - 172 075 per year
Human Resources Specialist (ER/Perf Mgmt) $60 597 - 128 956 per year
Human Resources Specialist (Employee Benefits) $49 028 - 92 429 per year
Human Resources Specialist (Employee Relations) $104 498 - 181 216 per year
Human Resources Specialist (ER/RA/Perf Mgmt) $49 028 - 92 429 per year
Human Resources Specialist (Information Systems) $104 498 - 181 216 per year
Human Resources Specialist (Recruitment-Placement-Classification) $60 597 - 128 956 per year
Human Resources Specialist (Strategic Advisor) $117 962 - 181 216 per year
Human Resources Specialist -RPC $104 498 - 181 216 per year
Human Resources Specialit (Recruitment-Placement-Classification) $104 498 - 181 216 per year
Industrial Hygienist $144 017 - 195 000 per year
Industrial Property Management Specialist $99 451 - 152 775 per year
Industrial Relations Specialist $84 546 - 129 878 per year
Information Technology Specialist $145 250 - 188 821 per year
Information Technology Specialist (Cyber Security Assessment Lead) $138 236 - 179 705 per year
Information Technology Specialist (Cyber Security) $104 498 - 160 533 per year
Information Technology Specialist (Cybersecurity) $128 717 - 191 900 per year
Information Technology Specialist (Network) $60 597 - 160 533 per year
Information Technology Specialist (Security) $68 405 - 128 956 per year
Information Technology Specialist (SYSADMIN) $60 597 - 160 533 per year
Information Technology Specialist (SYSANALYSIS) $104 498 - 160 533 per year
Information Technology Specialist (System Analysis) $99 451 - 152 775 per year
Intelligence Operations Specialist $98 496 - 151 308 per year
IT Cybersecurity Specialist $99 451 - 152 775 per year
IT Specialist (Cloud Computing Cyber Security) $117 962 - 181 216 per year
IT SPECIALIST (Network) $60 597 - 160 533 per year
Lead Auditor $106 914 - 164 245 per year
Lead Contract Specialist $104 498 - 160 533 per year
Lead Emergency Management Specialist $60 597 - 114 237 per year
Lead Foreign Affairs Specialist $139 395 - 204 000 per year
Lead General Engineer $139 395 - 204 000 per year
Lead Human Resources Specialist (Recruitment-Placement-Classification) $99 451 - 172 075 per year
Lead Nuclear Materials Courier $83 634 - 108 724 per year
Lead Nuclear Materials Courier (MBF Convoy Commander) $82 830 - 107 680 per year
Lead Nuclear Materials Courier (MBF) $82 830 - 107 680 per year
Lead Nuclear Materials Courier (SRF Convoy Commander) $82 830 - 107 680 per year
Lead Nuclear Materials Courier SRF $86 962 - 113 047 per year
Lead Program Analyst $139 395 - 204 000 per year
Lead Security Specialist $124 113 - 198 544 per year
Learning Manager $51 332 - 96 770 per year
Logistics Management Specialist $103 409 - 158 860 per year
Logistics Management Specialist (Rail Transportation Management) $106 914 - 164 245 per year
Management Analyst $112 015 - 172 075 per year
Management Analyst (Director, Management Services) $117 962 - 181 216 per year
Management Analyst (Program Coordinator) $60 597 - 114 237 per year
Management and Program Analyst $99 451 - 152 775 per year
Management and Program Analyst, (Quality Management) $112 015 - 172 075 per year
Management Anlyst $117 962 - 181 216 per year
Management Support Specialist $57 941 - 109 233 per year
Manager Livermore Field Office $193 819 - 221 900 per year
Manager Nevada Field Office $193 819 - 221 900 per year
Nuclear Engineer $132 368 - 183 500 per year
Nuclear Engineer (Deputy Director Reactor Engineering) $186 840 - 195 000 per year
Nuclear Engineer (Deputy Program Manager Commissioned Submarines) $201 124 - 207 500 per year
Nuclear Engineer (Director, US/UK Technology Exchange) $201 124 - 207 500 per year
Nuclear Engineer (Group Head) $132 368 - 183 500 per year
Nuclear Engineer (Senior Naval Reactors Representative - ANSTR) $169 748 - 195 000 per year
Nuclear Engineer (Senior Technical Advisor - New Ship Design) $186 840 - 195 000 per year
Nuclear Engineer Director Environmental Safety and Health $186 840 - 195 000 per year
Nuclear Materials Courier $54 292 - 85 844 per year
Nuclear Materials Courier (Open Continuous) $52 212 - 82 564 per year
Occupational Safety and Health Manager $128 717 - 191 900 per year
Office Manager $112 015 - 172 075 per year
Operations Research Analyst $112 015 - 183 500 per year
Paralegal Specialist $74 642 - 140 713 per year
Personnel Security Specialist $99 451 - 152 775 per year
Personnel Security Specialist (Quality Assurance and Training Coordinator) $106 445 - 181 216 per year
Personnel Security Specialist (Suitability) $106 445 - 181 216 per year
Principal Deputy Associate Administrator Environment Safety and Health $185 335 - 212 100 per year
Principal Deputy Associate Administrator for Infrastructure $185 335 - 212 100 per year
Program Analyst $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Program Analyst (Budget) $104 498 - 160 533 per year
Program Analyst (Deputy Chief of Staff) $132 368 - 195 000 per year
Program Analyst (Deputy Division Director $132 368 - 195 000 per year
Program Analyst (Deputy Division Director) $139 395 - 204 000 per year
Program Analyst (Directed Stockpile Work Liaison) $122 198 - 195 482 per year
Program Analyst (Director, Learning, Development & DEIA) $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Program Analyst (Performance Assurance Program Analyst) $123 485 - 197 540 per year
Program Analyst (Program Liaison for Modernization Efforts) $98 496 - 151 308 per year
Program Manager $138 236 - 179 705 per year
Program Manager (Director for Complex Management Team) $123 485 - 197 540 per year
Program Manager (Assistant Manager for Safeguards and Security) $124 113 - 198 544 per year
Program Manager (Chief of Staff) $132 368 - 195 000 per year
Program Manager (Deputy Assistant Manager for Safeguards and Security) $123 485 - 197 540 per year
Program Manager (Deputy Director for Complex Management Team) $123 485 - 197 540 per year
Program Manager (Deputy Director, Finance & Budget) $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Program Manager (Federal Technical Training Program Manager) $103 409 - 158 860 per year
Program Manager (Industrial Hygienist/Worker Safety & Health Program Manager) $103 409 - 158 860 per year
Program Manager (Senior Naval Reactors Representative - WMFO) $172 484 - 204 000 per year
Program Specialist $117 962 - 181 216 per year
Program Support Specialist $112 015 - 172 075 per year
Quality Assurance Specialist $98 496 - 151 308 per year
Records and Information Management Specialist $139 395 - 204 000 per year
Safety & Occupational Health Manager $87 878 - 197 540 per year
Safety and Occupational Health Manager $83 634 - 188 001 per year
Security Specialist $112 015 - 172 075 per year
Security Specialist (Branch Chief, Physical & Industrial Security) $100 990 - 156 334 per year
Security Specialist (Industrial Security Specialist) $105 029 - 161 349 per year
Security Specialist (Investigator) $104 498 - 160 533 per year
Senior Advisor for Congressional Affairs $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Senior Advisor for the Integrated Plutonium Program $147 649 - 221 900 per year
Senior Contract Specialist $178 914 - 191 900 per year
Senior Logistics Management Specialist $138 236 - 179 705 per year
Senior Naval Reactors Representative (Puget Sound Naval Shipyard) $193 819 - 221 900 per year
Senior Program Advisor $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Senior Program Analyst $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Supervisor Budget Analyst $104 498 - 160 533 per year
Supervisory Budget Analyst $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Chief Of Staff $196 757 - 204 000 per year
Supervisory Contract Specialist $138 236 - 179 705 per year
Supervisory Contract Specialist (Branch Chief) $101 768 - 156 334 per year
Supervisory Emergency Management Specialist $139 395 - 204 000 per year
Supervisory Foreign Affairs Specialist $163 964 - 191 933 per year
Supervisory General Engineer $172 484 - 204 000 per year
Supervisory General Engineer/ Supervisory Physical Scientist $123 485 - 197 540 per year
Supervisory General Engineer/Physical Scientist $165 884 - 195 000 per year
Supervisory General Engineer/Physical Scientist (Assistant Deputy Manager for ESHQ) $116 393 - 186 195 per year
Supervisory General Engineer/Physical Scientist (Assistant Manager for Operations) $123 485 - 197 540 per year
Supervisory General Engineer/Physical Scientist (Deputy Assistant Manager for Operations) $123 485 - 197 540 per year
Supervisory General Engineer/Physical Scientist (Facility Representative Team Supervisor) $117 522 - 188 001 per year
Supervisory Government Information Specialist $145 250 - 188 821 per year
Supervisory Human Resources Specialist $84 546 - 129 878 per year
Supervisory Human Resources Specialist (Recruitment-Placement-Classification) $99 451 - 172 075 per year
Supervisory Human Resources Specialist (Technical Reviewer) $104 498 - 181 216 per year
Supervisory Information Technology Program Manager (ACIO) $196 757 - 204 000 per year
Supervisory Information Technology Specialist (Cybersecurity) $139 395 - 204 000 per year
Supervisory Management Analyst $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Nuclear Mateials Courier $98 496 - 128 043 per year
Supervisory Nuclear Materials Courier $103 409 - 134 435 per year
Supervisory Nuclear Materials Courier (MBF) $103 409 - 134 435 per year
Supervisory Operations Research Analyst $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Personnel Security Specialist $104 498 - 160 533 per year
Supervisory Program Manager $139 395 - 204 000 per year
Supervisory Program Specialist $139 395 - 204 000 per year
Supervisory Security Specialist $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Transportation Management Specialist $138 236 - 179 705 per year
Supervisory Transportation Management Specialist (Secondary) $104 498 - 160 533 per year
Technical Information Specialist (Intelligence) $99 451 - 152 775 per year
Training and Education Specialist $98 496 - 172 075 per year
Training Specialist $57 118 - 151 308 per year
Transportation Management Specialist $98 496 - 151 308 per year

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