Looking for a job as GENERAL BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY in Portland? Check out the salary statistics from real employers. Understand how much GENERAL BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY actually earns and find a company in your region
According to statistics, General business and industry in the year 2024 earns per year from 52 734 USD to 191 900 USD
A person working as General business and industry typically earns around 121 601 USD in Portland in 2024. This is the average salary including housing, transport, and other benefits
This is 124% higher than the average salary in the United States
As an Asset Management Specialist, you will have responsibility for asset planning and strategy, asset financial planning, asset performance analysis, housing and investment decision making, and asset...
This position is located in the Idaho and Montana Implementation (EWM), Environment, Fish and Wildlife Program (EW), Fish and Wildlife (E) organization, Bonneville Power Administration (BPA). The pur...
This position is located with Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), in Business Operations & Services (NWPO), Workplace Services and Business Operations (NWP), Workplace Services (NW), Chief Administ...
The incumbent serves as the Chief Technology Innovation and Strategy Officer (DS) within the Deputy Chief Workforce and Strategy organization (D). Primary duties of this position include the facilita...
As a Client Planning Manager, you will provide strategic advice, recommendations, and solutions to and/or resolve complex issues for PBS clients. Location of position: GSA, Public Buildings ...
This position is located with Bonneville Power Administration, in FERC Compliance (CGF) organization, Agency Compliance & Governance, in the Office of the Deputy Administrator. A successful candidate...
This position is in the FERC Compliance (CGF) organization of Compliance and Governance (CG), Compliance, Audit and Risk Management (C), Bonneville Power Administration (BPA). The purpose of this pos...
This position is located in FERC Compliance (CGF); Compliance & Governance (CG); Compliance, Audit, and Risk Management (C); Bonneville Power Administration (BPA). The purpose of the position is to p...
This position is located with Bonneville Power Administration, in the Portfolio Delivery (TEPP) organization of Transmission Project Management (TEP), Transmission Engineering (TE), Transmission Servi...
This position is located in the Real Time Trading and Scheduling (PTFR), Trading Floor (PTF) group of the Bulk Marketing (PT) organization within the Power Services (P) business line of the Bonneville...
This position is located in the Real Time Trading and Scheduling (PTFR), Trading Floor (PTF) group of the Bulk Marketing (PT) organization within the Power Services (P) business line of the Bonneville...
This position is located with Bonneville Power Administration, in in the Chief Operating Office (K), Business Transformation Office (B). A successful candidate in the Director of Market Initiatives p...
As a Energy Program Specialist, you will assist in the development and implementation of R10’s energy and water conservation strategy.Location of position: Public Buildings Servic...
This position is in Governance and Internal Controls (CGC), Compliance and Governance (CG), Compliance Audit and Risk (C), Executive Office (A), Bonneville Power Administration (BPA). This position s...
This position is located with the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Northwest Region, Regional Office, Division of Indian Services and Administration, Indian Self-Determination, in Portland, Oregon and Vancou...
This is a non-bargaining unit position. This is not a (drug) testing designated position (TDP). This position is located in the Small Business Administration, Office of Field Operations - Region X in...
This position is located at the Willamette National Cemetery in Portland, Oregon....
As a Program Management Officer, you will actively direct, manage, and coordinate all Public Buildings programs as assigned by the Director, Facilities Management and Services Programs ...
As a Project Manager, you will be responsible for overall management of projects which comprise complex initiatives. Location of position: GSA, Public Buildings Service, Northwest/Arctic Region,...
This position serves as a Property Management Specialist in a BLM office, Oregon State Office....
The position is in Department of Energy (DOE), Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), Executive Office (A), Intergovernmental Affairs (AI), Tribal Affairs (AIT). The purpose of this position is to s...