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What is the salary in National Credit Union Administration?

Looking for a job at NATIONAL CREDIT UNION ADMINISTRATION? Look at salary statistics and make your own choice


Salaries at National Credit Union Administration range from $42 547 per year for a Management Services Assistant position, $19 per hour for a Student Trainee (Program Support) position to $315 000 per year for a Regional Director position, $19 per hour for a Student Trainee (Program Support) position

The average salary at National Credit Union Administration is $130 623 per year, $19 per hour

Salary information at National Credit Union Administration is objective data that will be useful to anyone considering employment at this company. The statistics in the table below are based on recent and archived National Credit Union Administration job openings, so they can be considered practically accurate.

Positions Salary
Accountant $74 946 - 135 930 per year
Administrative Assistant $76 417 - 119 975 per year
Associate Director $275 000 - 275 000 per year
Associate Executive Director $275 000 - 275 000 per year
Associate Executive Director -Temporary Promotion or Detail Not To Exceed 180 Days $275 000 - 275 000 per year
Associate Regional Director (Operations) $254 124 - 275 000 per year
Associate Regional Director (Programs) $254 124 - 275 000 per year
Attorney Advisor (General) $150 707 - 236 611 per year
Attorney Advisor (Labor and Employee Relations) $150 707 - 236 611 per year
Central Liquidity Facility Assistant Vice President $150 707 - 236 611 per year
Chief Ethics Counsel $275 000 - 295 000 per year
Chief Information Officer $295 000 - 295 000 per year
CLF Assistant Vice President - Open to All U.S. Citizens $150 707 - 236 611 per year
CLF Assistant Vice President - Open to Federal Status & Special Hiring Authority Applicants $150 707 - 236 611 per year
Consumer Affairs Specialist $97 800 - 153 545 per year
Credit Union Examiner $62 813 - 116 061 per year
Credit Union Examiner (Federal Status Candidates and Special Hiring Authorities) $62 813 - 118 382 per year
Credit Union Examiner (Fraud and Risk Analysis Specialist) $147 753 - 231 972 per year
Credit Union Examiner (Open to all U.S. Citizens) $62 813 - 118 382 per year
Credit Union Examiner (Recent Graduates) $62 813 - 92 500 per year
Credit Union Examiner (Supervision Analyst) $108 539 - 170 406 per year
CUE (Consumer Access Program Officer) $116 194 - 182 426 per year
CUE (Fraud and Risk Analysis Specialist) $150 707 - 236 611 per year
CUE (National Training Specialist) - Open to CTAP and ICTAP Eligible Candidates $100 710 - 158 114 per year
Data Visualization and Web Admin Specialist $130 623 - 205 078 per year
Deputy Chief Information Officer $275 000 - 275 000 per year
Deputy Director of Supervision $150 707 - 236 611 per year
Deputy Director, CURE $275 000 - 275 000 per year
Deputy Director, Office of Business Innovation $275 000 - 275 000 per year
Director of Examiner Education (FFIEC) $170 737 - 250 000 per year
Director of Liquidation and Member Services $150 430 - 236 174 per year
Director of Supervision $174 151 - 250 000 per year
Diversity Outreach Program Analyst - Open to all U.S. Citizens $113 071 - 205 078 per year
Diversity Outreach Program Analyst - Open to Federal Status & Special Hiring Authorities Applicants $113 071 - 205 078 per year
Facility Management Specialist $130 623 - 205 078 per year
Government Information Specialist (FOIA & PRA) $128 061 - 201 057 per year
Grants Management Specialist $128 061 - 201 057 per year
HR Specialist (Employee Development) $130 623 - 205 078 per year
HR Specialist (Staffing & Classification) - Telework eligible up to 8 days per pay period $110 855 - 201 057 per year
Information Security Specialist - Open to all U.S. Citizens $130 623 - 236 611 per year
Information Security Specialist - Open to Federal Status & Special Hiring Authority Applicants $130 623 - 236 611 per year
Instructional Systems Specialist $130 623 - 205 078 per year
IT Cybersecurity Program Director $174 150 - 250 000 per year
IT Cybersecurity Specialist (ENTARCH) $150 707 - 236 611 per year
IT Cybersecurity Specialist (Software Development) $150 707 - 236 611 per year
IT Cybersecurity Specialist (Software Development) - Open to all U.S. Citizens $133 235 - 241 344 per year
IT Specialist (APPSW) $147 753 - 231 971 per year
IT Specialist (CUSPT) $130 623 - 205 078 per year
IT Specialist (INFOSEC) $130 623 - 205 077 per year
IT Specialist (INFOSEC) - Open to all U.S. Citizens $130 623 - 236 611 per year
Liquidation Analyst $110 618 - 200 375 per year
Liquidation Specialist $84 479 - 153 342 per year
Management Analyst - Open to all U.S. Citizens $130 623 - 205 078 per year
Management Analyst - Open to Federal Status & Special Hiring Authority Applicants $130 623 - 205 078 per year
Management Services Assistant $42 547 - 82 382 per year
Management Services Specialist (Operations) $66 008 - 118 382 per year
Manager, Examiner Education (FFIEC) $147 753 - 231 971 per year
National Supervision Technician $67 416 - 117 623 per year
Notice of Interest for the Position of Chief Ethics Counsel $263 000 - 283 000 per year
Office Manager (OA) $74 919 - 117 623 per year
Personnel Security Specialist - Open to all U.S. Citizens $130 623 - 205 078 per year
Personnel Security Specialist - Open to Federal Status & Special Hiring Authority Applicants $130 623 - 205 078 per year
Regional Director $281 314 - 315 000 per year
Senior Equal Employment Opportunity Specialist $150 707 - 236 611 per year
Senior Program Administrator $130 623 - 236 611 per year
Special Assistant $174 151 - 250 000 per year
Student Trainee (Program Support) $19 - 19 per hour
Supervision Technician $53 478 - 103 633 per year
Supervisory Accountant (Systems) $147 753 - 250 000 per year
Supervisory Credit Union Examiner $147 753 - 250 000 per year
Supervisory Credit Union Examiner - Open to Federal Status & Special Hiring Authority Applicants $118 518 - 215 019 per year
Supervisory Credit Union Examiner - Open to all U.S. Citizens $118 518 - 215 019 per year
Supervisory Credit Union Examiner - Open to Federal Status & Special Hiring Authorities $137 990 - 250 000 per year
Supervisory Financial Analyst (Capital Markets) $174 151 - 250 000 per year
Supervisory HR Specialist (Emp Dev) - Open to Federal Status & Special Hiring Authority Applicants $153 721 - 241 344 per year
Supervisory Information Technology Specialist (Network/Customer Support) $150 707 - 236 611 per year
Supervisory IT Specialist $170 737 - 250 000 per year
Support Services Specialist $130 623 - 205 078 per year
Trial Attorney (General) $110 855 - 201 057 per year

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