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What is the salary in Office of the Inspector General?

Looking for a job at OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL? Look at salary statistics and make your own choice


Salaries at Office of the Inspector General range from $40 351 per year for a General Administrative & Office Support Intern position to $225 700 per year for a Deputy Assistant Inspector General - Audit Division position

The average salary at Office of the Inspector General is $117 962 per year

Salary information at Office of the Inspector General is objective data that will be useful to anyone considering employment at this company. The statistics in the table below are based on recent and archived Office of the Inspector General job openings, so they can be considered practically accurate.

Positions Salary
Accounting and Budget Intern $40 351 - 58 686 per year
Administrative Management Specialist $78 592 - 145 617 per year
Administrative Officer $72 974 - 145 617 per year
Attorney Advisor $147 649 - 204 000 per year
Auditor (Performance) $46 696 - 91 873 per year
Auditor (Performance) - Performance and Compliance Specialist $55 924 - 88 926 per year
Auditor (Performance)- Performance and Compliance Specialist $54 505 - 86 670 per year
Budget Analyst $69 107 - 148 255 per year
Chief Information Officer $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Communications Analyst $116 393 - 183 500 per year
Congressional Liaison Specialist $117 962 - 181 216 per year
CRIM INVSTGR $123 041 - 159 950 per year
Criminal Investigator $94 373 - 141 064 per year
Criminal Investigator (Chief of Staff) $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Criminal Investigator (Polygraph Examiner) $117 962 - 153 354 per year
Criminal Investigator (SPEC AGENT) $88 520 - 115 079 per year
Criminal Investigator (Special Agent) $98 496 - 128 043 per year
Criminal Investigator - Special Agent $115 439 - 150 075 per year
CRIMINAL INVESTIGATOR- SPECIAL AGENT $117 962 - 153 354 per year
Customer Experience Strategist $88 520 - 115 079 per year
Data Scientist $72 553 - 155 034 per year
Data Scientist - Direct Hire $72 553 - 155 034 per year
DEPTY ASST INSPR GEN FOR INVES $147 649 - 221 900 per year
Deputy Assistant Inspector General - Audit Division $150 160 - 225 700 per year
Deputy Chief of Staff $143 736 - 191 900 per year
Deputy Director $139 395 - 181 216 per year
DEPUTY INSPECTOR GENERAL $141 022 - 212 100 per year
Director of Human Resources $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Financial Management Analyst $82 764 - 107 590 per year
General Administrative & Office Support Intern $40 351 - 56 686 per year
Government Information Specialist $139 395 - 181 216 per year
Human Resources Specialist (Staffing and Placement) $72 553 - 167 336 per year
Human Resources Specialist - Executive Resources $139 395 - 181 216 per year
Human Resources Specialist( Employee Relations) $139 395 - 181 216 per year
Information Technology Specialist (Digital Forensics Analyst) $84 546 - 109 908 per year
Inspector $55 924 - 72 703 per year
Intelligence Research Analyst $94 199 - 145 617 per year
Investigator $82 764 - 153 354 per year
IT Cybersecurity Specialist (INFOSEC) DIRECT HIRE $122 198 - 191 900 per year
IT Cybersecurity Specialist ( System Administration)-Direct Hire $117 962 - 181 216 per year
IT Specialist (INFOSEC) $117 962 - 181 216 per year
Lead Benefits and Compensation Specialist $139 395 - 181 216 per year
Lead Program Analyst $122 198 - 183 202 per year
Management and Program Analyst $117 962 - 153 354 per year
Mathematical Statistician (Data Scientist) $55 924 - 88 926 per year
Policy, Strategy and Risk Program Analyst $51 332 - 115 079 per year
Policy, Strategy, and Risk Program Analyst $51 332 - 115 079 per year
Portfolio Manager $103 409 - 155 034 per year
Program Analyst $69 107 - 124 677 per year
Program Analyst (Congressional) $53 105 - 69 035 per year
Program Analyst / Senior Inspector $103 409 - 167 336 per year
Records and Information Management Specialist $69 107 - 124 677 per year
Security Specialist $99 200 - 153 354 per year
Senior Advisor - Reimbursable Detail NTE 240 Days $123 041 - 221 900 per year
Senior Counsel to the Assistant Inspector General, Oversight & Review Division $147 649 - 221 900 per year
Senior Counsel to the Inspector General $147 649 - 221 900 per year
Senior Criminal Investigator (Assistant Special Agent In Charge) $139 395 - 181 216 per year
Senior Criminal Investigator (Senior Special Agent) $135 860 - 176 620 per year
Senior Criminal Investigator (SSA) $122 198 - 177 341 per year
STAFF ASSISTANT $82 764 - 107 590 per year
Statistician $122 198 - 183 202 per year
Statistician - Direct Hire $122 198 - 183 202 per year
Student Trainee (Criminal Investigation) $41 966 - 54 557 per year
Student Trainee( Information Technology Intern) $55 924 - 72 703 per year
Supervisory Criminal Investigator $124 395 - 161 716 per year
Supervisory Audit Compliance Analyst $116 393 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Auditor $143 736 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Auditor (Performance) $116 393 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Auditor Performance $116 393 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Budget Analyst $122 198 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Communications Analyst $116 393 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Contract Specialist $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Criminal Investigator $122 907 - 159 776 per year
Supervisory Criminal Investigator (ASAC) $139 395 - 181 216 per year
Supervisory Criminal Investigator (SAC) $160 458 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Data Scientist $104 604 - 135 987 per year
Supervisory Data Scientist Direct Hire $104 604 - 135 987 per year
Supervisory Facilities and Property Manager $139 395 - 181 216 per year
Supervisory HR Specialist $136 908 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory HR Specialist (Data Analytics) $139 395 - 181 216 per year
Supervisory HR Specialist - Employee Relations $129 134 - 183 202 per year
Supervisory IT Cybersecurity Specialist (INFOSEC) $132 368 - 172 075 per year
Supervisory IT Specialist (Assistant Director of CSITAO) $139 395 - 181 216 per year
Supervisory IT Specialist (Data MGMT) $118 291 - 174 075 per year
Supervisory IT Specialist (InfoSec) $139 395 - 181 216 per year
Supervisory Management & Program Analyst $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Performance Auditor (Assistant Director of CSITAO) $139 395 - 181 216 per year
Supervisory Program Analyst $139 395 - 181 216 per year
Supervisory Program Analyst/Data Access Manager $122 198 - 183 202 per year
Supervisory Security Specialist $139 395 - 181 216 per year
Visual Information Specialist $88 520 - 115 079 per year
Writer-Editor $122 198 - 191 900 per year

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