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What is the salary for HEALTH AID AND TECHNICIAN in Albuquerque?

Looking for a job as HEALTH AID AND TECHNICIAN in Albuquerque? Check out the salary statistics from real employers. Understand how much HEALTH AID AND TECHNICIAN actually earns and find a company in your region

According to statistics, Health aid and technician in the year 2024 earns per year from 39 993 USD to 74 970 USD

A person working as Health aid and technician typically earns around 56 650 USD in Albuquerque in 2024. This is the average salary including housing, transport, and other benefits

This is 4% higher than the average salary in the United States

Health Technician Jul 12 2023
$40 989 - 50 700 per year

The New Mexico VA Healthcare System is recruiting for a Health Technician assigned to Nursing Service. The primary purpose of the position is to provide medical, and administrative support assistance ...

Health Technician (Nursing Specialty Service) Oct 17 2023
$42 429 - 55 154 per year

The New Mexico VA Healthcare System is recruiting for a Health Technician assigned to Nursing Specialty Service, Specialty Clinic Section. The incumbent will provide technical and administrative task...

Health Technician (Audiology) Aug 14 2023
$52 215 - 67 883 per year

Incumbent is a staff Health Technician (Audiology) (HTA) under the supervision of a GS-12 staff audiologist or above. This position is located in the PM&R Audiology Service at the Raymond G Murphy VA ...

Health Technician (Emergency Medicine) Aug 16 2023
$43 282 - 55 154 per year

The New Mexico VA Healthcare System is recruiting for a Health Technician (HT) assigned to the Emergency Medicine Department. The HT will provide assistance of a technical, specialized and support nat...

Health Technician (Massage Therapy) Dec 19 2024
$39 993 - 64 405 per year

The Massage Therapist is assigned to the Ambulatory Care Service (ACS), CARA Pain Management Team, or CARA PMT at the Raymond G. Murphy VA Medical Center. The incumbent is assigned to provide professi...

Health Technician (Nursing Specialty Service) Aug 16 2023
$43 282 - 54 100 per year

The New Mexico VA Healthcare System is recruiting for a Health Technician assigned to Nursing Specialty Service, Specialty Clinic Section providing medical, and administrative support assistance in th...

Health Technician (OMH) May 13 2024
$45 319 - 56 650 per year

The New Mexico VA Healthcare Network is recruiting for a Health Technician assigned to the Ambulatory Care Service. The incumbent will provide medical and administrative support assistance to the Pati...

Health Technician (Ophthalmology) Sep 27 2023
$57 672 - 74 970 per year

The New Mexico VA Healthcare Network is recruiting for a Health Technician (Ophthalmology) assigned to the Surgical Care service. The incumbent will perform ophthalmic technical duties with considerab...

Health Technician (Pain/Pre-op) Nov 21 2023
$43 282 - 54 100 per year

The New Mexico VA Healthcare Network is recruiting for a Health Technician assigned to the Anesthesiology Service. The incumbent will provide assistance of a technical, specialized and support nature ...

Health Technician (Podiatry) Aug 04 2023
$43 282 - 55 154 per year

The New Mexico VA Healthcare System is recruiting for a Health Technician (Podiatry) assigned to Surgical Service. The incumbent will assist Podiatrist in the diagnosis and treatment of Podiatry disor...

Health Technician (Spinal Cord Injury) Aug 24 2023
$42 429 - 55 154 per year

Health Technician serves as a member Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) interdisciplinary team. Health Technician provides assistance of a technical, specialized, and support nature to nursing personnel in the ...

Health Technician Outpatient Mental Health May 13 2024
$45 319 - 56 650 per year

The Health Technician (HT), GS-06, is located in the Behavioral Health Care Line (BHCL), in the BHCL Outpatient Clinics, of the New Mexico VA Health Care System (NMVAHCS). The primary purpose of the p...

Intermediate Care Technician Aug 11 2023
$47 239 - 61 292 per year

The New Mexico VA Healthcare System is recruiting for a Intermediate Care Technician assigned to the Emergency Department (ED). The incumbent will perform ongoing patient care duties in the ED....

Lead Health Technician (Ophthalmology) Aug 22 2023
$57 672 - 74 970 per year

The New Mexico VA Healthcare Network is recruiting for a Health Technician (Ophthalmology) assigned to the Surgical Care service. The incumbent will perform ophthalmic technical duties with considera...

Outpatient Health Technician (Spinal Cord Injury/Disorder) Oct 27 2023
$43 282 - 55 154 per year

The New Mexico VA Health Care System is searching for a Health Technician (HT) to serve within the Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) interdisciplinary team....

Paramedic Sep 02 2023
$57 672 - 74 970 per year

This position is assigned to the Veterans Health Administration (VHA), Veterans Transportation Services (VTS), Ambulance Service, at the Raymond G. Murphy Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center...

Surgical Technician Jul 10 2023
$47 239 - 61 292 per year

The New Mexico VA Healthcare Network is recruiting for a Surgical Technician (ST) as a member of the surgical team which is headed by a Nurse Manager, Operating Room located within Nursing Service. Th...