Looking for a job as MISCELLANEOUS ADMINISTRATION AND PROGRAM in Albany? Check out the salary statistics from real employers. Understand how much MISCELLANEOUS ADMINISTRATION AND PROGRAM actually earns and find a company in your region
According to statistics, Miscellaneous administration and program in the year 2024 earns per year from 47 878 USD to 125 851 USD
A person working as Miscellaneous administration and program typically earns around 92 110 USD in Albany in 2024. This is the average salary including housing, transport, and other benefits
This is 70% higher than the average salary in the United States
For more information on the Department of Justice and the United States Attorneys' Offices, visit http://www.justice.gov/usao/. ...
Securing Travel, Protecting People - At the Transportation Security Administration, you will serve in a high-stakes environment to safeguard the American way of life. In cities across the country, you...
This position is limited to Veterans, Gold Star Families, and Active-Duty Spouses desiring to serve as a paid Congressional Aide for two-years in the U.S. House of Representatives Green & Gold Con...
In this position you will serve as a Historic Preservation Specialist for R2, Mitigation Division. The ideal candidate has worked conducting simple and complex historic preservation project reviews, ...
In this position you will serve as a Historic Preservation Specialist for Regional Offices, Region Two, Mitigation Division....
The incumbent serves as the Housing Development specialist for the HUD-VASH Program, located in the Health Care for Homeless Veterans Program (HCHV), within the Patient Experience Service at the Alban...
The Albany VA Healthcare System is recruiting for a Medical Administrative Specialist. The Medical Administrative Specialist will function in Community Care Service....
The Albany VA Healthcare System is recruiting for a Medical Administrative Specialist (Administrative Officer of the Day -AOD). The Medical Administrative Specialist will function in the Business Offi...
The incumbent serves as a Medical Administrative Specialist- Health Administrative Specialist on Duty (HOD) located in the Office of the Chief, Health Administration Service (HAS), or Business Office ...
This position is located in the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) New York Division, Albany District Office. This position's primary purpose is to support the Outlying Office (OO) related to Busi...
The position is located in the Department of Veterans Affairs, Albany Stratton VA Medical Center (Stratton VAMC) and serves the Veterans interest across the VA Health Care Network, Upstate New York. T...
The position is located at the Department of Veterans Affairs, Albany Stratton VA Medical Center (Stratton VAMC) and serves the Veterans interest across the VA Health Care Network, Upstate New York. T...
The position is located in the Department of Veterans Affairs, Albany Stratton VA Medical Center (Stratton VAMC) and serves the Veterans interest across the VA Health Care Network, Upstate New York....
This position is located within the Veterans Outreach Program of the Samuel S. Stratton VA Medical Center in Albany, New York with primary responsibility to support the Medical Center Director's Execu...
This position is located at the Samuel S. Stratton VA Medical Center in Albany, NY. This position performs support functions for the Medical Center Director's Office and other Leadership Staff....
The position is located in the Department of Veterans Affairs, Albany Stratton VA Medical Center. The Supervisory Program Specialist, performs a variety of supervisory, administrative, and training ta...
Employee will serve as the Supervisory Program Specialist - Facility Telehealth Coordinator aligned in Clinic Practice Management located at the Samuel S. Stratton Veterans Affairs Medical Center in A...
This position serves as the Voluntary Service Specialist of the facility's Center for Development and Civic Engagement (CDCE)/Voluntary Service office reporting directly to the Chief at the VA Medical...
The person in this position serves as the Voluntary Service Specialist of the facility's CDCE/Voluntary Service office reporting directly to the Chief at the VA Medical Center in Albany, NY....