Looking for a job as INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT in College Park? Check out the salary statistics from real employers. Understand how much INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT actually earns and find a company in your region
According to statistics, Information technology management in the year 2024 earns per year from 78 592 USD to 191 900 USD
A person working as Information technology management typically earns around 172 075 USD in College Park in 2024. This is the average salary including housing, transport, and other benefits
This is 217% higher than the average salary in the United States
This position is part of the National Archives and Records Administration. This position facilitates the successful implementation and operation of new and enhanced advanced system software and hardwa...
This position is part of the National Archives and Records Administration,in the Enterprise Data Management Division (IM). IM is responsible for planning, directing and administering NARAs enterprise ...
This position is part of the National Archives and Records Administration. The Executive for Information Services is responsible for the overall success of the Information Technology (IT) program for ...
This position is part of the National Archives and Records Administration. This position is located in Information Services Portfolio Investment Services Delivery, Program Management Division (IG). In...
This position is part of the National Archives and Records Administration. Serves as an Information Technology (IT) Project Manager and/or Contracting Officer Representative within the National Archiv...
This position is part of the National Archives and Records Administration. The incumbent of this position would take on the responsibilities of Release Manager and Configuration Management Analyst. Th...
This position is part of the National Archives and Records Administration. The incumbent serves as an IT Project Manager and application software development specialist for Office of Innovation projec...
This position is part of the National Archives and Records Administration. This position is located within Information Services (I), and can be assigned to any of the divisions within Information Serv...
This position is part of the National Archives and Records Administration. Cyber Security & Information Assurance Division under the Office of Information Services. The mission of the Cyber Security &...
This position is part of the National Archives and Records Administration. This position is located in the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), Information Services (I), Service Operat...
This position is part of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), Office of the Chief of Management and Administration, Information Services, Service Operations Delivery Division. This...
This position is part of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), Office of the Chief of Management and Administration, Information Services, Service Operations Delivery Division. This...
This position is part of the National Archives and Records Administration, within the Digital Partnerships and Outreach Division. The incumbent has primary responsibility for researching building lead...
This position is part of the National Archives and Records Administration, Budget and Compliance Management Division (IB), Information Services (I). The incumbent supports the NARA-wide Information Te...
This position is part of the National Archives and Records Administration. This position is within the Budget and Compliance Management Division (IB), Office of Information Services (I). The incumbent...
This position is part of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO), Systems Engineering Division. The incumbent serves as a senior technic...
This position is located in the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), Information Services (I), Systems Engineering Division (IT). The incumbent serves as the agency senior technical ex...
This position is part of the National Archives and Records Administration. The incumbent performs under the direction of the Director of Service Operations Delivery Division. As the chief of the Netw...
This position is part of the National Archives and Records Administration, Office of Information Services, Enterprise Data and Analytics Management Division. The incumbent serves as a Supervisory Info...
This position is part of the National Archives and Records Administration. The purpose of this position is to direct the work of subordinate organizations and to provide technical guidance and supervi...