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What is the salary in U.S. Capitol Police?

Looking for a job at U.S. CAPITOL POLICE? Look at salary statistics and make your own choice


Salaries at U.S. Capitol Police range from $40 968 per year for a Peer Support Specialist (Civilian Collateral Assignment) position to $220 521 per year for a Supervisory Program Manager (Strategic Workforce and Human Capital Planning) position

The average salary at U.S. Capitol Police is $110 790 per year

Salary information at U.S. Capitol Police is objective data that will be useful to anyone considering employment at this company. The statistics in the table below are based on recent and archived U.S. Capitol Police job openings, so they can be considered practically accurate.

Positions Salary
Administrative Assistant $85 844 - 114 041 per year
Administrative Officer $81 517 - 108 292 per year
Asset Management Specialist $85 844 - 126 181 per year
Associate Director of Intelligence $169 878 - 195 425 per year
Associate Director Supervisory Human Resources Specialist $169 878 - 195 425 per year
Auditor $110 790 - 157 049 per year
Automotive Technician $85 844 - 114 041 per year
Background Investigations Technician $85 844 - 114 041 per year
Chaplain Director $141 593 - 178 419 per year
Crime Scene Evidence Specialist $85 844 - 114 041 per year
Data Analyst $105 205 - 135 863 per year
DEI Learning Development Strategist $134 455 - 169 425 per year
Deputy Director Office of Financial Management $178 896 - 205 799 per year
Deputy Director Office of Human Resources $169 878 - 195 425 per year
Deputy Director, Office of Logistical Services $178 896 - 205 799 per year
Director of Legislative Affairs $160 222 - 197 836 per year
Director, Office of Logistical Services $209 211 - 220 521 per year
Emergency Management Specialist $105 205 - 149 132 per year
Employee Assistance Program Specialist $124 636 - 157 049 per year
Event Planning Specialist $110 790 - 157 049 per year
Executive Officer $124 636 - 157 049 per year
Facilities Operations Specialist $81 517 - 108 292 per year
Freight Handler (Forklift Operator) $47 199 - 67 456 per year
General Attorney (Trial) $160 222 - 205 799 per year
Hazardous Devices Section (HDS) Sergeant $94 390 - 157 176 per year
HR Specialist (Employee Benefits) $118 353 - 149 132 per year
HR Specialist (Information Systems) $124 636 - 178 419 per year
Human Resources Assistant $62 337 - 85 495 per year
Human Resources Specialist $97 783 - 126 181 per year
Human Resources Specialist (Employee and Labor Relations) $124 636 - 178 419 per year
Human Resources Specialist (ER/LR) $141 593 - 178 419 per year
Human Resources Specialist (Information Systems) $92 854 - 119 820 per year
Information Technology Specialist $134 455 - 169 425 per year
Information Technology Specialist (APPSW/DATAMGT) $134 455 - 169 425 per year
Information Technology Specialist (Enterprise Architect) $178 896 - 205 799 per year
Inspector General $211 100 - 211 100 per year
Intelligence Research Specialist $97 783 - 157 049 per year
Internal Compliance Specialist $124 636 - 157 049 per year
Inventory Management Specialist $71 304 - 94 466 per year
Inventory Management Specialist (OIS Property Officer) $105 205 - 135 863 per year
Inventory Mgmt Spec (OIS Property Officer) $110 790 - 143 075 per year
IT CYBERSECURITY SPECIALIST $160 222 - 197 836 per year
Law Enforcement - Driver (Reemployed Annuitant) $132 391 - 132 391 per year
Law Enforcement - Duty Desk Officer (Reemployed Annuitant) $132 391 - 132 391 per year
Law Enforcement - Residential Security Officer (Reemployed Annuitant) $132 391 - 132 391 per year
Lead Employee Assistance Program Specialist $141 593 - 178 419 per year
Lead HR Specialist (Classification) $152 145 - 187 862 per year
Lead Information Technology Specialist (Network) $152 145 - 187 863 per year
Lead Information Technology Specialist (Systems Administration) $152 145 - 187 863 per year
Lead Logistics Management Specialist $105 205 - 135 863 per year
Lead Technical Security Specialist $134 455 - 169 425 per year
Lieutenant $105 699 - 160 446 per year
Management and Program Analyst $152 145 - 195 425 per year
MANAGER, PROPERTY AND ASSET MANAGEMENT $178 896 - 205 799 per year
Operations Support Assistant $71 304 - 94 466 per year
Paralegal Specialist (Criminal) $118 353 - 149 132 per year
Peer Support Commander (Collateral Duty) $105 699 - 180 230 per year
Peer Support Specialist (Civilian Collateral Assignment) $40 968 - 187 863 per year
Peer Support Specialist (Sworn Collateral Assignment) $77 441 - 160 446 per year
Physical Security Specialist (Artificial Intelligence) $118 353 - 169 425 per year
Physical Security Specialist (Programming) $97 783 - 126 181 per year
Physical Security Specialist (Protective Operations Support) $118 353 - 169 425 per year
Physical Security Specialist (Risk Mitigation) $118 353 - 169 425 per year
PIOC Deputy Director $178 896 - 205 799 per year
Police Officer $77 441 - 77 441 per year
Police Officer (Ceremonial Unit) Collateral Duty $77 543 - 132 566 per year
Police Officer (Command Center) $77 441 - 132 391 per year
Police Officer (Communications) $81 552 - 139 419 per year
Police Officer (DPD PSO Special Agent) $77 441 - 132 391 per year
Police Officer (Field Training Officer) $85 627 - 139 419 per year
Police Officer (Firearms Training Instructor) $85 627 - 139 419 per year
Police Officer (Hazardous Devices Technician) $81 311 - 132 391 per year
Police Officer (Lateral Transfer) $77 441 - 126 089 per year
Police Officer (OBIC Intake Officer) $81 311 - 139 011 per year
Police Officer (OBIC Recruitment Officer) Collateral Duty $85 627 - 146 390 per year
Police Officer (Reemployed Annuitant) $132 391 - 132 391 per year
Police Officer (Special Events Coordinator) $81 311 - 132 391 per year
Police Officer (Special Operations Division) $77 441 - 139 011 per year
Police Officer (Special Operations Division, K-9 Technician) $81 311 - 132 391 per year
Police Officer (Special Operations Division, Motor Unit Officer) $77 441 - 132 391 per year
Program Management Specialist $97 783 - 126 181 per year
Program Manager (Inspections) $178 896 - 205 799 per year
Program Manager (Internal Controls) $178 896 - 205 799 per year
Program Review Specialist (Inspections) $110 790 - 143 075 per year
Resource Coordinator $110 790 - 143 075 per year
Safety Specialist $105 205 - 135 863 per year
SECURITY SPECIALIST $134 455 - 169 425 per year
Sergeant $89 632 - 149 253 per year
Sergeant Collateral Assignment (Crisis Negotiation Team) $89 632 - 149 253 per year
Special Agent $111 582 - 130 925 per year
Special Agent (Entry Level) $81 311 - 81 311 per year
Special Agent (Entry-Level) $85 627 - 85 627 per year
Special Agent (Intelligence Services Bureau) $89 907 - 146 390 per year
Special Agent (Investigations Division) $89 907 - 146 390 per year
Special Agent (Lateral Transfer) $81 311 - 132 391 per year
Special Agent (Lateral) $81 311 - 132 391 per year
Special Agent (Reemployed Annuitant) $132 391 - 132 391 per year
Special Agent (Reemployed Annuitant) DPD $139 419 - 139 419 per year
Special Agent (Reemployed Annuitant) Investigations Division $139 419 - 139 419 per year
Special Assistant U.S. Attorney Northern California USCP $152 145 - 195 425 per year
Supervisory Accountant $178 896 - 205 799 per year
Supervisory Electronics Engineer $152 145 - 187 863 per year
Supervisory Employee Assistance Program $152 145 - 187 863 per year
Supervisory Information Technology Specialist $178 896 - 205 799 per year
Supervisory Intelligence Research Specialist $152 145 - 187 863 per year
Supervisory Inventory Management Specialist $118 353 - 149 132 per year
Supervisory IT Cybersecurity Specialist $169 878 - 195 425 per year
Supervisory Logistics Management Specialist $118 353 - 149 132 per year
Supervisory Physical Security Specialist $152 145 - 187 863 per year
Supervisory Physical Security Specialist (Protective Operations Support) $152 145 - 187 863 per year
Supervisory Program Manager (Strategic Workforce and Human Capital Planning) $209 211 - 220 521 per year
Supervisory Security Specialist $152 145 - 187 863 per year
Supervisory Special Agent $94 390 - 157 176 per year
Supervisory Special Agent (Dignitary Protection) $89 632 - 149 253 per year
Supervisory Special Agent (Investigations Division) $89 632 - 149 253 per year
Telecommunications Specialist (Radio) $105 205 - 135 863 per year
Training Administrative Operations Specialist $81 517 - 108 292 per year
Training Data Management Specialist $105 205 - 135 863 per year
Training Instructor $105 205 - 135 863 per year
Training Instructor (Law Enforcement Simulator) $105 205 - 135 863 per year
Training Instructor (Specialty Units) $105 205 - 135 863 per year
Training Program Manager $124 636 - 197 836 per year
Vehicle and Materials Screener $57 217 - 78 532 per year

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