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What is the salary in Bureau of Indian Education?

Looking for a job at BUREAU OF INDIAN EDUCATION? Look at salary statistics and make your own choice


Salaries at Bureau of Indian Education range from $37 696 per year for a Supply Specialist position, $15 per hour for a Home Living Assistant position to $191 900 per year for a Supervisory Human Resources Specialist (Employee/Labor Relations) position, $71 per hour for a School Counselor (Special Education) position

The average salary at Bureau of Indian Education is $70 103 per year, $32 per hour

Salary information at Bureau of Indian Education is objective data that will be useful to anyone considering employment at this company. The statistics in the table below are based on recent and archived Bureau of Indian Education job openings, so they can be considered practically accurate.

Positions Salary
Accounting Technician $47 148 - 61 292 per year
Administrative Support Specialist $38 240 - 75 321 per year
Assistant Principal $55 - 71 per hour
Assistant Principal (Elementary) $40 - 52 per hour
Assistant Registrar $60 905 - 79 176 per year
Athletic Program Director $88 324 - 114 818 per year
Audio Visual Information Specialist $47 148 - 61 292 per year
Business Technician $22 - 31 per hour
Business Technician (Human Resources) $20 - 29 per hour
Campus Advocate Coordinator $47 369 - 91 131 per year
College Resident Assistant $38 062 - 49 485 per year
Cook $23 - 27 per hour
Cook Leader $29 - 34 per hour
Cook Supervisor $41 - 48 per hour
Counseling Technician $21 - 31 per hour
Custodial Worker $18 - 20 per hour
Dual Credit Coordinator $60 597 - 95 310 per year
Education Program Administrator $143 736 - 186 854 per year
Education Program Specialist (Native Language, History, Culture) $87 878 - 135 851 per year
Education Program Specialist (SpEd) $86 962 - 134 435 per year
Education Specialist (School Improvement) $82 830 - 128 043 per year
Education Technician $42 628 - 55 412 per year
Education Technician (Special Education) $20 - 29 per hour
Education Technician (Student Recruitment) $57 672 - 74 970 per year
Education Technician (Tutor) $47 148 - 61 292 per year
Educational Technician (Tutor) $49 541 - 64 405 per year
Electrician $32 - 38 per hour
Environmental Protection Specialist $83 634 - 108 724 per year
Equipment, Facilities and Services Assistant $44 582 - 57 958 per year
Facility Operations Specailist $47 148 - 74 970 per year
Facility Operations Specialist $48 676 - 77 399 per year
Financial Aid Specialist $60 597 - 78 776 per year
Financial Analyst (Grants) $69 777 - 90 707 per year
Financial Specialist $70 103 - 109 233 per year
Food Service Worker $18 - 20 per hour
Grant Project Coordinator $60 597 - 95 310 per year
Grants Management Specialist $60 905 - 95 794 per year
Head Teacher $35 - 65 per hour
Head Teacher (Special Education) $35 - 65 per hour
Head Teacher (Special Educatoin) $34 - 62 per hour
Home Living Assistant $15 - 31 per hour
Home Living Specialist $34 - 69 per hour
Human Resources Specialist (Employee/Labor Relations) $98 496 - 158 432 per year
Instructional Systems Specialist (Distance Education) $69 777 - 90 707 per year
Instructor (Accounting) $69 777 - 90 707 per year
Instructor (Art) $73 690 - 95 794 per year
Instructor (Biology) $73 317 - 95 310 per year
Instructor (Chemistry) $69 777 - 90 707 per year
Instructor (Computer Science) $73 317 - 95 310 per year
Instructor (Culinary Arts) $73 317 - 95 310 per year
Instructor (Developmental Math) $73 317 - 95 310 per year
Instructor (Education) $70 103 - 91 131 per year
Instructor (Elementary Education) $57 941 - 91 131 per year
Instructor (Engineering) $73 317 - 95 310 per year
Instructor (English and ESL) $73 317 - 95 310 per year
Instructor (English) $70 103 - 91 131 per year
Instructor (Environmental Science) $73 317 - 95 310 per year
Instructor (Geography) $73 690 - 95 794 per year
Instructor (Geography-Geospatial Technology) $73 317 - 95 310 per year
Instructor (Health Sports & Exercise Science) $70 103 - 91 131 per year
Instructor (Health, Sports & Exercise Science) $70 103 - 91 131 per year
Instructor (History) $73 690 - 95 794 per year
Instructor (Indian Studies) $73 690 - 95 794 per year
Instructor (Management) $60 905 - 95 794 per year
Instructor (Math) $69 777 - 90 707 per year
Instructor (Mathematics) $69 777 - 90 707 per year
Instructor (Reading) $73 317 - 95 310 per year
Instructor (Social Science - Social Work) $73 690 - 95 794 per year
Instructor (Speech) $70 103 - 91 131 per year
Instructor (Vision Care) $69 777 - 90 707 per year
Interdisciplinary General Engineer/Architect $69 777 - 108 724 per year
IT Specialist (SYSADMIN) $47 369 - 109 233 per year
IT Specialist (Customer Support) $70 103 - 91 131 per year
IT Specialist (Data Management) $87 878 - 114 237 per year
IT Specialist (INET) $84 025 - 109 233 per year
Lead College Resident Assistant $44 808 - 58 252 per year
Librarian $69 777 - 90 707 per year
Library Technician $40 196 - 64 732 per year
Maintenance Mechanic $32 - 37 per hour
Maintenance Mechanic Supervisor $39 - 46 per hour
Maintenance Worker $31 - 36 per hour
Management Analyst (Policy) $98 496 - 183 500 per year
Principal $47 - 61 per hour
Program Analyst $116 393 - 183 500 per year
Program Support Assistant $42 628 - 61 579 per year
Program Support Specialist $65 269 - 84 848 per year
Property Management Specailist $69 777 - 108 724 per year
Recreation Specialist $40 196 - 64 732 per year
Retention Technician $49 793 - 64 732 per year
Safety & Occupational Health Specialist $61 966 - 116 821 per year
School Bus Driver $20 - 29 per hour
School Cook (Supervisor) $21 - 31 per hour
School Counselor $37 - 67 per hour
School Counselor (Special Education) $39 - 71 per hour
School Maintenance Worker $20 - 29 per hour
Secretary $20 - 29 per hour
Security Guard $38 062 - 49 485 per year
Sports Specialist (Equipment Coordinator) $49 793 - 79 176 per year
Sports Specialist (Head Coach - Softball) $49 793 - 95 794 per year
Sports Specialist (Head Coach - Women's Basketball) $49 793 - 95 794 per year
Sports Specialist (Head Coach CC and TF) $60 905 - 79 176 per year
Sports Specialist (Sport Information Coordinator) $49 793 - 79 176 per year
Student Recruitment Specialist $49 793 - 79 176 per year
Student Rights Specialist $57 941 - 75 321 per year
Student Services Director (Dean of Students) $105 029 - 136 541 per year
Student Services Specialist $87 878 - 114 237 per year
Student Union Technician $49 793 - 64 732 per year
Substance Abuse Counseling Specialist $32 - 41 per hour
Supervisory Education Program Specialist $70 103 - 91 131 per year
Supervisory Education Program Specialist (Director of Grants and Sponsored Programs) $99 451 - 129 285 per year
Supervisory Facility Management Specialist $105 029 - 136 541 per year
Supervisory Facility Manager $103 409 - 134 345 per year
Supervisory Facility Operations Specialist $104 498 - 135 851 per year
Supervisory Financial Specialist $105 029 - 136 541 per year
Supervisory General Engineer $123 485 - 160 533 per year
Supervisory Human Resources Specialist (Employee/Labor Relations) $122 198 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Instructional Systems Specialist $87 878 - 114 237 per year
Supervisory Instructor $84 025 - 109 233 per year
Supervisory Instructor (Dean) $87 878 - 114 237 per year
Supervisory Management & Program Analyst (Chief Performance Officer) $136 908 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Recreation Specialist $60 905 - 79 176 per year
Supervisory Security Guard $44 808 - 58 252 per year
Supply Specialist $37 696 - 74 250 per year
Support Services Manager (VP of University Operations) $124 113 - 161 349 per year
Support Services Specialist (Financial Aid) $49 793 - 79 176 per year
Supv Instructional System Specialist $87 878 - 114 237 per year
Supv Instructional Systems Specialist (VP Academic Affairs) $117 522 - 152 775 per year
Teacher (Adult Education) $32 - 65 per hour
Teacher (Art) $32 - 65 per hour
Teacher (Art) (TERM NTE 1 YEAR) $32 - 65 per hour
Teacher (Biology) $32 - 65 per hour
Teacher (Chemistry/Physics) $32 - 65 per hour
Teacher (Computer Applications) $32 - 65 per hour
Teacher (Early Childhood) $32 - 65 per hour
Teacher (Elementary) $32 - 65 per hour
Teacher (Elementary/Library Science) $34 - 69 per hour
Teacher (Elementary/Physical Education) $34 - 69 per hour
Teacher (English) $32 - 65 per hour
Teacher (English/Language Arts) $32 - 65 per hour
Teacher (Gifted and Talented) $32 - 65 per hour
Teacher (Gifted) $32 - 65 per hour
Teacher (Health/Physical Education) $34 - 69 per hour
Teacher (HS - Science) $34 - 69 per hour
Teacher (HS-Math) $32 - 65 per hour
Teacher (HS-Math/Science) $32 - 65 per hour
Teacher (Industrial Arts) $32 - 65 per hour
Teacher (Intervention) $32 - 65 per hour
Teacher (Language Arts/English) $32 - 65 per hour
Teacher (Library Science) $34 - 69 per hour
Teacher (Mathematics) $32 - 65 per hour
Teacher (MS English-Language Arts/Social Studies) $32 - 65 per hour
Teacher (MS-Math/Science) $32 - 65 per hour
Teacher (Music) $32 - 65 per hour
Teacher (Navajo Language) $32 - 65 per hour
Teacher (Navajo) $34 - 69 per hour
Teacher (PE/Health) $32 - 65 per hour
Teacher (Performing Arts) $32 - 65 per hour
Teacher (Physical Education) $32 - 65 per hour
Teacher (Reading) $32 - 65 per hour
Teacher (Science) $32 - 65 per hour
Teacher (Secondary) $32 - 65 per hour
Teacher (Social Studies) $32 - 65 per hour
Teacher (Special Education) $32 - 65 per hour
Teacher (Special Education-Elementary) $32 - 65 per hour
Teacher (Special Educcation) $34 - 69 per hour
Teacher Special Education) $34 - 69 per hour
Tractor Operator $27 - 31 per hour
Tractor Operator Leader $29 - 34 per hour
Training Instructor (Industrial Arts) $22 - 39 per hour
Transitional Teacher (Art) $32 - 57 per hour
Transitional Teacher (Computer Applications) $32 - 57 per hour
Transitional Teacher (Early Childhood) $32 - 57 per hour
Transitional Teacher (Elementary) $32 - 57 per hour
Transitional Teacher (Elementary/Library Science) $34 - 61 per hour
Transitional Teacher (Elementary/Physical Education) $34 - 61 per hour
Transitional Teacher (English) $32 - 57 per hour
Transitional Teacher (English/Language Arts) $32 - 57 per hour
Transitional Teacher (Gifted and Talented) $34 - 61 per hour
Transitional Teacher (Gifted) $32 - 57 per hour
Transitional Teacher (Health/Physical Education) $34 - 61 per hour
Transitional Teacher (HS-Math) $32 - 57 per hour
Transitional Teacher (HS-Math/Science) $32 - 57 per hour
Transitional Teacher (HS-Science) $34 - 61 per hour
Transitional Teacher (Industrial Arts) $32 - 57 per hour
Transitional Teacher (Intervention) $32 - 57 per hour
Transitional Teacher (Language Arts/English) $32 - 57 per hour
Transitional Teacher (Mathematics) $32 - 57 per hour
Transitional Teacher (MS English-Language Arts/Social Studies) $32 - 57 per hour
Transitional Teacher (MS-Math/Science) $32 - 57 per hour
Transitional Teacher (Music) $32 - 57 per hour
Transitional Teacher (PE/Health) $34 - 61 per hour
Transitional Teacher (Performing Arts) $32 - 57 per hour
Transitional Teacher (Physical Education) $32 - 57 per hour
Transitional Teacher (Science) $32 - 57 per hour
Transitional Teacher (Secondary) $32 - 57 per hour
Transitional Teacher (Social Studies) $32 - 57 per hour
Transitional Teacher (Special Education) $32 - 57 per hour
Transitional Teacher (Special Education-Elementary) $32 - 57 per hour
Utility Systems Repairer - Operator $31 - 36 per hour
Utility Systems Repairer - Operator Leader $36 - 42 per hour
Utility Systems Repairer-Operator Leader $38 - 44 per hour
Vice President of Academic Affairs $145 988 - 189 781 per year

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