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What is the salary in Air Force Services Agency?

Looking for a job at AIR FORCE SERVICES AGENCY? Look at salary statistics and make your own choice


Salaries at Air Force Services Agency range from $17 per hour for a Accounting Technician (General Ledger) position, $45 000 per year for a GOLF SUPERINTENDENT SPECIALIST position to $67 per hour for a Information Technology Specialist (Data Management) position, $90 000 per year for a Supervisory Lodging Management Specialist position

The average salary at Air Force Services Agency is $26 per hour, $55 000 per year

Salary information at Air Force Services Agency is objective data that will be useful to anyone considering employment at this company. The statistics in the table below are based on recent and archived Air Force Services Agency job openings, so they can be considered practically accurate.

Positions Salary
Accountant $33 - 35 per hour
Accounting Specialist $26 - 31 per hour
Accounting Technician $22 - 23 per hour
Accounting Technician (Accounts Payable) $19 - 22 per hour
Accounting Technician (Accounts Receivable) $17 - 19 per hour
Accounting Technician (Cash Reconciliation) $17 - 18 per hour
Accounting Technician (General Ledger) $17 - 19 per hour
Architect $35 - 45 per hour
Business Analysis Manager $32 - 42 per hour
Business Operations Specialist $65 000 - 75 000 per year
Business Operations Specialist (Food and Beverage) $55 000 - 65 000 per year
Business Program Specialist (Food and Beverage) $55 000 - 65 000 per year
Child and Youth Programs Business Management Systems Specialist (CYPBMS) $20 - 40 per hour
Child Development and Youth Programs Specialist $35 - 45 per hour
Construction Project Manager $25 - 35 per hour
Contract Specialist $25 - 35 per hour
Contract Specialist (Intermediate) $25 - 35 per hour
Contract Specialist (P-Card Analysis) $25 - 35 per hour
Contract Specialist (P-Card Plans) $20 - 25 per hour
Contract Specialist (Senior) $35 - 45 per hour
Financial Management Analyst $28 - 30 per hour
Financial Management Specialist $28 - 32 per hour
Food and Beverage Data Analyst $55 000 - 65 000 per year
Food and Business Operations Specialist $55 000 - 65 000 per year
Funds Management Specialist $28 - 31 per hour
GOLF MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST $45 000 - 55 000 per year
GOLF SUPERINTENDENT SPECIALIST $45 000 - 55 000 per year
Human Resources Assistant $20 - 25 per hour
Human Resources Assistant (Employee Benefits) $20 - 23 per hour
Human Resources Assistant (Information Systems) $20 - 30 per hour
Human Resources Specialist $26 - 31 per hour
Information Technology Specialist (Application Support) $32 - 40 per hour
Information Technology Specialist (Applications Software) $34 - 45 per hour
Information Technology Specialist (Data Management) $62 - 67 per hour
Information Technology Specialist (Network Services) $45 - 55 per hour
Information Technology Specialist (Network) $35 - 40 per hour
Information Technology Specialist (Systems Administration) $38 - 43 per hour
Insurance and Retirement Technician $20 - 23 per hour
Investment Officer $42 - 46 per hour
IT Specialist (Customer Support) $23 - 32 per hour
IT Specialist (Data Management) $45 - 55 per hour
IT Specialist (Network Management) $55 - 65 per hour
IT Specialist (System Developer/ Data Integration) $45 - 55 per hour
Lead Accountant (General Accounting Division) $26 - 28 per hour
Lead Financial Management Specialist $41 - 43 per hour
Lodging Management Specialist (Resources Management) $59 500 - 69 500 per year
Management Analyst $20 - 26 per hour
Management and Program Analyst $22 - 24 per hour
Operations Assistant $22 - 26 per hour
Payroll Technician $19 - 21 per hour
Project Manager $33 - 43 per hour
Purchasing Agent $25 - 30 per hour
Quality Assurance Specialist (Aero Club) $30 - 40 per hour
Recreation Specialist $28 - 38 per hour
Senior Accounting Technician (Accounts Payable) $20 - 23 per hour
Senior Accounting Technician (General Ledger) $23 - 25 per hour
Senior Payroll Technician $21 - 24 per hour
Social Media Program Manager $35 - 40 per hour
Supervisory Accountant (Systems) $35 - 39 per hour
Supervisory Contract Special (Branch Chief) $40 - 50 per hour
Supervisory Contract Specialist (Branch Chief) $40 - 50 per hour
Supervisory Lodging Management Specialist $80 000 - 90 000 per year
Systems Accountant $30 - 35 per hour
Systems Accountant (General Ledger) $25 - 27 per hour
Systems Accountant (Payroll) $25 - 27 per hour
Training Specialist (Learning Coordinator/ Content Developer) $34 - 36 per hour
Training Specialist (Learning Coordinator/Content Developer) $28 - 32 per hour
Training Specialist (Workforce Development) $26 - 29 per hour
Workers Compensation Claims Examiner (Intermediate) $23 - 25 per hour
Workers' Compensation Claims Examiner $19 - 20 per hour

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