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What is the salary in Consumer Financial Protection Bureau?

Looking for a job at CONSUMER FINANCIAL PROTECTION BUREAU? Look at salary statistics and make your own choice


Salaries at Consumer Financial Protection Bureau range from $71 483 per year for a Research Assistant position, $34 per hour for a Student Trainee (Legal Intern) position to $262 000 per year for a Assistant Director Fair Lending position, $34 per hour for a Student Trainee (Legal Intern) position

The average salary at Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is $140 566 per year, $34 per hour

Salary information at Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is objective data that will be useful to anyone considering employment at this company. The statistics in the table below are based on recent and archived Consumer Financial Protection Bureau job openings, so they can be considered practically accurate.

Positions Salary
Acquisition Support Specialist $112 878 - 182 344 per year
Assistant Director Fair Lending $184 533 - 262 000 per year
Associate Executive Secretariat $128 117 - 182 344 per year
Attorney Advisor (Conflict Prevention Program) $140 566 - 238 674 per year
Attorney Advisor (Enforcement Attorney) $124 854 - 255 000 per year
Attorney-Adviser (Assistant Principal Deputy Enforcement Director) $169 238 - 255 000 per year
Attorney-Adviser (Counsel Regulations) $140 566 - 238 674 per year
Attorney-Adviser (Counsel), Regulations $140 566 - 238 674 per year
Attorney-Adviser (General) (Honors Attorney) $88 336 - 209 636 per year
Attorney-Adviser (Policy Attorney) $99 452 - 182 344 per year
Attorney-Adviser (Regulatory Implementation and Guidance) $99 452 - 182 344 per year
Attorney-Adviser (Senior Counsel, Policy and Strategy Market Lead) $140 488 - 255 000 per year
Attorney-Adviser (Special Counsel for Discovery) $140 488 - 255 000 per year
Attorney-Adviser (Special Counsel for Financial Litigation) $140 488 - 255 000 per year
Attorney-Advisor $158 167 - 255 000 per year
Attorney-Advisor (Enforcement Attorney) $124 854 - 255 000 per year
Attorney-Advisor (General) $140 566 - 255 000 per year
Attorney-Advisor (Senior Counsel, Supervision Policy and Operations) $140 488 - 255 000 per year
Auditor (Forensic Accountant) $128 117 - 182 344 per year
Business Analyst (Data Mgmt) $128 117 - 182 344 per year
Chief of Litigation Technology $169 238 - 255 000 per year
Congressional Liaison $140 566 - 238 674 per year
Consumer Financial Protection Analyst $99 452 - 141 547 per year
Consumer Financial Protection Analyst (Enforcement) $113 797 - 209 636 per year
Digital Content Specialist $128 117 - 182 344 per year
Director of Examiner Education $169 238 - 255 000 per year
Director Office of Minority and Women Inclusion $184 533 - 255 000 per year
Enforcement Economist $140 566 - 238 674 per year
Enterprise Risk Management Program Manager $140 566 - 238 674 per year
Events Management Lead $150 405 - 255 000 per year
Fellow (Director's Financial Analyst) $71 483 - 103 752 per year
Financial Education Technical Product Analyst $128 117 - 182 344 per year
Government Information Specialist $140 566 - 238 674 per year
Honors Paralegal $71 483 - 118 679 per year
HR Specialist (Policy and Accountability) $140 566 - 238 674 per year
Human Resource Specialist (Recruitment) $128 117 - 182 344 per year
Industry Engagement and Relationship Specialist $128 117 - 182 344 per year
Investigator (Consumer Outreach) $128 117 - 182 344 per year
IT Specialist (Deputy Chief Data Officer) $158 167 - 255 000 per year
IT Specialist (Senior Cybersecurity Network Architect) $140 566 - 238 674 per year
Management & Program Analyst $128 117 - 182 344 per year
Management and Program Analyst $113 797 - 209 636 per year
Management and Program Analyst (Policy & Strategy) $128 117 - 182 344 per year
Management and Program Analyst (Program Management Coordinator) $81 132 - 160 656 per year
Management and Program Analyst (Whistleblower Analyst) $128 117 - 182 344 per year
Manager of Examiner Education $150 405 - 255 000 per year
Operations Analyst $99 452 - 141 547 per year
Paralegal Specialist $88 336 - 184 702 per year
Program Director for Operations $169 238 - 255 000 per year
Public Affairs Specialist $140 566 - 238 674 per year
Public Affairs Specialist (Social Media Strategist) $140 566 - 238 674 per year
Research Assistant $71 483 - 103 752 per year
Resource Management Officer $140 566 - 238 674 per year
Senior Advisor (Stakeholder Engagement and Relationship Management) $158 167 - 255 000 per year
Senior Advisor (Stakeholder Engagement and Relationship Management) $158 167 - 255 000 per year
Senior Advisor to the Chief Operating Officer $169 238 - 255 000 per year
Senior Business Consultant $140 566 - 238 674 per year
Senior eLaw Litigation Support Specialist $140 566 - 238 674 per year
Senior Investigator $140 566 - 238 674 per year
Senior Litigation Support Specialist $140 566 - 238 674 per year
Senior Policy Analyst $140 566 - 238 674 per year
Special Assistant $81 132 - 141 547 per year
Statistician $140 566 - 238 674 per year
Student Trainee (Legal Intern) $34 - 34 per hour
Supervisory Accountant (Financial Manager) $169 238 - 255 000 per year
Supervisory Administrative Officer (Resources Management Officer) $150 405 - 255 000 per year
Supervisory Attorney-Adviser $163 238 - 255 000 per year
Supervisory Attorney-Adviser (Deputy Chief of Staff, Enforcement) $169 238 - 255 000 per year
Supervisory Attorney-Advisor (Assistant General Counsel for Law and Policy) $169 238 - 255 000 per year
Supervisory Attorney-Advisor (Assistant Litigation Deputy) $150 322 - 255 000 per year
Supervisory Attorney-Advisor (Deputy Enforcement Director for Litigation) $169 238 - 255 000 per year
Supervisory Economist (Deputy Assistant Director) $169 238 - 255 000 per year
Supervisory General Attorney $169 238 - 255 000 per year
Supervisory Investigator $169 238 - 255 000 per year
Supervisory IT Specialist (Infrastructure Operations Lead) $150 405 - 255 000 per year
Supervisory Program Manager Financial Education $150 405 - 255 000 per year
Supervisory Research Scientist (Interdisciplinary) $169 238 - 255 000 per year

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