Looking for a job as POLICE in Washington DC? Check out the salary statistics from real employers. Understand how much POLICE actually earns and find a company in your region
According to statistics, Police in the year 2024 earns per year from 72 032 USD to 175 868 USD
A person working as Police typically earns around 139 419 USD in Washington DC in 2024. This is the average salary including housing, transport, and other benefits
This is 157% higher than the average salary in the United States
The United States Capitol Police (USCP) safeguards the Congress, Members of Congress, employees, visitors, and Congressional buildings and grounds from crime, disruption, and terrorism. We protect and...
The Senate Sergeant at Arms is seeking a Physical Security Coordinator. The complete vacancy announcement and application can be found on the United States Senate Career Page at https://sen.gov/J5NY. ...
The Senate Sergeant at Arms is seeking a Physical Security Specialist. The complete vacancy announcement and application can be found on the United States Senate Career Page at https://sen.gov/J5NY. T...
The Senate Sergeant at Arms is seeking a Police Coordination Manager. The complete vacancy announcement and application can be found on the United States Senate Career Page at https://sen.gov/J5NY. T...
The United States Capitol Police (USCP) safeguards the U.S. Congress, the legislative process, Members of Congress, employees, visitors, and facilities from crime, disruption, or terrorism. The USCP p...
The United States Capitol Police (USCP) safeguards the Congress, Members of Congress, employees, visitors, and Congressional buildings and grounds from crime, disruption, and terrorism. We protect and...
The United States Capitol Police (USCP) safeguards the Congress, Members of Congress, employees, visitors, and Congressional buildings and grounds from crime, disruption, and terrorism. We protect and...
The United States Capitol Police (USCP) safeguards the Congress, Members of Congress, employees, visitors, and Congressional buildings and grounds from crime, disruption, and terrorism. We protect and...
The United States Capitol Police (USCP) safeguards the Congress, Members of Congress, employees, visitors, and Congressional buildings and grounds from crime, disruption, and terrorism. We protect and...
The United States Capitol Police (USCP) safeguards the Congress, Members of Congress, employees, visitors, and Congressional buildings and grounds from crime, disruption, and terrorism. We protect and...
The United States Capitol Police (USCP) safeguards the Congress, Members of Congress, employees, visitors, and Congressional buildings and grounds from crime, disruption, and terrorism. We protect and...
The USCP safeguards the U.S. Congress, the legislative process, Members of Congress, employees, visitors, and facilities from crime, disruption, or terrorism. The USCP protects and secures Congress so...
The United States Capitol Police (USCP) safeguards the Congress, Members of Congress, employees, visitors, and Congressional buildings and grounds from crime, disruption, and terrorism. We protect and...
The United States Capitol Police (USCP) safeguards the Congress, Members of Congress, employees, visitors, and Congressional buildings and grounds from crime, disruption, and terrorism. We protect and...
The USCP safeguards the U.S. Congress, the legislative process, Members of Congress, employees, visitors, and facilities from crime, disruption, or terrorism. The USCP protects and secures Congress so...
The United States Capitol Police (USCP) safeguards the Congress, Members of Congress, employees, visitors, and Congressional buildings and grounds from crime, disruption, and terrorism. We protect and...
The United States Capitol Police (USCP) safeguards the Congress, Members of Congress, employees, visitors, and Congressional buildings and grounds from crime, disruption, and terrorism. We protect and...
The United States Capitol Police (USCP) safeguards the Congress, Members of Congress, employees, visitors, and Congressional buildings and grounds from crime, disruption, and terrorism. We protect and...
The United States Capitol Police (USCP) safeguards the Congress, Members of Congress, employees, visitors, and Congressional buildings and grounds from crime, disruption, and terrorism. We protect and...
The Senate Sergeant at Arms is seeking a Police Operations Senior Program Manager. The complete vacancy announcement and application can be found on the United States Senate Career Page at https://sen...
The Senate Sergeant at Arms is seeking a Program Manager. The complete vacancy announcement and application can be found on the United States Senate Career Page at https://sen.gov/J5NY. This vacancy ...
The Senate Sergeant at Arms is seeking a Program Manager. The complete vacancy announcement and application can be found on the United States Senate Career Page at https://sen.gov/J5NY. This vacancy a...
The Senate Sergeant at Arms is seeking a Protective Security Operations Specialist. The complete vacancy announcement and application can be found on the United States Senate Career Page at https://se...
The Senate Sergeant at Arms is seeking a Protective Service Operations Specialist. The complete vacancy announcement and application can be found on the United States Senate Career Page at https://se...
The United States Capitol Police (USCP) safeguards the Congress, Members of Congress, employees, visitors, and Congressional buildings and grounds from crime, disruption, and terrorism. We protect and...
The United States Capitol Police (USCP) safeguards the Congress, Members of Congress, employees, visitors, and Congressional buildings and grounds from crime, disruption, and terrorism. The USCP prote...
The United States Capitol Police (USCP) safeguards the Congress, Members of Congress, employees, visitors, and Congressional buildings and grounds from crime, disruption, and terrorism. We protect and...
The United States Capitol Police (USCP) safeguards the Congress, Members of Congress, employees, visitors, and Congressional buildings and grounds from crime, disruption, and terrorism. We protect and...
The USCP safeguards the U.S. Congress, the legislative process, Members of Congress, employees, visitors, and facilities from crime, disruption, or terrorism. The USCP protects and secures Congress so...
The USCP safeguards the U.S. Congress, the legislative process, Members of Congress, employees, visitors, and facilities from crime, disruption, or terrorism. The USCP protects and secures Congress so...
The USCP safeguards the U.S. Congress, the legislative process, Members of Congress, employees, visitors, and facilities from crime, disruption, or terrorism. The USCP protects and secures Congress so...
The USCP safeguards the U.S. Congress, the legislative process, Members of Congress, employees, visitors, and facilities from crime, disruption, or terrorism. The USCP protects and secures Congress so...