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What is the salary in National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration?

Looking for a job at NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION? Look at salary statistics and make your own choice


Salaries at National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration range from $24 689 per year for a Consumer Safety Officer position, $29 per hour for a Materials Handler Leader position to $221 900 per year for a Senior Scientist for the Geostationary Extended Observations Program position, $47 per hour for a Maintenance Mechanic Leader position

The average salary at National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is $98 496 per year, $29 per hour

Salary information at National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is objective data that will be useful to anyone considering employment at this company. The statistics in the table below are based on recent and archived National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration job openings, so they can be considered practically accurate.

Positions Salary
Accountant $55 924 - 128 956 per year
Acquisition Management Specialist $78 592 - 172 075 per year
Acquisition Management Specialist (Grants) $46 696 - 101 179 per year
Acquisition Management Specialst $49 025 - 127 707 per year
Administrative Assistant $46 696 - 81 771 per year
Administrative Management Specialist $78 592 - 122 459 per year
Administrative Officer $112 015 - 172 075 per year
Administrative Program Specialist $53 105 - 122 459 per year
Administrative Services Assistant $51 453 - 74 081 per year
Administrative Specialist $51 934 - 90 945 per year
Administrative Support Assistant $42 714 - 61 897 per year
Administrative Support Assistant (OA) $46 696 - 67 231 per year
Aerospace Engineer $69 107 - 151 308 per year
Archaeologist $49 025 - 99 821 per year
Assistant Chief Information Officer $147 649 - 221 900 per year
Assistant Monument Superintendent $102 444 - 157 373 per year
Attorney Advisor $86 151 - 183 500 per year
Attorney Advisor (General) $86 962 - 186 854 per year
Attorney-Advisor (General) $99 200 - 191 900 per year
Auditor $112 015 - 172 075 per year
Biological Science Lab Technician $82 633 - 128 752 per year
Biological Science Technician $57 118 - 81 771 per year
Biological Science Technician (Fisheries) $59 966 - 85 844 per year
Biologist $76 860 - 121 378 per year
BIOLOGIST (PATHWAYS RECENT GRAD) $46 696 - 94 384 per year
Budget Analyst $78 592 - 172 075 per year
Budget Officer $102 444 - 133 176 per year
Cartographer $53 105 - 122 459 per year
CCA DHA - Management & Program Analyst $41 966 - 96 770 per year
Chief Financial Officer - Chief Administrative Officer for Satellite Information Services $147 649 - 221 900 per year
Chief of Staff $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Communication Specialist $103 409 - 184 725 per year
Communications Specialist $132 368 - 172 075 per year
Communications Specialist (TraCSS Communications Specialist) $117 962 - 181 216 per year
Compliance Specialist $117 962 - 181 216 per year
Computer Engineer $103 409 - 134 435 per year
Computer Operator $70 448 - 100 849 per year
Computer Scientist $98 496 - 172 075 per year
Congressional Affairs Specialist $112 015 - 172 075 per year
Constituent Affairs Specialist $112 015 - 172 075 per year
Consumer Safety Officer $24 689 - 119 760 per year
Criminal Investigator $98 496 - 151 308 per year
Cultural Resources Coordinator $72 553 - 117 856 per year
Data Scientist $112 015 - 172 075 per year
Data Scientist (Recent Grad) $55 836 - 97 770 per year
Deputy Assistant Administrator for Programs and Administration $141 022 - 212 100 per year
Deputy Chief Financial Officer $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Deputy Director $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Director Central Region $141 022 - 212 100 per year
Director Environmental Modeling Center $147 649 - 221 900 per year
Director Office of Law Enforcement $147 649 - 221 900 per year
Director Office of International and Interagency Relations and Data Partnership $147 649 - 221 900 per year
Director Office of National Geodetic Survey $141 022 - 212 100 per year
Director Platform and Infrastructure Acquisition Division $141 022 - 212 100 per year
Director Weather Program Officer $147 649 - 221 900 per year
Director, Climate Program Office $147 649 - 221 900 per year
Director, Office of Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory $147 649 - 221 900 per year
Director, Platform and Infrastructure Acquisition Division $147 649 - 221 900 per year
Duty Scientist $59 407 - 101 263 per year
Ecologist $51 453 - 118 651 per year
Economist $82 764 - 181 216 per year
Education and Outreach Coordinator $115 793 - 191 900 per year
Education and Outreach Specialist $51 261 - 89 761 per year
Education Outreach Specialist $69 107 - 133 236 per year
Education Specialist $72 553 - 113 047 per year
Electrical Engineer/Computer Engineer/Electronics Engineer $103 409 - 186 854 per year
Electronic Technician $51 713 - 89 835 per year
Electronics Engineer $132 368 - 172 075 per year
Electronics Engineer/Computer Scientist $80 006 - 175 178 per year
Electronics Technician $62 898 - 89 835 per year
Electronicss Technician $67 738 - 106 541 per year
Emergency Management Specialist $76 551 - 119 280 per year
Enforcement Officer $59 653 - 97 373 per year
Enforcement Technician $51 934 - 90 945 per year
Engineering Technician $59 407 - 93 437 per year
Engineering Technician (Aerospace) $69 107 - 89 835 per year
Engineering Technician (Senior Facilities Engineering Technician) $84 025 - 109 233 per year
Environmental Engineer $112 015 - 172 075 per year
Environmental Protection Specialist $69 107 - 172 075 per year
Environmental Protection Specialist (NEPA) $78 044 - 140 713 per year
Environmental Scientist $78 592 - 172 075 per year
Equal Employment Specialist $117 962 - 181 216 per year
Equipment Specialist $70 103 - 91 131 per year
Equipment Specialist (Marine) $75 833 - 122 459 per year
Facilities Engineer $80 769 - 176 842 per year
Facility Operations Specialist $77 738 - 125 851 per year
Field Services Assistant $55 378 - 71 993 per year
Financial Assistance Specialist $69 107 - 122 459 per year
Financial Management Analyst $114 970 - 149 465 per year
Financial Management Specialist $46 696 - 81 771 per year
Financial Systems Analyst $82 764 - 181 216 per year
Fish and Wildlife Administrator $69 107 - 151 308 per year
Fish Biologist $69 107 - 122 459 per year
Fish Biologist/Natural Resource Specialist $69 107 - 107 680 per year
Fish Biologist/Statistician (Biology) $82 764 - 176 570 per year
Fishery Information Specialist $55 383 - 96 977 per year
Fishery Management Specialist $71 877 - 111 996 per year
Fishery Policy Analyst $82 764 - 181 216 per year
Fishery Program Specialist $82 764 - 181 216 per year
Fishery Reporting Specialist $52 527 - 91 984 per year
Fishery Resource Management Specialist $72 553 - 128 956 per year
Foreign Affairs Specialist $69 107 - 122 459 per year
General Biologist $77 738 - 121 128 per year
General Engineer $99 714 - 172 075 per year
General Engineer (Flight Dynamics Engineer) $112 015 - 172 075 per year
General Engineer (PORT) $69 107 - 170 205 per year
General Engineer/Physical Scientist $72 553 - 158 860 per year
Geodesist $72 001 - 112 190 per year
Geodesist (Regional Advisor) $98 496 - 151 308 per year
Geophysicist/Oceanographer $107 809 - 140 155 per year
Government Information Specialist $55 383 - 127 707 per year
Grant Management Specialist $72 553 - 113 047 per year
Grants Management Specialist $110 798 - 170 205 per year
Grants Mangement Specialist $78 592 - 122 459 per year
HR Specialist $99 714 - 172 075 per year
HR Specialist (Recruitment and Placement) $47 273 - 92 995 per year
Human Resources Assistant (Recruitment & Placement) $47 273 - 92 995 per year
Human Resources Specialist $99 916 - 172 075 per year
Human Resources Specialist (Business Advisor) $73 572 - 181 216 per year
Human Resources Specialist (Classification) $73 690 - 128 956 per year
Human Resources Specialist (Employee Benefits) $69 961 - 122 459 per year
Human Resources Specialist (Employee Benefits)) $69 961 - 122 459 per year
Human Resources Specialist (Employee Relations) $104 861 - 181 216 per year
Human Resources Specialist (Labor & Employee Relations) $69 107 - 107 680 per year
Human Resources Specialist (Performance Management) $112 015 - 172 075 per year
Hydraulic Engineer $62 107 - 135 987 per year
Hydrologist $46 696 - 107 680 per year
Hydrologist (Service Coordination Hydrologist) $138 046 - 179 462 per year
Hydrologist (Service Hydrologist) $82 830 - 107 680 per year
Hydrologist / Meteorologist $42 571 - 121 601 per year
Hydrologist/Meteorologist $69 107 - 107 680 per year
Hydrometeorological Technician $77 898 - 101 263 per year
I.T Specialist (Information Technology Officer) $99 200 - 153 354 per year
Industry Economist $112 015 - 172 075 per year
Information Technology Officer $82 830 - 128 043 per year
Information Technology Specialist $82 830 - 128 043 per year
Information Technology Specialist (Customer Service) $67 968 - 137 375 per year
Information Technology Specialist (SysAdmin) $82 830 - 144 331 per year
Instructional Systems Specialist $84 025 - 109 233 per year
Intelligence Operations Specialist $117 962 - 181 216 per year
Interdisciplinary (Meteorologist/Hydrologist/Physical Scientist) $116 811 - 151 858 per year
Interdisciplinary (Physical Scientist/General Engineer) $143 736 - 186 854 per year
Interdisciplinary (Physical Scientist/Meteorologist) $81 956 - 127 698 per year
Interdisciplinary (Supervisory Physical Scientist-Supervisory Hydrologist) $145 078 - 188 597 per year
Interdisciplinary Electrical Engineer/Computer Engineer/Electronics Engineer $103 409 - 186 854 per year
Interdisciplinary Fish Biologist/Natural Resource Specialist $69 107 - 133 236 per year
Interdisciplinary Geophysicist/Oceanographer $102 444 - 133 176 per year
Interdisciplinary Meteorologist/Hydrologist $116 820 - 151 870 per year
Interdisciplinary Meteorologist/Hydrologist/Physical Scientist $105 029 - 136 541 per year
Interdisciplinary Research Physical Scientist/ Research Physicist/Research Chemist $109 107 - 167 608 per year
Interdisciplinary(Physical Scientist/Meteorologist) $81 956 - 127 698 per year
International Relations Specialist $112 015 - 172 075 per year
International Trade Specialist $78 592 - 172 075 per year
Inventory Management Specialist $78 592 - 122 459 per year
Investigative Analyst $78 592 - 122 459 per year
IT Cybersecurity Specialist $103 409 - 134 435 per year
IT Project Manager $78 592 - 122 459 per year
IT Specialist $102 444 - 133 176 per year
IT Specialist (Applications Software) $77 738 - 172 075 per year
IT Specialist (APPSW) $109 107 - 141 836 per year
IT Specialist (APPSW/CUSTSPT) $72 553 - 113 047 per year
IT Specialist (Customer Support) $55 313 - 91 984 per year
IT Specialist (CUSTSPT) $91 753 - 119 280 per year
IT Specialist (DAT AMGT/SYSANALYSIS) $112 015 - 172 075 per year
IT Specialist (Data Management) $112 015 - 172 075 per year
IT Specialist (Data Scientist) $69 996 - 107 680 per year
IT Specialist (Enterprise Architecture) $112 015 - 172 075 per year
IT Specialist (Information Security) $81 963 - 127 707 per year
IT Specialist (Information Security/System Administration) $75 640 - 117 856 per year
IT Specialist (InfoSec) $98 496 - 167 608 per year
IT Specialist (Internet) $117 962 - 181 216 per year
IT Specialist (Network Services) $112 015 - 172 075 per year
IT Specialist (Network Services/AppSW) $112 015 - 172 075 per year
IT Specialist (OS/CUSTSPT) $99 200 - 128 956 per year
IT Specialist (Security) $54 111 - 92 995 per year
IT Specialist (SYSADMIN & CUSTSPT) $103 409 - 153 354 per year
IT Specialist (SysAdmin) $82 830 - 144 331 per year
IT Specialist (SYSADMIN/CUSTSPT) $77 738 - 121 128 per year
IT Specialist (SYSADMIN/CUSTSPT)(PATHWAYS RECENT GRAD) $34 121 - 59 794 per year
IT Specialist (SYSADMIN/NETWORK) $88 324 - 114 818 per year
IT Specialist (SysAnalysis) $56 654 - 128 956 per year
IT Specialist (System Administration) $92 514 - 137 375 per year
IT Specialist (System Administrator) $103 409 - 167 336 per year
IT Specialist (System Analysis App Software) $117 962 - 181 216 per year
IT Specialist (System Analysis/App Software) $117 962 - 181 216 per year
IT Specialist (SystemAnalysis AppSoftWare) $112 015 - 172 075 per year
IT Specialist (SystemAnalysis/AppSoftWare) $112 015 - 172 075 per year
IT Specialist (Systems Administration) $69 107 - 151 308 per year
IT Specialist (Systems Analysis) $112 015 - 172 075 per year
IT Specialist Application Software $67 968 - 137 375 per year
IT Specialist(Information Officer) $86 343 - 137 363 per year
IT Specialist(SYSADMIN) $98 496 - 128 043 per year
Law Clerk/Attorney Advisor $78 592 - 145 617 per year
Law Clerk/Attorney Advisor (General) $82 764 - 153 354 per year
Lead Accountant $112 015 - 172 075 per year
Lead Administrative Management Specialist $112 015 - 172 075 per year
Lead Electronics Technician $69 107 - 107 680 per year
Lead Hydro-Meteorological Technician $86 962 - 113 047 per year
Lead Hydro-Meteorological Technician (OPL) $98 232 - 127 698 per year
Lead Hydro-Meteorologist Technician $93 543 - 121 601 per year
Lead Hydrologist $103 409 - 134 435 per year
Lead IT Specialist (Applications Software) $103 409 - 158 860 per year
Lead IT Specialist (SYSADMIN) $104 374 - 135 690 per year
Lead Management and Program Analyst $114 970 - 181 216 per year
Lead Meteorologiost $111 026 - 144 331 per year
Lead Meteorologist $98 496 - 128 043 per year
Lead Meteorologist (LOCAL COMMUTING AREA ONLY) $98 496 - 158 432 per year
Lead Meteorologist (Science and Operations Officer) $103 409 - 134 435 per year
Lead Meteorologist (senior forecaster) $111 026 - 144 331 per year
Lead Physical Scientist/Oceanographer/Geophysicist $116 393 - 151 308 per year
Lead Workplace Violence Prevention and Response Program Coordinator $117 962 - 181 216 per year
Legal Instruments Examiner $49 025 - 70 578 per year
Librarian $78 592 - 172 075 per year
Loan Specialist (Commercial) $72 553 - 128 956 per year
Logistics Management Specialist $77 898 - 121 378 per year
Maintenance Mechanic $37 - 43 per hour
Maintenance Mechanic Leader $41 - 47 per hour
Maintenance Operations Coordinator $77 274 - 120 401 per year
Management and Program Analyst $49 025 - 85 844 per year
Management & Program Analyst $78 592 - 122 459 per year
Management Analysis Officer $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Management Analyst $78 592 - 172 075 per year
Management and Program Analysis Officer $112 015 - 172 075 per year
Management and Program Analyst $109 107 - 167 608 per year
Management and Program Analyst (PATHWAYS RECENT GRAD) $55 924 - 97 925 per year
Marine Biologist $46 696 - 81 771 per year
Marine Habitat Resource Specialist $69 107 - 122 459 per year
Marine Habitat Resources Specialist $53 105 - 92 995 per year
Marine Resources Management Specialist $77 738 - 121 128 per year
Marine Scientist $46 696 - 107 680 per year
Materials Handler Leader $29 - 34 per hour
Mathematician $76 551 - 119 280 per year
Meteorological Technician $37 696 - 81 771 per year
Meteorologist $118 071 - 153 490 per year
Meteorologist (Science and Operations Officer) $122 198 - 158 860 per year
Meteorologist (Fire Weather) $122 198 - 158 860 per year
Meteorologist (General Forecaster) $82 830 - 133 236 per year
Meteorologist (Lead Meteorologist) $103 409 - 134 435 per year
Meteorologist (Pathways Recent Grad) $44 705 - 106 541 per year
Meteorologist (Recent Grad) $55 378 - 106 541 per year
Meteorologist (Recent Graduate) $51 726 - 90 580 per year
Meteorologist (Science & Operations Officer) $132 753 - 172 581 per year
Meteorologist (Science And Operations Officer) $132 368 - 172 075 per year
Meteorologist (Warning Coordination Meteorologist) $138 046 - 179 462 per year
Meteorologist (Warning Coordination) $105 268 - 136 852 per year
Meteorologist - Climate Prediction Center Deputy Director $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Meteorologist - Science & Operations Officer $98 496 - 128 043 per year
Meteorologist - Science and Operations Officer $116 393 - 151 308 per year
Meteorologist - Warning Coordination Meteorologist $98 496 - 128 043 per year
Meteorologist(Fire Weather) $122 198 - 158 860 per year
Meteorologist- Science and Operations Officer $116 393 - 151 308 per year
Meterologist $103 409 - 134 435 per year
Meterorologist (Warning Coordination) $118 071 - 153 490 per year
Microbiologist $49 025 - 113 047 per year
Natural Resource Management Specialist $55 924 - 97 925 per year
Natural Resource Specialist $69 107 - 114 741 per year
Natural Resource Specialist/Fish Biologist $69 107 - 133 236 per year
Oceanographer $69 107 - 172 075 per year
Oceanographer/Physical Scientist/Geophysics $121 059 - 157 373 per year
Outreach Program Specialist $77 738 - 122 016 per year
Outreach Specialist $82 764 - 128 956 per year
Pathways Recent Graduate Accountant $55 924 - 97 925 per year
Pathways Recent Graduate Electronics Engineer/Mechanical Engineer $54 505 - 95 441 per year
Permits Assistant $42 491 - 75 783 per year
Personnel Psychologist $112 015 - 172 075 per year
Physical Scientist $52 734 - 94 912 per year
Physical Science Technician $76 860 - 119 760 per year
Physical Scientist $132 368 - 172 075 per year
Physical Scientist /Social Scientist $112 015 - 172 075 per year
Physical Scientist/Geophysicist/Oceanographer $62 517 - 140 155 per year
Physical Scientist/Social Scientist $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Physical Security Specialist $117 962 - 181 216 per year
Physicist $135 860 - 176 620 per year
Policy Advisor $117 962 - 181 216 per year
Policy Analyst $78 592 - 122 459 per year
Program & Policy Analyst $72 553 - 140 713 per year
Program Advisor $81 956 - 179 448 per year
Program Analyst $46 696 - 133 236 per year
Program and Policy Analyst $98 496 - 183 500 per year
Program Coordinator $72 553 - 181 216 per year
Program Management Specialist $112 015 - 172 075 per year
Program Manager $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Program Planning Specialist $75 640 - 117 856 per year
Program Specialist $64 957 - 102 166 per year
Program Specialist (Operations Coordinator) $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Program Specialist (Security) $117 962 - 181 216 per year
Program Support Specialist $57 778 - 101 179 per year
Program Training Specialist $99 714 - 172 075 per year
Public Affairs Specialist $112 015 - 172 075 per year
Realty Specialist $78 592 - 122 459 per year
Realty Specialist (Pathways Recent Grad) $55 924 - 97 925 per year
Records and Information Management Specialist $82 764 - 128 956 per year
Regional Administrator Pacific Islands Regional Office $147 649 - 221 900 per year
Regional Economist $78 044 - 140 713 per year
Relocation Services Coordinator $53 105 - 129 917 per year
Research Archeologist $72 553 - 181 216 per year
Research Biologist $77 738 - 121 128 per year
Research Chemist $76 551 - 167 608 per year
Research Ecologist $98 496 - 172 075 per year
Research Economist $69 107 - 174 647 per year
Research Fish Biologist $73 639 - 114 741 per year
Research Fish Biologist/Research Mathematical Statistician $78 307 - 171 452 per year
Research Geodesist $80 665 - 128 956 per year
Research Marine Biologist $72 553 - 181 216 per year
Research Marine Scientist $81 963 - 127 707 per year
Research Mathematical Statistician $75 640 - 165 619 per year
Research Meteorologist $109 107 - 177 107 per year
Research Oceanographer $77 738 - 170 205 per year
Research Physical Scientist $69 107 - 151 308 per year
Research Physical Scientist/Research Chemist/Research Physicist $151 657 - 183 500 per year
Research Program Specialist $76 148 - 118 651 per year
Research Program Specialist (Recent Graduate) $51 453 - 90 103 per year
Research Social Scientist $78 592 - 172 075 per year
Research Survey Statistician $82 764 - 181 216 per year
Resource Management Specialist $75 640 - 117 856 per year
Resource Protection Specialist $90 310 - 140 713 per year
Resources Management Specialist $75 640 - 117 856 per year
Safety and Occupational Health Manager $112 015 - 172 075 per year
Safety and Occupational Health Specialist $48 567 - 85 049 per year
Sanctuary Outreach Specialist $77 738 - 121 128 per year
Scientific Integrity Officer $149 852 - 191 900 per year
Secretary $42 404 - 75 628 per year
Secretary (OA) $66 126 - 94 662 per year
Senior Advisor for Capacity Building and External Engagement $147 649 - 221 900 per year
Senior Advisor for Coastal Modeling Science and Services $147 649 - 221 900 per year
Senior Policy Advisor $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Senior Scientist for Environmental Satellites $147 649 - 221 900 per year
Senior Scientist for the Geostationary Extended Observations Program $147 649 - 221 900 per year
Social Scientist $98 496 - 145 617 per year
Social Scientist (Recent Grad) $67 738 - 106 541 per year
Social Scientist/Physical Scientist $73 230 - 181 216 per year
Space Scientist $128 931 - 167 608 per year
Student Trainee (Administration) $52 734 - 96 124 per year
Student Trainee (Biological Sciences) $42 571 - 82 069 per year
Student Trainee (Cartographer) $34 121 - 58 159 per year
Student Trainee (Communications) $54 505 - 95 441 per year
Student Trainee (Criminal Investigation) $27 576 - 61 573 per year
Student Trainee (Criminal Investigator) $34 121 - 96 969 per year
Student Trainee (Data Science) $54 505 - 95 441 per year
Student Trainee (Engineering) $34 121 - 63 412 per year
Student Trainee (Information Technology) $54 505 - 95 441 per year
Student Trainee (Mathematics) $54 505 - 95 441 per year
Student Trainee (Meteorologist) $36 878 - 47 938 per year
Student Trainee (Meteorology) $45 146 - 58 686 per year
Student Trainee (Office Support) $35 499 - 53 468 per year
Student Trainee (Physical Science) $54 505 - 97 925 per year
Student Trainee (Physical Scientist) $40 351 - 52 452 per year
Student Trainee Pathways Program (Physical Scientist) $59 966 - 77 955 per year
Supervisory Accountant $112 015 - 172 075 per year
Supervisory Acquisition Management Specialist $117 962 - 181 216 per year
Supervisory Administrative Management Specialist $72 553 - 127 707 per year
Supervisory Administrative Officer $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Assistant Sanctuary Superintendent $104 955 - 161 231 per year
Supervisory Biologist $111 609 - 171 452 per year
Supervisory Budget Analyst $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Budget Analyst (Deputy Director, NOAA Budget Office) $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Budget Officer $98 496 - 151 308 per year
Supervisory Cartographer $99 714 - 157 773 per year
Supervisory Communications Specialist $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Computer Operator $70 448 - 100 849 per year
Supervisory Computer Scientist $121 485 - 186 629 per year
Supervisory Consumer Safety Officer $103 409 - 184 725 per year
Supervisory Criminal Investigator $111 234 - 177 885 per year
Supervisory Deputy Director $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Development Engineer (Systems Engineer Lead) $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Development Engineer (TraCCS Program Manager) $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Electronics Engineer $98 496 - 151 308 per year
Supervisory Electronics Technician $103 409 - 134 435 per year
Supervisory Enforcement Manager $154 007 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Enforcement Officer $119 254 - 183 202 per year
Supervisory Engineering Technician $105 029 - 136 541 per year
Supervisory Environmental Engineer $138 883 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Environmental Scientist $98 496 - 172 075 per year
Supervisory Environmental Scientist/Supervisory Physical Scientist $154 325 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Environmental Scientist/Supervisory Social Scientist $143 736 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Equal Employment Specialist $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Facilities Operations Specialist $114 970 - 176 620 per year
Supervisory Facility Operations Specialist $77 898 - 121 378 per year
Supervisory Financial Management Analyst $103 409 - 181 216 per year
Supervisory Financial Management Specialist $105 666 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Financial Specialist $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Financial Systems Analyst $112 015 - 172 075 per year
Supervisory Fish & Wildlife Administrator $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Fish and Wildlife Administrator $160 950 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Fish Biologist $110 798 - 170 205 per year
Supervisory Fish Biologist/Natural Resource Management Specialist $98 496 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Fish Biologist/Supervisory Natural Resource Management Specialist $103 409 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Fishery Information Specialist $110 798 - 170 205 per year
Supervisory Fishery Policy Analyst $116 820 - 179 462 per year
Supervisory Fishery Resource Management Specialist $103 409 - 177 885 per year
Supervisory Foreign Affairs Officer $117 962 - 181 216 per year
Supervisory Foreign Affairs Specialist $139 395 - 181 216 per year
Supervisory General Biologist $103 409 - 177 885 per year
Supervisory General Engineer $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory General Engineer/Supervisory Physical Scientist $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Geodesist $104 861 - 181 216 per year
Supervisory Government Information Specialist $116 811 - 179 448 per year
Supervisory Grants Management Specialist $117 962 - 181 216 per year
Supervisory Human Resources Specialist $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Human Resources Specialist (Business Partner) $145 754 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Hydrologist $162 365 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Hydrologist (Hydrologist In Charge) $143 736 - 186 854 per year
Supervisory Information Technology Specialist $159 806 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory International Trade Specialist $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory IT Program Manager $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory IT Project Manager $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory IT Specialist $110 798 - 170 205 per year
Supervisory IT Specialist (INFOSEC) $109 107 - 167 608 per year
Supervisory IT Specialist (SYSADMIN) $118 071 - 153 490 per year
Supervisory Librarian $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Loan Specialist $117 962 - 181 216 per year
Supervisory Logistics Management Specialist $139 395 - 181 216 per year
Supervisory Management Analyst $132 368 - 172 075 per year
Supervisory Management and Program $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Management and Program Analysis Officer $136 908 - 177 978 per year
Supervisory Management and Program Analyst $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Marine Biologist $142 397 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Meteorologist $98 496 - 128 043 per year
Supervisory Meteorologist (Meteorologist in Charge) $122 198 - 158 860 per year
Supervisory Meteorologist, (CWSU Meteorologist-In-Charge) $109 732 - 142 650 per year
Supervisory Natural Resource Management Specialist $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Natural Resource Management Specialist/Supervisory Fish Biologist $136 908 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Physical Science Technician $103 409 - 151 870 per year
Supervisory Physical Scientist $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Physical Scientist (TRACCS Ops Manager) $151 657 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Physical Scientist/Supervisory General Engineer $145 754 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Policy Analyst $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Production Controller (Aircraft) $103 409 - 158 860 per year
Supervisory Program Analyst $107 809 - 165 619 per year
Supervisory Program Management Specialist $98 496 - 151 308 per year
Supervisory Program Manager $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Public Affairs Specialist $117 962 - 181 216 per year
Supervisory Realty Specialist $109 546 - 173 331 per year
Supervisory Research Biologist $115 118 - 176 842 per year
Supervisory Research Biologist/Mathematical Statistician $98 496 - 168 283 per year
Supervisory Research Biologist/Physical Scientist/Economist $152 268 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Research Economist $117 776 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Research Fish Biologist $105 666 - 178 531 per year
Supervisory Research Meteorologist $151 657 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Research Physical Scientist $151 657 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Resource Manager $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Sanctuary Superintendent $113 689 - 174 647 per year
Supervisory Social Scientist / Supervisory Economist $153 088 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Social Scientist or Supervisory Industry Economist $103 409 - 158 860 per year
Supervisory Support Services Specialist $109 107 - 167 608 per year
Supply Technician $51 713 - 67 231 per year
Support Service Specialist $72 553 - 130 369 per year
Support Services Specialist $46 696 - 107 680 per year
Supvisory Management & Program Analyst $136 908 - 177 978 per year
Technical Writer-Editor $103 409 - 134 435 per year
Training Specialist $76 860 - 119 760 per year
Transportation Specialist $78 592 - 122 459 per year
Vessel Support Assistant $37 696 - 75 783 per year
Visual Information Specialist $78 592 - 122 459 per year