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What is the salary in Armstrong Flight Research Center?

Looking for a job at ARMSTRONG FLIGHT RESEARCH CENTER? Look at salary statistics and make your own choice


Salaries at Armstrong Flight Research Center range from $57 007 per year for a Aerospace Engineer, AST, Structural Mechanics (Direct Hire) position to $202 085 per year for a Director for Safety and Mission Assurance position

The average salary at Armstrong Flight Research Center is $134 766 per year

Salary information at Armstrong Flight Research Center is objective data that will be useful to anyone considering employment at this company. The statistics in the table below are based on recent and archived Armstrong Flight Research Center job openings, so they can be considered practically accurate.

Positions Salary
Administrative Manager $167 139 - 191 900 per year
Administrative Specialist (Direct Hire) $84 366 - 109 673 per year
Administrative Specialist (Range Control Specialist) (Direct Hire) $101 121 - 131 452 per year
Aerospace Engineer, AST, Aerospace Flight Systems (Direct Hire) $80 015 - 158 432 per year
Aerospace Engineer, AST, Research Pilot $172 257 - 191 900 per year
Aerospace Engineer, AST, Research Pilot (Direct Hire) $156 906 - 191 900 per year
Aerospace Engineer, AST, Structural Mechanics (Direct Hire) $57 007 - 109 673 per year
Director for Safety and Mission Assurance $196 023 - 202 085 per year
Electrical Engineer, AST, Electrical Systems $101 121 - 156 323 per year
Electrical Engineer, AST, Electrical Systems (Direct Hire) $101 121 - 156 323 per year
Electronics Engineer, AST - Data Hardware Systems (Direct Hire) $158 520 - 183 500 per year
Electronics Engineer, AST, Electronic Instrumentation Systems $134 766 - 175 192 per year
Electronics Engineer, AST, Data Hardware Systems $134 766 - 175 192 per year
Electronics Engineer, AST, Data Hardware Systems (Direct Hire) $95 905 - 148 255 per year
Electronics Technician $95 905 - 124 677 per year
Electronics Technician (Direct Hire) $66 134 - 104 016 per year
Engineering Technician $95 905 - 124 677 per year
Engineering Technician (Direct Hire) $95 905 - 124 677 per year
Environmental Protection Specialist (Direct Hire) $142 094 - 184 725 per year
Equipment Specialist $101 121 - 156 323 per year
Explosives Safety Specialist $120 246 - 156 323 per year
Facility Operations Specialist (Direct Hire) $120 246 - 156 323 per year
General Engineer, AST, Engineering Project Management (Direct Hire) $142 094 - 191 900 per year
General Engineer, AST, Experimental Facility Development (Direct Hire) $120 246 - 156 323 per year
General Engineer, AST, Technical Management (Direct Hire) $142 094 - 191 900 per year
Industrial Hygienist $120 246 - 156 323 per year
Information Technology Specialist $142 094 - 184 725 per year
Information Technology Specialist (Direct Hire) $114 044 - 148 255 per year
Lead Administrative Specialist $120 246 - 156 323 per year
Lead Aerospace Engineer, AST, Aerospace Flight Systems $120 246 - 184 725 per year
Lead General Engineer, AST Experimental Facility Development (Direct Hire) $142 094 - 184 725 per year
Lead Management and Program Analyst $134 766 - 175 192 per year
Lead Public Affairs Specialist (Direct Hire) $122 198 - 191 900 per year
Management and Program Analyst (Direct Hire) $114 044 - 148 255 per year
Mechanical Engineer (Direct Hire) $114 044 - 148 255 per year
Meteorologist, AST - Meteorological Studies (Direct Hire) $80 015 - 124 677 per year
Meteorologist, AST, Meteorological Studies (Direct Hire) $84 366 - 131 452 per year
Program Specialist (Direct Hire) $142 094 - 184 725 per year
Quality Assurance Specialist (Aerospace) $142 094 - 184 725 per year
Security Specialist (Direct Hire) $69 729 - 109 673 per year
Supervisory Aerospace Engineer, AST Aerospace Flight Systems $134 766 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Aerospace Engineer, AST Research Pilot $172 257 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory AST, Technical Management $167 139 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory Electronics Engineer, AST, Electronic Instrumentation Systems $142 094 - 184 725 per year
Supervisory Electronics Technician $145 180 - 188 733 per year
Supervisory Environmental Protection Specialist (Direct Hire) $158 520 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Equipment Facilities and Services Specialist $158 520 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory General Engineer - AST, Experimental Facility Development (Direct Hire) $167 139 - 191 900 per year
Supervisory General Engineer, AST, Technical Management $142 094 - 184 725 per year
Supervisory Information Technology Specialist $158 520 - 183 500 per year
Supervisory Public Affairs Specialist (Direct Hire) $143 736 - 191 900 per year

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