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What is the salary in House of Representatives?

Looking for a job at HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES? Look at salary statistics and make your own choice


Salaries at House of Representatives range from $33 878 per year for a Staff Academy Intern, Spring position to $209 986 per year for a Chief Logistics Officer position

The average salary at House of Representatives is $81 625 per year

Salary information at House of Representatives is objective data that will be useful to anyone considering employment at this company. The statistics in the table below are based on recent and archived House of Representatives job openings, so they can be considered practically accurate.

Positions Salary
.NET Developer $81 625 - 118 503 per year
Accounts Payable Processor $71 397 - 85 747 per year
Acquisitions Team Lead $112 528 - 141 800 per year
Administrative and Technical Support Specialist $105 346 - 118 503 per year
Administrative Program Officer $112 528 - 127 844 per year
AI Software Developer Intern, Spring $35 677 - 35 677 per year
Asset Management Intern, Fall $35 677 - 35 677 per year
Assistant Counsel $75 000 - 85 000 per year
Assistant Director, Performance and Financial Audits and Investigations $170 102 - 185 262 per year
Assistant Enrolling Clerk $92 981 - 118 503 per year
Assistant General Counsel $165 000 - 165 000 per year
Assistant Journal Clerk $92 981 - 118 503 per year
Assistant, ID Services $71 397 - 71 397 per year
Assistant, Protocol & Special Events $81 625 - 105 346 per year
Benefits Specialist $67 797 - 113 934 per year
Broadcast Engineering/ Production Specialist $105 346 - 110 084 per year
Broadcast Engineering/Production Intern, Fall $35 677 - 35 677 per year
Broadcast Production Technician Intern, Spring $35 677 - 35 677 per year
Budget Analyst $92 981 - 103 360 per year
Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Intern, Spring $33 878 - 33 878 per year
Business Continuity Specialist $105 346 - 118 503 per year
CAO Broadcast Production Technician Fall Intern $33 878 - 33 878 per year
CAO Cybersecurity Fall Intern $33 878 - 33 878 per year
CAO Immediate Office Fall Intern $33 878 - 33 878 per year
CAO Immediate Office Intern, Fall $35 677 - 35 677 per year
CAO Immediate Office Intern, Spring $33 878 - 33 878 per year
CAO Immediate Office Intern, Summer $35 677 - 35 677 per year
CAO IT Operations Fall Intern $33 878 - 33 878 per year
CEC- First Call Intern, Fall $35 677 - 35 677 per year
CEC- Staff Academy Intern, Fall $35 677 - 35 677 per year
Chamber Security Staff $54 405 - 62 418 per year
Chamber Support Services Staff $54 405 - 62 418 per year
Chief Information Officer $190 625 - 201 792 per year
Chief Logistics Officer $190 625 - 209 986 per year
Chief Operations Officer $190 625 - 190 625 per year
Clerk/Paralegal $68 000 - 68 000 per year
Cloud Engineer II $105 000 - 125 000 per year
Collections Specialist $81 625 - 92 981 per year
Communications & Marketing Intern, Spring $33 878 - 33 878 per year
Communications and Marketing Intern, Summer $35 677 - 35 677 per year
Communications Manager $134 633 - 152 352 per year
Communications Specialist $67 797 - 77 509 per year
Compliance Analyst $92 981 - 107 710 per year
Content Developer $71 397 - 81 625 per year
Contingency Communications Support Specialist (COMSEC Custodian) $105 346 - 134 633 per year
Contracts Specialist $100 034 - 141 800 per year
Creative Services Intern, Spring $33 878 - 33 878 per year
Customer Experience Center Intern, Spring $35 677 - 35 677 per year
Customer Service Center Intern, Spring $35 677 - 35 677 per year
Customer Service Department Intern, Spring $33 878 - 33 878 per year
Cybersecurity Intern, Fall $35 677 - 35 677 per year
Cybersecurity Intern, Spring $33 878 - 33 878 per year
Deputy Assistant SAA for Police Services/Law Enforcement - Member Security and Threat Mitigation $127 844 - 161 380 per year
Deputy Assistant Sergeant at Arms for Campus Security $152 352 - 178 758 per year
Deputy Chief Financial Officer $173 900 - 173 900 per year
Deputy Chief Information Officer $182 068 - 194 661 per year
Director, Accounting $170 102 - 190 625 per year
Director, Enterprise Operations $161 525 - 173 860 per year
Director, House Press Gallery $137 965 - 159 927 per year
Director, Information Systems Audits $190 625 - 196 928 per year
Director, Management Advisory Services $190 625 - 196 928 per year
Director, Program Management and Policy $170 102 - 185 262 per year
Electronic Records Archivist $81 625 - 92 981 per year
Emergency Management Program Manager for Tests, Training, and Exercise $105 346 - 145 409 per year
Emergency Management Specialist for Operations $77 509 - 100 034 per year
Emergency Management Specialist for Preparedness $81 325 - 105 346 per year
Employee Relations Specialist $112 528 - 130 408 per year
Finance Intern, Fall $35 677 - 35 677 per year
Finance Intern, Spring $33 878 - 33 878 per year
Financial Counselor $71 397 - 85 747 per year
Financial Disclosure Counsel $136 760 - 145 604 per year
Financial Reporting Accountant $118 503 - 134 633 per year
Foreign Travel Security Officer $105 346 - 118 503 per year
Front Desk Assistant $60 000 - 60 000 per year
Furniture Specialist $62 418 - 71 397 per year
GOLD STAR FAMILY PROGRAM (aka Green & Gold Congressional Aide Program) $45 000 - 59 000 per year
Graphic Designer $77 509 - 88 293 per year
Green & Gold Congressional Aide $54 000 - 62 000 per year
Green & Gold Congressional Aide Program $51 000 - 63 000 per year
Green & Gold Congressional Aide Program - copy $54 000 - 66 000 per year
Green & Gold Congressional Aide Program - copy - copy $54 000 - 66 000 per year
Historical Publications Specialist $71 397 - 81 625 per year
HRCCC Administrative Support Intern, Fall $35 677 - 35 677 per year
HRCCC Administrative Support Intern, Spring $35 677 - 35 677 per year
Human Resources Intern, Fall $35 677 - 35 677 per year
Hunman Resources Intern, Spring $33 878 - 33 878 per year
Information Assurance Risk Manager $152 352 - 170 102 per year
IT Customer Solutions Intern, Fall $35 677 - 35 677 per year
IT Customer Solutions Intern, Spring $33 878 - 33 878 per year
Journeyman Upholsterer $71 397 - 81 625 per year
Junior Contracts Specialist $81 625 - 92 981 per year
Lead Cabinetmaker $92 981 - 92 981 per year
Lead Teacher, Toddler $62 418 - 62 418 per year
Legal Intern (Employment Civil Rights), Spring Intern $35 677 - 35 677 per year
Manager, Cabinet $121 540 - 130 541 per year
Manager, Payroll and Benefits $118 503 - 134 633 per year
Media Logistics Assistant $54 405 - 62 418 per year
Network Communications Supervisor $134 633 - 150 800 per year
Network Systems Engineer $100 034 - 161 097 per year
Official Reporter $152 352 - 152 352 per year
Official Reporter (Stenographer) $134 633 - 152 352 per year
Outreach Coordinator, IT Customer Engagement $100 034 - 104 533 per year
Parking Security Staff $54 405 - 62 418 per year
Payroll Operations Specialist $71 397 - 81 625 per year
Payroll Specialist $71 397 - 83 679 per year
Payroll Systems Analyst $105 346 - 120 882 per year
Principal Recruitment and Retention Specialist $80 000 - 100 000 per year
Program Manager $152 352 - 170 102 per year
Program Manager, Operations $105 346 - 145 409 per year
Program Manager, Tests, Training & Exercises (TT&E) $105 346 - 145 409 per year
Public Information Specialist $71 397 - 71 397 per year
Receiving and Warehouse Specialist $47 263 - 74 678 per year
Records Management Clerk $59 271 - 67 797 per year
Sales Specialist $48 312 - 55 613 per year
Security Coordination Specialist $77 000 - 95 000 per year
Security Operations Center Manager $161 525 - 190 462 per year
Senior Auditor $134 633 - 152 352 per year
Senior Auditor (Information Systems) $134 633 - 145 409 per year
Senior Contracts Specialist $134 633 - 152 352 per year
Senior Instructional Designer $105 346 - 105 346 per year
Senior IT Business and Systems Analyst $120 000 - 148 000 per year
Senior IT Business and Systems Analyst - copy $120 000 - 148 000 per year
Senior Network Communications Specialist $118 503 - 152 352 per year
Senior Software Engineer $120 000 - 144 000 per year
Senior Systems Engineer $127 844 - 161 525 per year
Software Engineer I $88 000 - 100 000 per year
Sr. Network Systems Engineer $127 844 - 190 462 per year
Staff Academy Intern, Spring $33 878 - 33 878 per year
Staff Assistant $62 418 - 71 397 per year
Supervisor, First Call $118 503 - 118 503 per year
Supervisor, IT Customer Solutions $127 844 - 127 844 per year
Supervisor, Multimedia/Visual Information $118 503 - 118 503 per year
Systems Engineer $92 000 - 127 994 per year
Systems Engineer II $105 346 - 127 994 per year
Talent & Development Specialist $81 625 - 114 810 per year
Teacher Aide $47 263 - 47 263 per year
Teacher Aide, Infant $47 263 - 47 263 per year
Teacher Aide, Toddler $47 852 - 47 852 per year
Teacher Assistant, Infant $54 405 - 54 405 per year
Teacher Assistant, Toddler $51 662 - 51 662 per year
Team Coordinator, IT Customer Solutions $112 528 - 117 036 per year
Technology Partner $92 281 - 99 207 per year
The Common Operating Picture (COP) Administrator $88 293 - 113 934 per year
Training and Curriculum Specialist $81 625 - 105 346 per year
Web Helpdesk Professional $81 625 - 99 207 per year
WOUNDED WARRIOR PROGRAM (aka Green & Gold Congressional Aide Program) $45 000 - 59 000 per year

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