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What is the salary in Office of Finance and Operations?

Looking for a job at OFFICE OF FINANCE AND OPERATIONS? Look at salary statistics and make your own choice


Salaries at Office of Finance and Operations range from $48 025 per year for a Human Resources Assistant, GS-0203-07/08, FPL 08, (MP) position to $221 900 per year for a Director, Recruitment, Staffing and Compensation Division position

The average salary at Office of Finance and Operations is $99 200 per year

Salary information at Office of Finance and Operations is objective data that will be useful to anyone considering employment at this company. The statistics in the table below are based on recent and archived Office of Finance and Operations job openings, so they can be considered practically accurate.

Positions Salary
Administrative Officer, GS-341-15 (OFO Only) $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Attorney Advisor, GS-0905-14, FPL 14 (DE) $139 395 - 181 216 per year
Budget Analyst GS-0560-11/12, FPL 13 (DE) $82 764 - 128 956 per year
Budget Analyst GS-0560-11/12, FPL 13 (MP) $82 764 - 128 956 per year
Data Scientist, GS-1560-13, FPL 14, (Direct Hire) $117 962 - 153 354 per year
Data Scientist, GS-1560-13/14, FPL 14, (Direct Hire) $117 962 - 181 216 per year
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Grants Management $141 021 - 212 100 per year
Director, Contracts and Acquisitions Management $141 021 - 212 100 per year
Director, Facilities Services, GS-0301-15, FPL 15, (MP) $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Director, Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization $147 649 - 221 900 per year
Director, Recruitment, Staffing and Compensation Division $147 649 - 221 900 per year
Equal Employment Opportunity Specialist, GS-0260-12, FPL 12, (DE) $99 200 - 128 956 per year
Equal Employment Opportunity Specialist, GS-0260-12, FPL 12, (MP) $99 200 - 128 956 per year
Equal Employment Opportunity Specialist, GS-0260-13, FPL 13, (DE) $117 962 - 153 354 per year
Equal Employment Opportunity Specialist, GS-0260-13, FPL 13, (MP) $117 962 - 153 354 per year
FACILITIES PROGRAM SPECIALIST, GS-0301-12, FPL 13 (DE) $99 200 - 128 956 per year
Facilities Program Specialist, GS-0301-12, FPL 13, (DE) $99 200 - 128 956 per year
Facilities Program Specialist, GS-0301-12, FPL 13, (MP) $99 200 - 128 956 per year
Human Resources Assistant, GS-0203-07/08, FPL 08, (DE) $48 025 - 87 851 per year
Human Resources Assistant, GS-0203-07/08, FPL 08, (MP) $48 025 - 87 851 per year
Human Resources Specialist (Compensation), GS-0201-11, FPL 12, (MP) $82 764 - 107 590 per year
Human Resources Specialist (Employee Benefits) GS-0201-12/13 FPL 13 (MP) $99 200 - 153 354 per year
Human Resources Specialist (Executive Resources), GS-201-14, FPL 14, (MP) $139 395 - 181 216 per year
Human Resources Specialist (Labor and Employee Relations), GS-0201-13, FPL 14, (MP) $103 409 - 167 336 per year
Lead Human Resources Specialist, GS-0201-13 FPL 13 (MP) $112 015 - 145 617 per year
Lead Human Resources Specialist, GS-0201-13, FPL 13 (MP) $103 409 - 167 336 per year
Lead Human Resources Specialist, GS-0201-13, FPL 13, (MP) $103 409 - 167 336 per year
Lead Human Resources Specialist, GS-0201-13, FPL: 13, (MP) $98 496 - 158 432 per year
Legal Administrative Specialist GS-901-11, FPL 11 (DE) $82 764 - 107 590 per year
Legal Administrative Specialist, GS-0901-11, FPL 11, (MP) $82 764 - 107 590 per year
Management and Program Analyst GS-0343-13 FPL 13 (DE) $112 015 - 145 617 per year
Management and Program Analyst GS-343-12, FPL 13 (ED Only) $99 200 - 128 956 per year
Management and Program Analyst, GS-0343-09, FPL 12, (DE) $68 405 - 88 926 per year
Management and Program Analyst, GS-0343-09, FPL 12, (MP) $68 405 - 88 926 per year
Management and Program Analyst, GS-0343-11, FPL 13 (MP) $82 764 - 107 590 per year
Management and Program Analyst, GS-0343-12/13, FPL 13, (ED Only) $99 200 - 153 354 per year
Management and Program Analyst, GS-0343-12/13, FPL 13, (MP) $99 200 - 153 354 per year
Management and Program Analyst, GS-0343-14, FPL 14, (ED Only) $139 395 - 181 216 per year
Personnel Security Specialist GS-0080-09, FPL 12 (MP) $68 405 - 88 926 per year
Personnel Security Specialist GS-0080-9, FPL 12 (MP) $68 405 - 88 926 per year
Personnel Security Specialist, GS-0080-09, FPL 12, (ED Only) $68 405 - 88 926 per year
Personnel Security Specialist, GS-0080-09, FPL 12, (MP) $64 957 - 84 441 per year
Personnel Security Specialist, GS-0080-12/13, FPL 13, (MP) $99 200 - 153 354 per year
Program Specialist GS-0301-07, FPL 11 (DE) $55 924 - 72 703 per year
Program Specialist, GS-0301-07, FPL 11 (Recent Graduate) $55 924 - 72 703 per year
Protective Service Specialist, GS-1801-12/13, FPL 13, (DE) $99 200 - 153 354 per year
Protective Service Specialist, GS-1801-12/13, FPL 13, (MP) $99 200 - 153 354 per year
Security Assistant, GS-0086-06, FPL 07, (DE) $50 326 - 65 425 per year
Security Assistant, GS-0086-06, FPL 07, (MP) $50 326 - 65 425 per year
Security Specialist, GS-0080-12/13, FPL 13, (DE) $94 199 - 145 617 per year
Security Specialist, GS-0080-12/13, FPL 13, (MP) $94 199 - 145 617 per year
Staff Assistant GS-0301-11, FPL GS-12 (MP) $82 764 - 107 590 per year
Staff Assistant, GS-0301-12, FPL 12, (DE) $94 199 - 122 459 per year
Staff Assistant, GS-0301-12, FPL 12, (MP) $94 199 - 122 459 per year
Supervisory Accountant, GS-0510-14, FPL 14, (ED Only) $132 368 - 172 075 per year
Supervisory Facilities Program Specialist, GS-0301-14, FPL 14 (DE) $139 395 - 181 216 per year
Supervisory Facilities Program Specialist, GS-0301-14, FPL 14 (MP) $139 395 - 181 216 per year
Supervisory Human Resources Specialist (Employee Benefits), GS-0201-14, FPL 14, (MP) $132 368 - 172 075 per year
Supervisory Human Resources Specialist (Recruitment and Placement/Classification), GS-0201-14 (MP) $122 198 - 181 216 per year
Supervisory Human Resources Specialist, (Deputy Director), GS-0201-14, FPL 14 (ED only) $129 134 - 181 216 per year
Supervisory Human Resources Specialist, GS-0201-14, FPL 14 (ED Only) $129 134 - 181 216 per year
Supervisory Human Resources Specialist, GS-0201-14, FPL 14, (MP) $139 395 - 181 216 per year
Supervisory Program Specialist, GS-0301-15, FPL 15, (ED Only) $155 700 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Program Specialist, GS-0301-15, FPL 15, (MP) $163 964 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Protective Service Specialist, GS-1801-14, FPL 14, (ED Only) $139 395 - 181 216 per year
Supervisory Protective Service Specialist, GS-1801-15, FPL 15, (ED Only) $163 964 - 191 900 per year

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