Looking for a job at DEPUTY ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR FINANCE? Look at salary statistics and make your own choice
Salaries at Deputy Assistant Secretary for Finance range from $38 634 per year for a Accounting Technician position, $27 per hour for a Automotive Mechanic position to $195 000 per year for a Chief Debt Management Officer position, $31 per hour for a Automotive Mechanic position
The average salary at Deputy Assistant Secretary for Finance is $84 892 per year, $27 per hour
Salary information at Deputy Assistant Secretary for Finance is objective data that will be useful to anyone considering employment at this company. The statistics in the table below are based on recent and archived Deputy Assistant Secretary for Finance job openings, so they can be considered practically accurate.
Positions | Salary |
Accountant | $53 105 - 145 617 per year |
Accountant(Systems) | $88 520 - 115 029 per year |
Accounting Technician | $38 634 - 55 984 per year |
Accounts Receivable Technician | $50 660 - 65 857 per year |
Auditor | $91 112 - 118 451 per year |
Automotive Mechanic | $27 - 31 per hour |
Budget Analyst | $94 652 - 146 323 per year |
Budget Officer | $106 215 - 138 083 per year |
Business Resources Specialist | $88 520 - 115 079 per year |
Chief Debt Management Officer | $141 022 - 195 000 per year |
Emergency Management Specialist | $84 892 - 110 360 per year |
Facility Operations Specialist | $106 215 - 138 083 per year |
Financial Administrative Specialist | $43 970 - 70 811 per year |
Financial Administrative Specialist (Senior ART) | $65 269 - 84 848 per year |
Financial Analyst | $51 364 - 81 676 per year |
Financial Management Spec | $49 028 - 63 734 per year |
Financial Management Specialist | $64 957 - 84 441 per year |
Financial Program Administrator | $156 447 - 191 900 per year |
Government Information Specialist | $74 522 - 116 114 per year |
Hearing Officer | $61 966 - 88 713 per year |
Lead Systems & Procedures Analyst | $74 522 - 96 876 per year |
Management & Program Analyst | $66 624 - 104 786 per year |
Management Analyst | $53 360 - 69 369 per year |
Program Analyst | $84 892 - 110 360 per year |
Program Analyst (Data Science) | $89 322 - 116 114 per year |
Program Manager | $133 004 - 172 907 per year |
Program Manager (Legislative Affairs and Customer Experience) | $133 004 - 172 907 per year |
Program Specialist | $78 969 - 123 043 per year |
Program Support Assistant | $43 076 - 69 369 per year |
Staff Accountant | $139 395 - 181 216 per year |
Staff Assistant | $139 395 - 176 570 per year |
Supervisory Accountant | $155 700 - 183 500 per year |
Supervisory Auditor | $108 345 - 140 850 per year |
Supervisory Financial Administrative Specialist | $65 269 - 84 848 per year |
Supervisory Financial Management Specialist | $89 322 - 116 114 per year |
Systems & Procedures Analyst | $74 522 - 96 876 per year |
Systems & Procedures Analyst (Data Science) | $62 829 - 98 817 per year |
Systems Accountant | $88 520 - 115 079 per year |
Systems and Procedures Analyst | $62 829 - 98 817 per year |
Looking for a job at DEPUTY ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR FINANCE? Check out the latest job openings at DEPUTY ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR FINANCE on our website.