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What is the salary in Railroad Retirement Board?

Looking for a job at RAILROAD RETIREMENT BOARD? Look at salary statistics and make your own choice


Salaries at Railroad Retirement Board range from $40 082 per year for a RR Retirement Claims Examiner (Disability-Initial) position, $13 per hour for a Pathways Student Trainee (Claims Representative) position to $177 341 per year for a Supervisory Statistician (General)/Supervisory Operations Research Analyst - Direct Hire Authority position, $19 per hour for a Pathways Student Trainee (Claims Representative) position

The average salary at Railroad Retirement Board is $109 732 per year, $13 per hour

Salary information at Railroad Retirement Board is objective data that will be useful to anyone considering employment at this company. The statistics in the table below are based on recent and archived Railroad Retirement Board job openings, so they can be considered practically accurate.

Positions Salary
Administrative Specialist $80 994 - 105 289 per year
Attorney Advisor $109 732 - 168 569 per year
AUDITOR $97 079 - 126 198 per year
Business Analyst $115 439 - 150 075 per year
Claims and Program Representative $71 402 - 92 820 per year
Claims Assistant (Sickness) $41 996 - 60 856 per year
Debt Recovery Manager $136 414 - 177 341 per year
General Attorney $97 079 - 177 341 per year
IT Operations Security Specialist $109 732 - 142 650 per year
IT Project Manager (APPSW) $109 732 - 142 650 per year
IT Project Manager/Scrum Master $136 414 - 177 341 per year
Lead IT Specialist (Systems Engineering) $115 439 - 150 075 per year
Legislative Affairs Officer $112 015 - 172 075 per year
Management Support Specialist $80 994 - 126 198 per year
Pathways Recent Graduate Claims and Program Representative $41 966 - 54 557 per year
Pathways Recent Graduate Economist/Statistician/Data Scientist $52 022 - 82 720 per year
Pathways Recent Graduate- Librarian $63 633 - 82 720 per year
Pathways Student Trainee (Claims Representative) $13 - 19 per hour
Product Owner $136 414 - 177 341 per year
Quality Assurance Analyst $115 439 - 150 075 per year
Railroad Retirement Claims Examiner (Disability) $71 099 - 92 429 per year
RR Retirement Claims Examiner (Disability) $97 079 - 126 198 per year
RR Retirement Claims Examiner (Disability-Initial) $40 082 - 52 106 per year
RR Retirement Customer Service Rep (Survivor) $80 994 - 105 289 per year
Senior Imaging Analyst $115 439 - 150 075 per year
Senior Tax Policy and Systems Analyst $109 732 - 142 650 per year
Supervisory Statistician (General)/Supervisory Operations Research Analyst - Direct Hire Authority $136 414 - 177 341 per year
Team Lead IT Operations & Maintenance $109 732 - 142 650 per year
Team Lead/Senior Network Engineer $115 439 - 150 075 per year

Looking for a job at RAILROAD RETIREMENT BOARD? Check out the latest job openings at RAILROAD RETIREMENT BOARD on our website.