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What is the salary in National Air and Space Intelligence Center?

Looking for a job at NATIONAL AIR AND SPACE INTELLIGENCE CENTER? Look at salary statistics and make your own choice


Salaries at National Air and Space Intelligence Center range from $48 335 per year for a UNIT PROGRAM COORDINATOR position to $191 900 per year for a Aerospace Engineer, Electronics Engineer, Physicist, Mathematician, Computer Scientist position

The average salary at National Air and Space Intelligence Center is $107 233 per year

Salary information at National Air and Space Intelligence Center is objective data that will be useful to anyone considering employment at this company. The statistics in the table below are based on recent and archived National Air and Space Intelligence Center job openings, so they can be considered practically accurate.

Positions Salary
24FEB9XNAIC000317790 $163 017 - 191 900 per year
ACCOUNTANT $99 764 - 129 691 per year
AEROSPACE ENGINEER $129 239 - 168 015 per year
Aerospace Engineer, Electronics Engineer, Physicist, Mathematician, Computer Scientist $163 017 - 191 900 per year
DATA SCIENTIST $123 437 - 160 466 per year
ELECTRICAL ENGINEER $114 639 - 149 026 per year
GENERAL ENGINEER $129 239 - 168 015 per year
INDUSTRIAL SECURITY SPECIALIST $90 178 - 117 227 per year
INTELLIGENCE SPECIALIST $94 199 - 122 459 per year
Interdisciplinary-Electrical Engineer, Electronics Engineer, Aerospace Engineer, Mechanical Engineer $114 639 - 149 026 per year
Interdisciplinary-Electrical/Computer/Electronics/Aerospace Engineer/Computer Scientist $85 738 - 111 460 per year
IT PROJECT MANAGER (SYSANALYSIS) $85 738 - 111 460 per year
IT SPECIALIST (APPSW) $129 239 - 168 015 per year
IT SPECIALIST (INFOSEC) $90 178 - 117 227 per year
IT SPECIALIST (PLCYPLN) $101 954 - 132 538 per year
IT SPECIALIST (PLCYPLN/INFOSEC) $126 717 - 164 735 per year
IT SPECIALIST (SYSANALYSIS) $48 335 - 111 460 per year
MANAGEMENT ANALYST $50 838 - 66 090 per year
MANAGEMENT AND PROGRAM ANALYST $107 233 - 139 407 per year
OPERATIONS RESEARCH ANALYST $129 239 - 168 015 per year
PHYSICAL SCIENTIST $144 354 - 187 662 per year
PROGRAM ANALYST $107 233 - 139 407 per year
PROTOCOL SPECIALIST $90 178 - 117 227 per year
SECURITY SPECIALIST $85 738 - 111 460 per year
STRATEGIC ADVISOR $107 233 - 139 407 per year
SUPERVISORY SECURITY SPECIALIST $126 717 - 164 735 per year
UNIT PROGRAM COORDINATOR $48 335 - 62 835 per year

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