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What is the salary in Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center?

Looking for a job at LYNDON B. JOHNSON SPACE CENTER? Look at salary statistics and make your own choice


Salaries at Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center range from $49 025 per year for a Human Resources Specialist (Direct Hire) position to $211 583 per year for a Manager, Vehicle Office position

The average salary at Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center is $140 923 per year

Salary information at Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center is objective data that will be useful to anyone considering employment at this company. The statistics in the table below are based on recent and archived Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center job openings, so they can be considered practically accurate.

Positions Salary
Accountant $113 689 - 147 793 per year
Administrative Manager $134 346 - 174 647 per year
Administrative Manager (Direct Hire) $158 026 - 183 500 per year
Administrative Specialist $95 607 - 124 289 per year
Administrative Specialist (Direct Hire) $83 671 - 130 369 per year
Aerospace Engineer, AST - Aerospace Flight Systems $113 689 - 147 793 per year
Aerospace Engineer, AST - Aerospace Flight Systems (Direct Hire) $82 830 - 124 289 per year
Aerospace Engineer, AST - Automation and Robotics Systems (Direct Hire) $134 346 - 174 647 per year
Aerospace Engineer, AST - Navigation Guidance and Control Systems $140 923 - 191 900 per year
Aerospace Engineer, AST - Safety and Mission Assurance (Direct Hire) $165 761 - 191 900 per year
Aerospace Engineer, AST, Aerospace Flight Systems $140 923 - 183 202 per year
Aerospace Engineer, AST, Aerospace Flight Systems $158 026 - 183 500 per year
Aerospace Engineer, AST, Aerospace Flight Systems (Direct Hire) $134 346 - 174 647 per year
Aerospace Engineer, AST, Aerospace Vehicle Design and Mission Analysis $165 761 - 191 900 per year
Aerospace Engineer, AST, Automation and Robotics Systems $140 923 - 183 202 per year
Aerospace Engineer, AST, Environmental Control Systems $113 689 - 147 793 per year
Aerospace Engineer, AST, Environmental Control Systems (Direct Hire) $134 346 - 174 647 per year
Aerospace Engineer, AST, Heat Transfer $165 761 - 191 900 per year
Aerospace Engineer, AST, Heat Transfer (Direct Hire) $100 287 - 155 034 per year
Aerospace Engineer, AST, Liquid Propulsion Systems $140 923 - 183 202 per year
Aerospace Engineer, AST, Liquid Propulsion Systems (Direct Hire) $102 267 - 147 793 per year
Aerospace Engineer, AST, Navigation Guidance and Control Systems $119 254 - 183 202 per year
Aerospace Engineer, AST, Navigation Guidance and Control Systems (Direct Hire) $140 923 - 183 202 per year
Aerospace Engineer, AST, Navigation, Guidance, and Control Systems $140 923 - 183 202 per year
Aerospace Engineer, AST, Pyrotechnic Systems (Direct Hire) $140 923 - 183 202 per year
Aerospace Engineer, AST, Research Pilot (Direct Hire) $149 862 - 183 500 per year
Aerospace Engineer, AST, Safety and Mission Assurance $134 346 - 174 647 per year
Aerospace Engineer, AST, Safety and Mission Assurance (Direct Hire) $134 346 - 174 647 per year
Aerospace Engineer, AST, Structural Dynamics (Direct Hire) $100 287 - 155 034 per year
Aerospace Engineer, AST, Structural Mechanics $134 346 - 174 647 per year
Aerospace Engineer, AST- Aerospace Flight Systems $134 346 - 174 647 per year
Aircraft Pilot (Direct Hire) $149 862 - 183 500 per year
AST - Flight Systems Operations $134 346 - 174 647 per year
AST - Flight Systems Training and Operations $95 607 - 147 793 per year
AST - Safety and Mission Assurance $122 198 - 158 860 per year
AST - Technical Management $134 346 - 174 647 per year
AST - Technical Resources Management $134 346 - 174 647 per year
AST, Biological Studies (Direct Hire) $165 761 - 191 900 per year
AST, Environmental Control Systems $140 923 - 183 202 per year
AST, Experimental Facilities Techniques $134 346 - 174 647 per year
AST, Flight Systems Training and Operations $134 346 - 174 647 per year
AST, Flight Systems Training and Operations (Direct Hire) $113 689 - 147 793 per year
AST, Mission Support Requirements and Development $134 346 - 174 647 per year
AST, Technical Management $140 923 - 191 900 per year
AST, Technical Management (Direct Hire) $134 346 - 183 500 per year
Astronaut Candidate $152 258 - 152 258 per year
Attorney-Adviser $140 923 - 183 202 per year
Budget Analyst $98 496 - 147 793 per year
Budget Analyst (Direct Hire) $59 304 - 124 289 per year
Chief Aircraft Operations Division $191 901 - 205 235 per year
Chief Counsel $205 236 - 211 583 per year
Chief Crew and Thermal Systems Division $191 901 - 205 235 per year
Commercial Lunar Payload Services Project Manager $147 649 - 211 583 per year
Computer Engineer - AST, Data Systems $113 689 - 147 793 per year
Computer Engineer, AST - Aerospace Information Technology (Direct Hire) $158 026 - 183 500 per year
Computer Engineer, AST - Data Systems (Direct Hire) $113 689 - 147 793 per year
Computer Engineer, AST, Aerospace Information Technology (Direct Hire) $165 761 - 191 900 per year
Computer Engineer, AST, Data Systems $165 761 - 191 900 per year
Computer Engineer, AST, Data Systems (Direct Hire) $119 254 - 155 034 per year
Deputy Director Safety and Mission Assurance $205 236 - 211 583 per year
Deputy Director, Human Health and Performance $196 023 - 202 085 per year
Deputy Manager, Flight Development & Operations, Commercial Crew Program $202 086 - 207 708 per year
Deputy, Chief Information Officer (Supervisory Information Technology Specialist) (Direct Hire) $158 026 - 183 500 per year
Director Center Operations $205 236 - 211 583 per year
Director, Human Resources, Johnson Space Center $205 236 - 211 583 per year
Director, Office of Procurement, Johnson Space Center $205 236 - 211 583 per year
Electrical Engineer, AST, Direct Energy Conversion (Direct Hire) $134 346 - 174 647 per year
Electronic Engineer, AST, Avionic Systems $119 254 - 155 034 per year
Electronics Engineer, AST, Avionic Systems $140 923 - 183 202 per year
Electronics Engineer, AST, Avionic Systems (Direct Hire) $119 254 - 155 034 per year
Electronics Engineer, AST, Telecommunications $140 923 - 183 202 per year
Electronics Engineer, AST, Telecommunications (Direct Hire) $119 254 - 155 034 per year
Environmental Protection Specialist (Direct Hire) $119 254 - 155 034 per year
Export Control Specialist (Direct Hire) $140 923 - 183 202 per year
Financial Management Specialist (Direct Hire) $65 928 - 124 289 per year
Gateway Habitation and Logistics Outpost Project Manager $183 529 - 196 022 per year
General Engineer - AST, Experimental Facility Development (Direct Hire) $86 962 - 134 435 per year
General Engineer - AST, Flight Systems Training and Operations (Direct Hire) $83 671 - 155 034 per year
General Engineer, AST - Engineering Project Management (Direct Hire) $113 689 - 147 793 per year
General Engineer, AST - Experimental Facility Development (Direct Hire) $98 496 - 128 043 per year
General Engineer, AST - Flight Systems Operations $134 346 - 174 647 per year
General Engineer, AST - Flight Systems Training and Operations $95 607 - 147 793 per year
General Engineer, AST - Technical Management $134 346 - 183 500 per year
General Engineer, AST - Technical Management (Direct Hire) $140 923 - 183 202 per year
General Engineer, AST, Flight Systems Training and Operations (Direct Hire) $79 766 - 147 793 per year
General Engineer, AST, Experimental Facilities Techniques $127 073 - 165 197 per year
General Engineer, AST, Experimental Facility Development $140 923 - 183 202 per year
General Engineer, AST, Experimental Facility Development (Direct Hire) $113 689 - 147 793 per year
General Engineer, AST, Flight Systems Operations $140 923 - 183 202 per year
General Engineer, AST, Flight Systems Operations (Direct Hire) $99 172 - 128 922 per year
General Engineer, AST, Flight Systems Training and Operations (Direct Hire) $79 766 - 147 793 per year
General Engineer, AST, Mission Operations Integration (Direct Hire) $119 254 - 155 034 per year
General Engineer, AST, Mission Support Requirements and Development $140 923 - 183 202 per year
General Engineer, AST, Technical Management $140 923 - 183 202 per year
General Engineer, AST, Technical Management (Direct Hire) $134 346 - 174 647 per year
General Engineer, Lead AST, Flight Systems Training and Operations $140 923 - 183 202 per year
General Engineer, Lead AST, Mission Operations Integration (Direct Hire) $140 923 - 183 202 per year
Human Resources Specialist (Direct Hire) $49 025 - 117 400 per year
Industrial Property Management Specialist (Direct Hire) $100 287 - 130 369 per year
Information Technology Cybersecurity Specialist (Direct Hire) $140 923 - 191 900 per year
Information Technology Specialist (Associate Chief Information Officer) (Direct Hire) $158 026 - 183 500 per year
Information Technology Specialist (Direct Hire) $56 115 - 86 041 per year
IT Cybersecurity Specialist $134 346 - 174 647 per year
IT Project Manager (Direct Hire) $119 254 - 155 034 per year
Lead Aerospace Engineer, AST, Aerospace Flight Systems $140 923 - 183 202 per year
Lead Aerospace Engineer, AST, Safety and Mission Assurance $140 923 - 183 202 per year
Lead Aerospace Engineer, AST, Safety and Mission Assurance (Direct Hire) $140 923 - 183 202 per year
Lead AST Experimental Facilities Techniques $140 923 - 183 202 per year
Lead AST, Flight Systems Operations $140 923 - 183 202 per year
Lead AST, Flight Systems Training and Operations $134 346 - 174 647 per year
Lead Budget Analyst $117 192 - 174 647 per year
Lead General Engineer, AST, Flight Systems Training and Operations (Direct Hire) $134 346 - 174 647 per year
Lead General Engineer, AST, Mission Support Requirements and Development $140 923 - 183 202 per year
Lead Intelligence Operations Specialist $158 026 - 183 500 per year
Logistics Management Specialist $113 689 - 147 793 per year
Logistics Management Specialist (Direct Hire) $69 154 - 89 900 per year
Management Analyst $113 689 - 147 793 per year
Management Analyst (Direct Hire) $134 346 - 174 647 per year
Management and Program Analyst $158 026 - 183 500 per year
Management and Program Analyst (Direct Hire) $134 346 - 174 647 per year
Manager Operations Integration Commercial Crew Program $191 901 - 205 235 per year
Manager, Vehicle Office $205 236 - 211 583 per year
Materials Engineer - AST, Structural Materials (Direct Hire) $119 254 - 155 034 per year
Materials Engineer, AST, Mechanics of Material & Structures (Direct Hire) $140 923 - 183 202 per year
Materials Engineer, AST, Mechanics of Materials and Structures $158 026 - 183 500 per year
Paralegal Specialist $82 764 - 130 369 per year
Physical Scientist - AST, Science Program Management $165 761 - 191 900 per year
Physical Scientist, AST, Life Support Studies $140 923 - 183 202 per year
Physical Scientist, AST, Physical Science Technical Management (Direct Hire) $140 923 - 183 202 per year
Physical Scientist, AST, Science Project Management (Direct Hire) $134 346 - 174 647 per year
Physician (Direct Hire) $165 761 - 191 900 per year
Program Analyst $117 831 - 174 647 per year
Program Analyst (Direct Hire) $140 923 - 183 202 per year
Program Manager $165 761 - 191 900 per year
Program Specialist $158 026 - 183 500 per year
Program Specialist (Direct Hire) $134 346 - 174 647 per year
Public Affairs Specialist (Direct Hire) $57 118 - 133 236 per year
Quality Assurance Specialist (Aerospace) $79 766 - 103 693 per year
Resources Analyst $140 923 - 183 202 per year
Safety and Occupational Health Specialist $103 409 - 134 435 per year
Security Specialist $119 254 - 155 034 per year
Security Specialist (Direct Hire) $65 928 - 103 693 per year
Space Scientist, AST - Planetary Studies $134 346 - 174 647 per year
Space Scientist, AST, Planetary Studies $165 761 - 191 900 per year
Space Scientist, AST, Planetary Studies (Direct Hire) $134 346 - 174 647 per year
Supervisory Accountant $165 761 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Aerospace Engineer - AST Environmental Control Systems $165 761 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Aerospace Engineer - AST, Environmental Control Systems $158 026 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Aerospace Engineer, AST, Safety and Mission Assurance $165 761 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Aerospace Engineer, AST, Aerospace Flight Systems $140 923 - 183 202 per year
Supervisory Aerospace Engineer, AST, Aerospace Flight Systems (Direct Hire) $140 923 - 183 202 per year
Supervisory Aerospace Engineer, AST, Automation and Robotics Systems $140 923 - 183 202 per year
Supervisory Aerospace Engineer, AST, Environmental Control Systems $140 923 - 183 202 per year
Supervisory Aerospace Engineer, AST, Structural Mechanics $134 346 - 174 647 per year
Supervisory Aerospace Engineer, Supervisory AST Environmental Control Systems $134 346 - 174 647 per year
Supervisory AST - Technical Management $140 923 - 183 202 per year
Supervisory AST Technical Management $165 761 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory AST Technical Management (Direct Hire) $158 026 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory AST, Experimental Facilities Techniques $165 761 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory AST, Experimental Facility Development $165 761 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory AST, Flight Training $158 026 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory AST, Mission Operations Integration $158 026 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory AST, Technical Management $158 026 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory AST, Technical Management (Direct Hire) $140 923 - 183 202 per year
Supervisory Budget Analyst $165 761 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Computer Engineer, AST - Data Systems $158 026 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Electronics Engineer, AST Avionic Systems $165 761 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Electronics Engineer, AST, Avionic Systems $134 346 - 174 647 per year
Supervisory General Engineer, AST Technical Management (Direct Hire) $165 761 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory General Engineer, AST, Experimental Facilities Techniques $165 761 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory General Engineer, AST, Experimental Facilities Techniques (Direct Hire) $140 923 - 183 202 per year
Supervisory General Engineer, AST, Technical Management $140 923 - 183 202 per year
Supervisory General Engineer, AST, Technical Management (Direct Hire) $165 761 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Human Resources Specialist $143 736 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Information Technology Specialist $158 026 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Management Analyst $165 761 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Management Analyst (Direct Hire) $165 761 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Management and Program Analyst $158 026 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Materials Engineer, AST, Structural Materials $165 761 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Quality Assurance Specialist (Aerospace) $140 923 - 183 202 per year
Supervisory, Quality Assurance Specialist (Aerospace) $158 026 - 183 500 per year
Support Services Specialist $69 154 - 130 369 per year
Systems Engineering and Integration Office Manager $183 529 - 196 022 per year

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