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What is the salary in Space Training and Readiness Command?

Looking for a job at SPACE TRAINING AND READINESS COMMAND? Look at salary statistics and make your own choice


Salaries at Space Training and Readiness Command range from $40 142 per year for a MILITARY TRAINING ACCESSIONS MANAGER position to $191 508 per year for a Supervisory Program Management Specialist position

The average salary at Space Training and Readiness Command is $87 543 per year

Salary information at Space Training and Readiness Command is objective data that will be useful to anyone considering employment at this company. The statistics in the table below are based on recent and archived Space Training and Readiness Command job openings, so they can be considered practically accurate.

Positions Salary
ATTORNEY-ADVISER (GENERAL) $84 686 - 130 911 per year
Branch Chief, USSF Assignments $89 128 - 137 784 per year
Budget Analyst, 1st Delta Operations Squadron $101 121 - 156 323 per year
Budget Resource Manager, 328 WPS $40 393 - 96 263 per year
Doctrine and Wargame Program Specialist $87 543 - 135 333 per year
Education & Training Personnel, Policy SME, S2/3E $87 543 - 135 333 per year
Human Resources Specialist $87 543 - 135 333 per year
Initial Skills & Training Development Lead, S2/3E $87 543 - 135 333 per year
Management Analyst $87 543 - 135 333 per year
MILITARY PERSONNEL LIAISON $40 142 - 95 665 per year
Occupational Safety & Health Manager $123 014 - 188 101 per year
Program Analyst $99 200 - 153 354 per year
SECURITY SPECIALIST $40 562 - 96 666 per year
Supervisory Program Management Specialist $125 242 - 191 508 per year
Test Director 1 TES Det 1 $101 121 - 156 323 per year
Test Director, 1 TES Det 1 $101 121 - 156 323 per year
UNIT PROGRAM COORDINATOR $40 562 - 65 321 per year

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