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What is the salary in Congressional Budget Office?

Looking for a job at CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET OFFICE? Look at salary statistics and make your own choice


Salaries at Congressional Budget Office range from $28 per year for a Legal Intern position to $200 000 per year for a Chief Information Officer position

The average salary at Congressional Budget Office is $115 000 per year

Salary information at Congressional Budget Office is objective data that will be useful to anyone considering employment at this company. The statistics in the table below are based on recent and archived Congressional Budget Office job openings, so they can be considered practically accurate.

Positions Salary
Administrative Assistant $52 500 - 90 000 per year
Assistant Analyst $60 000 - 62 000 per year
Assistant Analyst - Multiple Positions $56 000 - 59 000 per year
Assistant Editor $60 000 - 65 000 per year
Budget Analyst (Projections) $85 000 - 155 000 per year
Budget Analyst (Scorekeeping) $100 000 - 150 000 per year
Chief Information Officer $160 000 - 200 000 per year
Chief of Media Relations $148 000 - 185 000 per year
Climate and Energy Economist $120 000 - 160 000 per year
Counsel $100 000 - 145 000 per year
Defense Analyst $120 000 - 165 000 per year
Defense Engineer/Scientist $120 000 - 165 000 per year
Deputy Chief Information Officer $145 000 - 185 000 per year
Director of Publishing and Digital Communication $120 000 - 180 000 per year
Editor $100 000 - 150 000 per year
Health Analyst $78 000 - 155 000 per year
Health Economist $120 000 - 160 000 per year
Human Resources Assistant $52 000 - 90 000 per year
Labor Economist $130 000 - 160 000 per year
Legal Intern $28 - 35 per year
Macroeconomist $110 000 - 160 000 per year
Paralegal $65 000 - 100 000 per year
Programmer Analyst $115 000 - 145 000 per year
Senior Contract Specialist $130 000 - 185 000 per year
Senior Information Security Engineer $130 000 - 170 000 per year
Senior Systems Engineer $130 000 - 170 000 per year
Unit Chief for Health Policy Studies $140 000 - 175 000 per year

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