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What is the salary in Agricultural Research Service?

Looking for a job at AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE? Look at salary statistics and make your own choice


Salaries at Agricultural Research Service range from $28 880 per year for a STUDENT TRAINEE (FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT) position, $16 per hour for a Student Trainee (Biological Science Aid) position to $235 600 per year for a DIRECTOR US NATIONAL POULTRY RESEARCH CTR position, $45 per hour for a Utility Systems Repairer-Operator Supervisor position

The average salary at Agricultural Research Service is $82 830 per year, $28 per hour

Salary information at Agricultural Research Service is objective data that will be useful to anyone considering employment at this company. The statistics in the table below are based on recent and archived Agricultural Research Service job openings, so they can be considered practically accurate.

Positions Salary
Administrative and Operations Officer $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Administrative Assistant $54 914 - 71 390 per year
Administrative Management Specialist $59 966 - 94 317 per year
Administrative Officer $57 118 - 89 835 per year
Administrative Support Assistant $42 022 - 60 703 per year
Administrative Support Assistant (OA) $42 022 - 60 703 per year
Administrative Support Assistant (Office Automation) $39 576 - 57 354 per year
Agricultural Engineer/Agronomist/Soil Scientist $57 118 - 89 835 per year
Agricultural Engineer/Civil Engineer/Hydrologist $46 696 - 74 250 per year
Agricultural Information Specialist $49 025 - 77 955 per year
Agricultural Research Science Techncician $49 025 - 77 955 per year
Agricultural Science Research Technician $46 696 - 67 231 per year
Agricultural Science Research Technician (Animal) $37 696 - 60 703 per year
Agricultural Science Research Technician (Plants) $49 025 - 70 578 per year
Agricultural Science Research Technician (Soils) $37 696 - 60 703 per year
Agroecosystem Data Specialist $49 025 - 94 317 per year
Agronomist $57 118 - 89 835 per year
Agronomist (Farm Manager) $59 966 - 94 317 per year
Agronomist/Physical Scientist $87 602 - 135 425 per year
Air Conditioning Equipment Mechanic $32 - 37 per hour
Air Conditioning Equipment Mechanic Helper $22 - 25 per hour
Animal Caretaker $21 - 25 per hour
Animal Health Technician $54 292 - 77 955 per year
Animal Health Technician (Compliance Officer) $57 118 - 74 250 per year
Animal Scientist $64 957 - 102 166 per year
Archivist $99 200 - 128 956 per year
Associate Administrator for National Programs $210 221 - 221 900 per year
Associate Deputy Administrator-AFM $186 855 - 198 537 per year
Associate Director, Northeast Area $198 538 - 210 220 per year
ASST ADMIN BUDGET And PRGM MGMT $198 538 - 210 220 per year
Automotive Mechanic $27 - 31 per hour
Automotive Worker $29 - 33 per hour
BIOLCL SCI LAB TECHNCN (RECENT GRADUATE) $33 878 - 44 039 per year
Biolgical Science Laboratory Technician $39 576 - 57 354 per year
Biological Science Aid $28 880 - 40 964 per year
Biological Science Lab Technician $63 987 - 91 873 per year
Biological Science Lab Technician (Plants) $39 688 - 78 175 per year
Biological Science Laboratory Technician $37 696 - 49 009 per year
Biological Science Laboratory Technician (Biochemistry) $59 966 - 77 955 per year
Biological Science Laboratory Technician (Histology) $42 249 - 61 032 per year
Biological Science Laboratory Technician (Microbiology) $44 442 - 64 203 per year
Biological Science Laboratory Technician (Recent Graduate) $36 209 - 51 446 per year
Biological Science Laboratory Technician (Seeds) $41 757 - 67 243 per year
Biological Science Specialist $72 553 - 113 047 per year
Biological Science Technician $40 262 - 58 158 per year
Biological Science Technician (Animal) $46 696 - 67 231 per year
Biological Science Technician (Animal/High Containment) $49 025 - 63 733 per year
Biological Science Technician (Animals) $53 105 - 76 459 per year
Biological Science Technician (Plants) $37 696 - 60 703 per year
Biological Science Technician (Recent Graduate) $37 696 - 60 703 per year
Biological Scientist $117 962 - 181 216 per year
Biologist $72 553 - 94 317 per year
Biologist (Computational Bioinformatics) $70 674 - 111 157 per year
Biologist (Computational) $57 118 - 89 835 per year
Biologist (Computational/Bioinformatics) $117 962 - 181 216 per year
Biologist (Computational/Bioinformatics)/ Data Scientist $86 962 - 158 860 per year
Boiler Plant Equipment Mechanic $32 - 37 per hour
Boiler Plant Operator $35 - 41 per hour
Building Management Specialist $69 107 - 89 835 per year
Business Management Specialist $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Carpenter $26 - 30 per hour
CENTER DIRECTOR $177 979 - 235 600 per year
Center Director ETSARC $145 700 - 199 700 per year
Center Director WRRC $177 979 - 235 600 per year
Chemist $51 425 - 81 771 per year
Climate Hub Fellow $80 217 - 124 988 per year
Computational Biologist $59 505 - 93 591 per year
Computer Assistant $37 696 - 49 009 per year
Custodial Worker $18 - 21 per hour
Custodial Worker Leader $18 - 21 per hour
Data Scientist $86 962 - 113 047 per year
DEPUTY DIRECTOR $137 649 - 178 941 per year
Digital Imaging Specialist $82 764 - 107 590 per year
Director $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Ecologist $59 966 - 94 317 per year
Ecologist/Agronomist/Physical Scientist $73 088 - 95 011 per year
Ecologist/Physical Scientist $73 088 - 113 879 per year
Electrical Worker $30 - 35 per hour
Electrical Worker Helper $22 - 25 per hour
Electrician $28 - 33 per hour
Electronic Industrial Control Mechanic $32 - 37 per hour
Electronics Mechanic $28 - 32 per hour
Electronics Worker $25 - 29 per hour
Engineering Equipment Operator $25 - 29 per hour
Engineering Technician $45 146 - 72 703 per year
Engineering Technician (Recent Grad) $51 713 - 74 250 per year
Entomologist $46 696 - 89 835 per year
Environmental Protection Specialist $117 962 - 153 354 per year
Epidemiologist $72 553 - 94 317 per year
Equal Employment Manager $139 395 - 181 216 per year
Facilities Operations Specialist $90 310 - 140 713 per year
Facility Operations Specialist $46 696 - 89 835 per year
Farmer $28 - 35 per hour
Farmer Supervisor $30 - 35 per hour
Financial and Budget Technician $41 822 - 67 351 per year
Fish Biologist $59 966 - 94 317 per year
Food Technologist $57 118 - 89 835 per year
Food Technologist/Chemist $86 962 - 134 435 per year
Gardener $27 - 32 per hour
General Engineer $98 496 - 128 043 per year
General Facilities Manager $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Geneticist $57 118 - 89 835 per year
Geneticist (Plants) $57 118 - 89 835 per year
Geneticist (Plants)/Agronomist $52 734 - 101 454 per year
Geneticist (Science Advisor) $120 579 - 156 755 per year
Geneticist / Horticulturist $86 962 - 158 860 per year
Geneticist Plants $73 939 - 96 116 per year
Heavy Mobile Equipment Mechanic $28 - 33 per hour
High Voltage Electrician $34 - 39 per hour
Horticulturist $46 696 - 74 250 per year
Horticulturist/Geneticist (Plants) $93 543 - 170 881 per year
Human Resources Assistant (InfoSys) $42 870 - 62 122 per year
Human Resources Assistant (Office Automation) $39 576 - 51 446 per year
Hydrologic Technician $39 239 - 56 861 per year
Hydrologist $46 696 - 89 835 per year
Hydrologist (Computational Hydrological Informatics) $59 966 - 94 317 per year
Illustrator $61 607 - 96 896 per year
Incinerator Operator $26 - 30 per hour
Information Technology Specialist $63 736 - 107 680 per year
Information Technology Specialist (Data Management) $54 111 - 102 166 per year
Information Technology Specialist (Internet/Data Management) $60 407 - 95 011 per year
Interdisciplinary Research Agricultural Engr/Mechanical Engr/Electrical Engr/Physical Scientist $69 107 - 128 043 per year
Interdisciplinary Research Scientist $86 962 - 186 854 per year
Interdisciplinary Researcher $82 830 - 128 043 per year
IT Specialist $98 236 - 127 712 per year
Laborer $16 - 19 per hour
Lead Biological Science Technician (Animal) $49 386 - 64 203 per year
Lead Librarian $117 962 - 153 354 per year
Lead Textile Equipment Operator $35 - 40 per hour
Librarian $139 395 - 181 216 per year
LIBRARY TECHNICIAN $61 933 - 80 510 per year
Locksmith $32 - 37 per hour
Maintenance Helper $22 - 26 per hour
Maintenance Mechanic $30 - 39 per hour
Maintenance Mechanic (HVAC) Leader $37 - 43 per hour
Maintenance Mechanic - Leader $33 - 38 per hour
Maintenance Mechanic Helper $23 - 27 per hour
Maintenance Mechanic Leader $37 - 43 per hour
Maintenance Worker $30 - 34 per hour
Maintenance Worker (Renderer Operator) $26 - 30 per hour
Maintenance Worker Helper $20 - 23 per hour
Maintenance Worker Leader $31 - 36 per hour
Management Analyst $73 939 - 96 116 per year
Management Analyst $57 118 - 89 835 per year
Management and Program Analyst $116 820 - 151 870 per year
Management Assistant (OA) $61 933 - 80 510 per year
Management Program Specialist $86 962 - 113 047 per year
Medical Technician $49 025 - 77 955 per year
Microbiologist $57 118 - 89 835 per year
Mobile Equipment Servicer $23 - 26 per hour
Molecular Biologist $69 107 - 89 835 per year
Molecular Biologist (Plants) $57 778 - 91 873 per year
Molecular Biologist/Plant Pathologist $59 966 - 94 317 per year
Molecular Biologist/Plant Physiologist/Botanist/Geneticist (Plants) $91 753 - 183 500 per year
National Program Leader - Human Nutrition $163 964 - 191 900 per year
National Program Leader - Veterinary Medical Officer $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Natural Resource Specialist/Soil Scientist/Agronomist $59 966 - 94 317 per year
Natural Resources Specialist $90 669 - 140 166 per year
Natural Resources Specialist/Soil Scientist/Agronomist $57 118 - 89 835 per year
Nutritionist $54 203 - 86 190 per year
Office Assistant $42 870 - 62 122 per year
OFFICE AUTOMATION ASSISTANT $37 696 - 49 009 per year
Operations Utility Systems Repairer-Operator $30 - 35 per hour
Pathways Internship Student Trainee (Engineering) $33 241 - 40 099 per year
Personnel Security Specialist $45 146 - 72 703 per year
Physical Science Technician $46 696 - 74 250 per year
Physical Science Technician - Chemisity (Recent Graduate) $39 576 - 57 354 per year
Physical Scientist $57 118 - 89 835 per year
Physical Scientist (Remote Sensing Specialist) $76 551 - 99 513 per year
Physical Scientist/Biologist $91 753 - 119 280 per year
Physical Scientist/Ecologist $73 088 - 95 011 per year
Physiologist $62 903 - 98 935 per year
Physiologist/Nutritionist $51 425 - 81 771 per year
Pipefitter $30 - 35 per hour
Plant Biologist $57 118 - 89 835 per year
Plant Pathologist $62 903 - 98 935 per year
Plant Pathologist/Entomologist $59 966 - 94 317 per year
Plant Physiologist $76 551 - 99 513 per year
Plant Physiologist/Botanist/Geneticist (Plants) $91 753 - 183 500 per year
Plant Physiologist/Soil Scientist/Agronomist $86 962 - 158 860 per year
Plumber $28 - 37 per hour
Program Analyst $55 924 - 88 926 per year
Program Specialist $76 106 - 118 586 per year
Program Support Assistant $46 696 - 60 703 per year
Program Support Assistant (OA) $42 022 - 60 703 per year
Program Support Assistant (Office Automation) $50 326 - 72 703 per year
Project Manager $98 496 - 151 308 per year
Property Disposal Technician $44 117 - 57 354 per year
Quality Assurance Specialist $86 962 - 113 047 per year
Range Technician $46 696 - 67 231 per year
RES GENET PLANTS $72 553 - 94 317 per year
Research Agricultural Engin/Res Mechanical Engin/Res Electrical Engin/Res Physical Scientist $72 553 - 158 860 per year
Research Agricultural Engineer $82 830 - 177 978 per year
Research Agricultural Engineer - Research Physical Science (Research Associate) $80 665 - 104 861 per year
Research Agricultural Engineer / Research Physical Science (Research Associate) $80 665 - 104 861 per year
Research Agricultural Engineer/Mechanical Engineer/ Physical Science/Textile Technician $86 962 - 134 435 per year
Research Agricultural Engineer/Mechanical Engineer/Electrical Engineer/Physicist $72 553 - 186 854 per year
Research Agricultural Engineer/Research Agronomist $86 962 - 158 860 per year
Research Agricultural Engineer/Research Biologist $88 562 - 190 293 per year
Research Agricultural Engineer/Research Soil Scientist/Research Agronomist $86 962 - 158 860 per year
Research Agricultural Engineer/Soil Scientist/Plant Physiologist $86 962 - 158 860 per year
Research Agriculturalist/Economist (Res Assoc) $66 214 - 103 176 per year
Research Agronomist $86 962 - 134 435 per year
Research Agronomist / Research Ecologist / Research Plant Physiologist $66 214 - 86 074 per year
Research Agronomist /Plant Physiologist $86 962 - 134 435 per year
Research Agronomist/Plant Physiologist $98 496 - 151 308 per year
Research Agronomist/Research Geneticist $86 962 - 158 860 per year
Research Agronomist/Research Plant Physiologist $88 621 - 137 000 per year
Research Animal Scientist $86 962 - 186 854 per year
Research Animal Scientist (Dairy) $72 553 - 94 317 per year
Research Animal Scientist (Dairy) (Research Associate) $66 214 - 103 176 per year
Research Animal Scientist (Research Associate) $72 553 - 94 317 per year
Research Biologist $108 245 - 167 336 per year
Research Biologist (Computational)/Research Plant Physiologist/Research Horticulturist $110 137 - 191 900 per year
Research Biologist (Computational/Bioinformatics)/Microbiologist (Research Associate) $69 107 - 89 835 per year
Research Biologist (Plants)/Research Agronomist/Agricultural Engineer $86 962 - 134 435 per year
Research Biologist/Agronomist/Plant Physiologist $82 830 - 128 043 per year
Research Biologist/Microbiologist/Physiologist/Nutritionist $101 401 - 131 826 per year
Research Biologist/Research Animal Scientist $99 200 - 153 354 per year
Research Biologist/Research Chemist $99 200 - 153 354 per year
Research Biologist/Research Ecologist/Research Molecular Biologist/Research Entomologist $86 962 - 186 854 per year
Research Biologist/Research Molecular Biologist (Plants) $86 962 - 134 435 per year
Research Biologist/Research Nutritionist $88 562 - 190 293 per year
Research Chemical Engineer $82 830 - 151 308 per year
Research Chemical Engineer/Chemist (Research Associate) $72 553 - 94 317 per year
Research Chemist $87 466 - 159 776 per year
Research Chemist (Plant Protein)/Food Technologist (Plant Protein) $89 962 - 134 435 per year
Research Chemist (Research Associate) $66 214 - 86 074 per year
Research Chemist - Research Associate $72 553 - 94 317 per year
Research Chemist/Food Technologist $82 830 - 151 308 per year
Research Chemist/Research Food Technologist $86 962 - 158 860 per year
Research Civil Engineer (Hydraulics)/Agricultural Engineer/Hydrologist $87 758 - 135 667 per year
Research Civil Engineer/Research Agricultural Engineer/Research Geologist $86 962 - 158 860 per year
RESEARCH ECOLOGIST $72 553 - 113 047 per year
Research Entomologist $82 830 - 151 308 per year
Research Entomologist (Research Associate) $66 214 - 86 074 per year
Research Entomologist/Research Chemist/Research Biologist $99 200 - 128 956 per year
Research Fish Biologist $82 830 - 128 043 per year
Research Food Technologist $82 830 - 151 308 per year
Research Food Technologist (Research Associate) $80 006 - 104 005 per year
Research Food Technologist/Research Chemical Engineer/Research Chemist $127 722 - 183 500 per year
Research Food Technologist/Research Microbiologist $97 653 - 150 962 per year
Research Geneticist $86 962 - 158 860 per year
Research Geneticist (Animal) $91 897 - 167 876 per year
Research Geneticist (Plants) $82 830 - 128 043 per year
Research Geneticist (Res Assoc) $66 214 - 86 074 per year
Research Geneticist (Research Associate) $72 553 - 94 317 per year
Research Geneticist Associate $72 553 - 94 317 per year
Research Geneticist Plants $86 962 - 158 860 per year
Research Geneticist Plants/Research Plant Physiologist $99 200 - 153 354 per year
Research Geneticist/Chemist (Research Associate) $78 969 - 102 657 per year
Research Geneticist/Molecular Biologist/Microbiologist $72 553 - 113 047 per year
Research Horticulturist $92 619 - 143 181 per year
Research Hydrologist $86 962 - 158 860 per year
Research Hydrologist/Research Agricultural Engineer/Research Civil Engineer $86 962 - 186 854 per year
Research Hydrologist/Soil Scientist $69 107 - 89 835 per year
Research Leader $116 393 - 177 978 per year
Research Materials Engineer/Chemist $86 962 - 134 435 per year
Research Mechanical Engineer/Electrical Engineer/Agricultural Engineer/Physicist $98 496 - 177 978 per year
Research Mechanical/Electrical/Agricultural Engineer $82 830 - 151 308 per year
Research Microbiologist $87 466 - 135 209 per year
Research Microbiologist - Research Associate $66 214 - 103 176 per year
Research Microbiologist/Ecologist/Entomologist (Research Associate) $72 553 - 94 317 per year
Research Microbiologist/Geneticist (Research Associate) $73 939 - 96 116 per year
Research Microbiologist/Geneticist/Animal Scientist $86 962 - 158 860 per year
Research Microbiologist/Molecular Biologist/Entomologist (Research Associate) $69 107 - 89 835 per year
Research Microbiologist/Plant Pathologist $82 830 - 128 043 per year
Research Microbiologist/Research Molecular Biologist $87 466 - 135 209 per year
Research Microbiologist/Research Plant Pathologist $86 962 - 158 860 per year
Research Microbiologist/Research Veterinary Medical Officer $91 897 - 191 900 per year
Research Microbiologist/Veterinary Medical Officer $87 602 - 135 425 per year
Research Microbiologist/Veterinary Medical Officer (Immunologist) $86 962 - 186 854 per year
Research Molecular Biologist $86 962 - 134 435 per year
Research Molecular Biologist / Plant Pathologist / Geneticist $94 652 - 172 907 per year
Research Molecular Biologist/Geneticist (Animals)/Animal Scientist $86 962 - 186 854 per year
Research Molecular Biologist/Geneticist (Plants) $102 489 - 158 432 per year
Research Molecular Biologist/Geneticist Animals/Animal Scientist $116 393 - 177 978 per year
Research Molecular Biologist/Microbiologist/Chemical Engineer $86 962 - 134 435 per year
Research Molecular Biologist/Research Nutritionist/Research Physiologist $96 148 - 148 636 per year
Research Nutritionist - Research Associate $83 671 - 108 769 per year
Research Physical Scientist $92 619 - 169 195 per year
Research Physical Scientist (Research Associate) $72 553 - 94 317 per year
Research Physiologist $82 830 - 151 308 per year
Research Physiologist Animal $86 962 - 134 435 per year
Research Physiologist Animal/Animal Scientist $87 758 - 135 667 per year
Research Plant Geneticist $86 962 - 134 435 per year
Research Plant Pathologist $94 199 - 145 617 per year
Research Plant Pathologist/Plant Physiologist/Geneticist (Research Associate) $73 939 - 96 116 per year
Research Plant Pathologist/Plant Physiologist/Horticulturist/Geneticist (Plants) $69 107 - 89 835 per year
Research Plant Pathologist/Research Entomologist $99 200 - 181 216 per year
Research Plant Physiologist $88 621 - 190 424 per year
Research Plant Physiologist/Physical Scientist (Research Associate) $72 553 - 94 317 per year
Research Plant Physiologist/Soil Scientist/Agronomist $86 962 - 186 854 per year
Research Plant Scientist/Research Plant Physiologist/Research Geneticist $86 962 - 134 435 per year
Research Post Harvest Physiologist $86 962 - 134 435 per year
Research Psychologist/Physiologist/Nutritionist $82 830 - 151 308 per year
Research Soil Scientist $86 962 - 134 435 per year
Research Soil Scientist (Research Associate) $78 044 - 101 454 per year
Research Soil Scientist/Agricultural Engineer $86 962 - 158 860 per year
Research Soil Scientist/Agricultural Engineer/Hydrologist $86 962 - 134 435 per year
Research Soil Scientist/Agronomist/Plant Physiologist $88 621 - 190 424 per year
Research Soil Scientist/Hydrologist /Agricultural Engineer $86 962 - 186 854 per year
Research Soil Scientist/Research Agronomist $86 962 - 158 860 per year
Research Soil Scientist/Research Agronomist/Research Agricultural Engineer $94 199 - 183 500 per year
Research Soil Scientist/Research Hydrologist $87 602 - 135 425 per year
Research Soil Scientist/Research Physical Scientist/Research Chemist $86 962 - 158 860 per year
Research Veterinary Medical Officer $87 602 - 188 229 per year
Research Veterinary Medical Officer (Pathologist) $116 393 - 177 978 per year
Research Veterinary Medical Officer (Pathology) $98 496 - 177 978 per year
Research Veterinary Medical Officer/Research Geneticist $99 200 - 181 216 per year
Research Veterinary Medical Officer/Research Immunologist $103 409 - 186 854 per year
Research Weed Scientist $86 962 - 158 860 per year
Safety and Occupational Health Manager $117 962 - 153 354 per year
Safety and Occupational Health Specialist $51 241 - 98 580 per year
Safety Technician $46 696 - 67 231 per year
Secretary (OA) $42 249 - 54 920 per year
Secretary (Office Automation) $34 584 - 60 509 per year
Security Specialist $46 696 - 60 703 per year
Senior Travel Financial Analyst $139 395 - 181 216 per year
Sheet Metal Mechanic $27 - 33 per hour
Social Science Technician $38 282 - 61 647 per year
Social Scientist/Agronomist/Physical Scientist $87 602 - 135 425 per year
Soil Scientist $64 957 - 102 166 per year
Soil Scientist / Agronomist / Agricultural Engineer $64 957 - 102 166 per year
Soil Scientist/Agronomist/Agricultural Engineer $68 405 - 107 590 per year
Special Events Coordinator $68 405 - 107 590 per year
STUD TR (OFF AUTOMATION) $34 584 - 37 696 per year
Student Trainee (Accounting) $39 576 - 51 446 per year
Student Trainee (Animal Caretaker) $18 - 26 per hour
Student Trainee (Biological Science Aid) $16 - 19 per hour
Student Trainee (Biological Science Technician) $39 576 - 51 446 per year
Student Trainee (Biological Science) $33 241 - 39 404 per year
Student Trainee (Biological Sciences) $33 905 - 42 974 per year
Student Trainee (Engineering) $39 576 - 51 446 per year
Student Trainee (Office Automation) $33 906 - 33 906 per year
Student Trainee (Physical Science) $44 910 - 58 385 per year
Student Trainee - Engineering $36 209 - 51 446 per year
Supervisory Agricultural Science Research Technician (Animal) $59 966 - 77 955 per year
Supervisory Animal Scientist $69 107 - 89 835 per year
Supervisory Biological Science Technician (Animal) $60 407 - 78 529 per year
Supervisory Biologist $143 736 - 186 854 per year
Supervisory Biologist (Computational Bioinformatics)/Nutritionist/Chemist/Data Scientist $132 368 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Biologist (Computational/Bioinformatics)/Nutritionist/Chemist/Data Scientist $122 198 - 186 854 per year
Supervisory Biologist/Plant Pathologist/Plant Geneticist $123 098 - 160 030 per year
Supervisory Building Management Specialist $99 200 - 128 956 per year
Supervisory Facility Operations Specialist $139 395 - 181 216 per year
Supervisory General Engineer $122 198 - 158 860 per year
Supervisory Interdisciplinary Researcher $116 393 - 177 978 per year
Supervisory Natural Resource Interpretative Specialist/Botanist/Horticulturist $139 395 - 181 216 per year
Supervisory Nutritionist $117 962 - 153 354 per year
Supervisory Physical Scientist/Supervisory Soil Scientist/Supervisory Hydrologist (Research Leader) $116 393 - 177 978 per year
Supervisory Research Agricultural Engineer $122 198 - 186 854 per year
Supervisory Research Agronomist/Geneticist/Plant Physiologist (Research Leader) $122 198 - 186 854 per year
Supervisory Research Animal Scientist/Research Physiologist Animal $123 318 - 188 565 per year
Supervisory Research Biologist (Computational Bioinformatics)/Microbiologist/VMO (Research Leader) $123 098 - 188 229 per year
Supervisory Research Biologist/Nutritionist/Chemist (Research Leader) $116 393 - 177 978 per year
Supervisory Research Biologist/Supervisory Research Chemist/Supervisory Research Microbiologist $152 105 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Research Biologist/Supervisory Research Nutritionist/Supervisory Research Chemist $142 488 - 195 200 per year
Supervisory Research Chemist/Chemical Engineer/Microbiologist $134 468 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Research Chemist/Microbiologist/Ecologist/Plant Pathologist/Geneticist/Soil Scientist $135 107 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Research Chemist/Research Biologist (Bioinformatics)/Research Molecular Biologist $138 046 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Research Epidemiologist/Ecologist/Agricultural Engineer (Research Leader) $116 393 - 177 978 per year
Supervisory Research Food Technologist/Chemist/Plant Physiologist (Research Leader) $122 198 - 186 854 per year
Supervisory Research Geneticist $122 198 - 186 854 per year
Supervisory Research Geneticist/Physiologist/Animal Nutritionist/Fishery Biologist/Epidemiologist $124 026 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Research Geneticist/Plant Physiologist/Horticulturist $122 198 - 186 854 per year
Supervisory Research Geneticist/Soil Scientist/Agricultural Engineer/Microbiologist $122 198 - 186 854 per year
Supervisory Research Microbiologist $122 907 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Research Microbiologist /Ecologist/Soil Scientist/Hydrologist $117 022 - 178 941 per year
Supervisory Research Molecular Biologist/Geneticist/Fish Biologist/Animal Scientist $122 198 - 186 854 per year
Supervisory Research Molecular Biologist/Microbiologist/Chemical Engineer (Research Leader) $116 393 - 177 978 per year
Supervisory Research Nutritionist/Physiologist/Chemist $116 393 - 177 978 per year
Supervisory Research Nutritionist/Supervisory Research Physiologist/Supervisory Research Biologist $122 198 - 186 854 per year
Supervisory Research Physiologist Animal/Supv Research Animal Scientist $123 318 - 188 565 per year
Supervisory Research Physiologist/Biologist/Nutritionist $122 198 - 186 854 per year
Supervisory Research Plant Molecular Geneticist/Plant Pathologist/Entomologist $122 198 - 186 854 per year
Supervisory Research Plant Pathologist $130 148 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Research Plant Pathologist/Geneticist (Plants) (Research Leader) $122 198 - 186 854 per year
Supervisory Research Plant Pathologist/Geneticist/Molecular Biologist $122 198 - 186 854 per year
Supervisory Research Plant Pathologist/Geneticist/Plant Physiologist $127 512 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Research Plant Pathologist/Research Molecular Biologist/Research Geneticist $122 198 - 186 854 per year
Supervisory Research Plant Physiologist/Soil Scientist/Hydrologist $123 098 - 188 229 per year
Supervisory Research Soil Scientist/Agricultural Engineer/Hydrologist (Research Leader) $133 004 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Research Soil Scientist/Agronomist/Meteorologist (Research Leader) $122 198 - 186 854 per year
Supervisory Research Veterinary Medical Officer (Research Leader) $123 098 - 188 229 per year
Supervisory Security Specialist $116 393 - 177 978 per year
Supervisory Utility Systems Repairer Operator $39 - 45 per hour
Supervisory Veterinary Medical Officer $132 368 - 172 075 per year
Supervisory Veterinary Medical Officer/Research Microbiologist (Research Leader) $122 198 - 186 854 per year
Supervisory VMO Epidemiologist/Research Ecologist/Research Agricultural Engineer (Research Leader) $122 198 - 186 854 per year
Supervisory Writer-Editor $120 579 - 156 755 per year
Supply Technician $44 117 - 57 354 per year
Supv Research Chemist/Supv Research Biologist (Bioinformatics)/Supv Research Molecular Biologist $138 046 - 191 900 per year
Supv Research Plant Physiologist/Supv Research Geneticist/Supv Research Agricultural Engineer $127 638 - 191 900 per year
Supv Research Textile Technologist - Molecular Biologist - Materials/Mechanical/Electronics Engineer $122 198 - 186 854 per year
Textile Equipment Operator $22 - 31 per hour
Tractor Operator $24 - 28 per hour
Transportation Assistant $49 025 - 63 733 per year
Transportation Assistant (OA) $46 696 - 60 703 per year
Utilites Systems Repairer Operator Helper $21 - 24 per hour
Utilities Systems Repairer - Operator Leader $34 - 40 per hour
Utility Systems Operator Repairer $25 - 32 per hour
Utility Systems Repairer Operator $28 - 33 per hour
Utility Systems Repairer Operator (Supervisor) $36 - 42 per hour
Utility Systems Repairer Operator Worker $24 - 28 per hour
Utility Systems Repairer-Operator $30 - 35 per hour
Utility Systems Repairer-Operator (Autoclave) $28 - 33 per hour
Utility Systems Repairer-Operator Leader $37 - 43 per hour
Utility Systems Repairer-Operator Supervisor $39 - 45 per hour
Veterinary Medical Officer $94 199 - 145 617 per year
Visual Information Specialist $57 118 - 74 250 per year
Waste Water Treatment Plant Operator $30 - 35 per hour

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