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What is the salary in Western Area Power Administration?

Looking for a job at WESTERN AREA POWER ADMINISTRATION? Look at salary statistics and make your own choice


Salaries at Western Area Power Administration range from $31 512 per year for a Student Trainee (Information Technology) position, $26 per hour for a Student Trainee (Laborer-MVO) position to $221 900 per year for a Senior Vice President for Infrastructure Asset Management and Planning position, $100 per hour for a Electronic Integrated Systems Mechanic P&C F2 position

The average salary at Western Area Power Administration is $102 673 per year, $59 per hour

Salary information at Western Area Power Administration is objective data that will be useful to anyone considering employment at this company. The statistics in the table below are based on recent and archived Western Area Power Administration job openings, so they can be considered practically accurate.

Positions Salary
Accountant $91 220 - 118 586 per year
Administrative Officer $128 182 - 166 633 per year
Archaeologist $82 830 - 118 586 per year
Archeologist $91 220 - 118 586 per year
Architect $80 665 - 125 685 per year
Asset Management Specialist $91 220 - 118 586 per year
Attorney Advisor (General) $109 107 - 167 608 per year
Attorney-Adviser (General) $114 970 - 149 465 per year
Biologist $76 106 - 118 586 per year
Budget Analyst $122 198 - 158 860 per year
Chief of Staff $150 135 - 191 900 per year
Civil Engineer $76 551 - 119 280 per year
Civil Engineer (Project Manager) (CTAP/ICTAP Only) $129 834 - 156 393 per year
Civil Engineer (Recent Graduate) $56 458 - 100 951 per year
Civil Engineer (Recent Graduates) $56 458 - 100 951 per year
Colorado River Storage Project Regional Manager $193 819 - 221 900 per year
Construction Control Representative $57 118 - 99 513 per year
Contract Specialist $91 220 - 118 586 per year
Electrical Engineer $128 931 - 167 608 per year
Electrical Engineer (Electric Power System Maintenance and Construction) $129 834 - 156 393 per year
Electrical Engineer (Maintenance) $97 159 - 146 542 per year
Electrical Engineer (Power System Real Time Engineer) $133 877 - 191 900 per year
Electrical Engineer (Power System Real-Time Electrical Engineer) $111 793 - 158 903 per year
Electrical Engineer (Project Management) $129 834 - 156 393 per year
Electrical Engineer (Protection) $97 169 - 149 360 per year
Electrical Engineer (Recent Graduates) $59 966 - 134 435 per year
Electrical Engineering $81 708 - 118 499 per year
Electrical Engineering (Transmission Planning) $85 552 - 153 442 per year
Electronic Integrated System Mechanic (EEC) $58 - 60 per hour
Electronic Integrated Systems Mechanic $64 - 64 per hour
Electronic Integrated Systems Mechanic (EEC) Apprentice $52 - 76 per hour
Electronic Integrated Systems Mechanic (Electronic Equipment Craftsman) $61 - 64 per hour
Electronic Integrated Systems Mechanic (Electronic Equipment Craftsman) Craftsman-In-Training $61 - 61 per hour
Electronic Integrated Systems Mechanic (Meter & Relay Craftsman, Journeyman) $59 - 62 per hour
Electronic Integrated Systems Mechanic (Meter & Relay) $59 - 62 per hour
Electronic Integrated Systems Mechanic (Meter and Relay) $64 - 64 per hour
Electronic Integrated Systems Mechanic (Meter&Relay) Apprentice $41 - 65 per hour
Electronic Integrated Systems Mechanic (Meter&Relay) Craftsman-In-Training $57 - 67 per hour
Electronic Integrated Systems Mechanic (Meter&Relay) Journeyman $61 - 69 per hour
Electronic Integrated Systems Mechanic (P&C)-FII $100 - 100 per hour
Electronic Integrated Systems Mechanic EEC $59 - 59 per hour
Electronic Integrated Systems Mechanic Leader (Foreman II EEC) $76 - 76 per hour
Electronic Integrated Systems Mechanic Leader (Foreman II EEC)) $82 - 82 per hour
Electronic Integrated Systems Mechanic Leader (Foreman II P&C) $100 - 100 per hour
Electronic Integrated Systems Mechanic Leader Foreman II (Protection & Communication) $86 - 86 per hour
Electronic Integrated Systems Mechanic P&C F2 $100 - 100 per hour
Electronic Integrated Systems Mechanic, Electronic Equipment Craftsman $65 - 65 per hour
Electronics Engineer $123 998 - 149 360 per year
Electronics Engineer (Utility Telecommunications Infrastructure Maintenance and Construction) $129 834 - 156 393 per year
Energy Management & Marketing Specialist $120 986 - 147 482 per year
Energy Management and Marketing Specialist $126 279 - 153 934 per year
Engineering Equipment Operator $59 - 59 per hour
Engineering Technician $91 753 - 119 280 per year
Enterprise Portfolio Project Manager $122 198 - 176 620 per year
Environmental Protection Specialist (Compliance) $76 106 - 118 586 per year
Environmental Protection Specialist (NEPA Coordinator) $57 118 - 89 835 per year
Equal Employment Specialist (Diversity and Inclusion) $59 996 - 113 047 per year
Executive Officer $67 741 - 127 712 per year
Facilities Operations Specialist $90 833 - 118 079 per year
Field Maintenance Manager $116 393 - 151 308 per year
Financial Analyst $82 830 - 118 586 per year
Financial Manager $135 107 - 175 641 per year
Financial Program Analyst $59 966 - 94 317 per year
Financial Systems Analyst $59 966 - 113 047 per year
Fiscal Operations Specialist $69 107 - 107 680 per year
Fiscal Specialist $66 670 - 86 670 per year
Fiscal Specialist (Travel) $59 966 - 86 670 per year
Government Information Specialist $86 629 - 149 465 per year
High Voltage Electrician (CIT) $52 - 68 per hour
High Voltage Electrician (Lineman CIT) $52 - 68 per hour
High Voltage Electrician (Lineman) Apprentice $38 - 49 per hour
High Voltage Electrician (Lineman) Journeyman $55 - 73 per hour
High Voltage Electrician Apprentice $49 - 72 per hour
High Voltage Electrician Apprentice (Lineman) $36 - 48 per hour
High Voltage Electrician Journeyman $55 - 73 per hour
High Voltage Electrician Leader (Foreman II Lineman) $70 - 70 per hour
High Voltage Electrician, Craftsman-In-Training $58 - 58 per hour
Interdisciplinary Electrical/Electronics Engineer $114 137 - 156 393 per year
Interdisciplinary Engineer $109 019 - 130 349 per year
Interdisciplinary-Natural Resources/Engineer/Physical Scientist $111 389 - 149 360 per year
Inventory Management Specialist $59 966 - 94 317 per year
IT Spec (APPSW/SYSADMIN) $91 753 - 141 836 per year
IT Spec (SysAnalysis/Appsw) $74 441 - 96 770 per year
IT SPEC-SYSANALYSIS/APPSW $86 962 - 125 685 per year
IT SPECIALIST (APPSW/SYSADMIN) $51 726 - 82 249 per year
IT Specialist (SYSADMIN/OS) $91 220 - 141 012 per year
IT Specialist (SYSANALYSIS/APPSW) $88 520 - 115 079 per year
IT Specialist (sysanalysis/appw) $86 962 - 124 988 per year
Lead Budget Analyst $103 409 - 134 435 per year
Lead Construction Control Representative $86 962 - 113 047 per year
Maintenance Management Specialist $59 966 - 94 317 per year
Management and Program Analyst $69 107 - 89 835 per year
Metering Operations Specialist $109 107 - 141 836 per year
Natural Resources Manager $121 328 - 157 724 per year
Natural Resources Specialist $90 833 - 118 079 per year
Personnel Security Specialist $80 665 - 125 685 per year
Power Marketing Manager $142 714 - 183 500 per year
Power Markets Advisor $127 638 - 165 931 per year
Power Operations Advisor $135 107 - 175 641 per year
Power Operations Compliance Manager $122 198 - 158 860 per year
Power Operations Manager $158 920 - 191 900 per year
Power System Dispatcher $104 301 - 152 571 per year
Power System Dispatcher (Outage Coordinator) $137 677 - 167 828 per year
Power System Dispatcher (Technical Writer) $147 567 - 179 885 per year
Power System Dispatcher (Trainer) $176 717 - 191 900 per year
Power System Dispatcher (Transmission Scheduling & Security) $149 884 - 182 709 per year
Power Systems Dispatcher $160 652 - 191 900 per year
Power Systems Maintenance Specialist $86 343 - 112 246 per year
Power Systems Operations Advisor $121 328 - 167 608 per year
Procurement Analyst $98 496 - 128 043 per year
Program Analyst (Training) $86 343 - 119 280 per year
Program Analyst (Workload Planner/Project Management) $96 148 - 148 636 per year
Program Manager (Communication Maintenance) $108 012 - 140 419 per year
Program Manager (Transmission Lines Maintenance) $108 012 - 140 419 per year
Program Manager (Transmission Lines Substation Maintenance) $139 474 - 170 857 per year
Program Manager (Wyoming/Nebraska Maintenance) $104 604 - 135 987 per year
Program Manager - Transmission Line Manager $115 079 - 141 638 per year
Project Coordinator $102 673 - 133 472 per year
Project Manager (Transmission Tariff Coordinator) $86 962 - 134 435 per year
Public Affairs Specialist $135 860 - 176 620 per year
Public Utilities Specialist $76 106 - 118 586 per year
Public Utilities Specialist (Contracts & Energy Services) $59 540 - 77 399 per year
Public Utilities Specialist (Contracts and Energy Services) $80 217 - 124 988 per year
Public Utilities Specialist (CSR) (Recent Graduate) $49 025 - 77 955 per year
Public Utilities Specialist (Customer Service Representative) $46 696 - 74 250 per year
Public Utilities Specialist (Customer Service Representative) Recent Graduates $49 025 - 77 955 per year
Public Utilities Specialist (Energy Accounting) $59 540 - 112 246 per year
Public Utilities Specialist (Metering) $59 954 - 94 296 per year
Public Utilities Specialist (Power Billing) $66 670 - 125 685 per year
Public Utilities Specialist (Power Contracts & Energy Services) $75 783 - 98 515 per year
Public Utilities Specialist (Pre-Scheduling) $86 962 - 113 047 per year
Public Utilities Specialist (Preschedule) $86 962 - 113 047 per year
Public Utilities Specialist (Rates) $69 107 - 118 856 per year
Public Utilities Specialist (Settlements) $66 670 - 125 685 per year
Public Utilities Specialist Load & Resource Manager $108 012 - 140 419 per year
Realty Specialist $91 753 - 119 280 per year
Realty Specialist (Infrastructure Projects) $90 833 - 118 079 per year
Reliability Compliance Specialist $102 673 - 133 472 per year
Safety & Health Occupational Specialist $75 783 - 118 079 per year
Safety and Occupational Health Manager $108 012 - 140 419 per year
Safety and Occupational Health Specialist $91 220 - 118 586 per year
Secretary (Executive Assistant) $63 271 - 82 249 per year
Secretary OA $51 425 - 66 852 per year
Security Officer $159 806 - 191 900 per year
Security Specialist $86 962 - 118 079 per year
Senior Vice President & Desert Southwest Regional Manager $193 819 - 221 900 per year
Senior Vice President for Infrastructure Asset Management and Planning $193 819 - 221 900 per year
Student Trainee (Engineering) $35 035 - 57 198 per year
Student Trainee (Environmental Protection) $31 512 - 45 982 per year
Student Trainee (Information Technology) $31 512 - 45 982 per year
Student Trainee (Laborer-MVO) $26 - 34 per hour
Supervisory Civil Engineer/Electrical Engineer (Interdisciplinary) $129 834 - 156 393 per year
Supervisory Contract Specialist $122 198 - 158 860 per year
Supervisory Electrical Engineer $115 079 - 141 638 per year
Supervisory Electronics Engineer $121 328 - 157 724 per year
Supervisory Energy Management & Marketing Specialist $138 907 - 169 328 per year
Supervisory Energy Management and Marketing Specialist $132 691 - 161 750 per year
Supervisory Energy Management Marketing Specialist $132 691 - 161 750 per year
Supervisory Facility and Property Manager $102 673 - 133 472 per year
Supervisory Information Technology Specialist (Network) $122 198 - 158 860 per year
Supervisory Interdisciplinary Engineer $123 998 - 149 360 per year
Supervisory Interdisciplinary Engineer GS-0801/0810/0850/0855-14 $139 474 - 170 857 per year
Supervisory IT Cybersecurity Specialist $116 393 - 166 633 per year
Supervisory IT Specialist $136 908 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory IT Specialist (SCADA Infrastructure Supervisor) $116 393 - 167 608 per year
Supervisory Power Systems Dispatcher $147 567 - 179 885 per year
Supervisory Procurement Analyst $135 860 - 176 620 per year
Supervisory Public Affairs Specialist $128 931 - 167 608 per year
Supervisory Public Utilities Specialist $128 182 - 166 633 per year
Supervisory Public Utility Specialist $135 860 - 176 620 per year
Supervisory Realty Specialist $128 931 - 167 608 per year
Supervisory Security Specialist $109 107 - 141 836 per year
Supervisory, Civil Engineer/Electrical Engineer (Interdisciplinary) $129 834 - 156 393 per year
Technical Specialist $98 496 - 141 836 per year
Transmission Business Unit Manager $122 198 - 158 860 per year
Transmission Services Manager $142 714 - 183 500 per year
Transmission Services Program Manager $108 012 - 149 465 per year
Tribal Affairs Liaison $116 393 - 167 608 per year
Uncrewed Aerial System (UAS) Program Specialist $114 970 - 149 465 per year
Vegetation Program Manager $98 496 - 133 472 per year

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