Looking for a job as RECREATION SPECIALIST in Norfolk? Check out the salary statistics from real employers. Understand how much RECREATION SPECIALIST actually earns and find a company in your region
According to statistics, Recreation specialist in the year 2024 earns per year from 64 961 USD to 69 961 USD
A person working as Recreation specialist typically earns around 24 USD in Norfolk in 2024. This is the average salary including housing, transport, and other benefits
This is -100% less than the average salary in the United States
This position is that of Afloat Recreation Specialist (NAF Civilian position) on board ships worldwide. The primary purpose of this position also known as "Fun Boss" is to plan, coordinate, organize, ...
This position is located in the Mid-Atlantic Region, Fleet Family Readiness Program, Fleet Readiness Department in the Fitness/Sports and Deployed Support Department. The purpose of this position is t...
This position is located in the Mid-Atlantic Region, Fleet and Family Readiness Program, Fleet Readiness Department in the Fitness/Sports and Deployed Support Department at the NS Norfolk Fitness Cent...
This position is located in the Mid-Atlantic Region, Fleet and Family Readiness Program, Fleet Readiness Department in the Fitness/Sports and Deployed Support Department at the Fort Story Fitness Cent...
This position is located in the Mid-Atlantic Region, Fleet and Family Readiness Program, Fleet Readiness Department in the Fitness/Sports and Deployed Support Department at the NSN Norfolk Fitness Cen...
This position is located in the Mid-Atlantic Region, Fleet and Family Readiness Program, Fleet Readiness Department in the Fitness/Sports and Deployed Support Departmen. The purpose of this position i...
This position is located in the Community Recreation Division, of the Morale, Welfare and Recreation (MWR) Department, Manages and administers a comprehensive and diverse year round recreation program...
The Deployed Forces program is responsible for ensuring that shipboard and home-ported military personnel are given the opportunity to participate in recreation programs. The purpose of this position ...
This position is located in the Mid-Atlantic Region, Fleet and Family Readiness Program, Fleet Readiness Department in the Fitness/Sports and Deployed Support Department The purpose of this position i...
This position is located in the Mid-Atlantic Region, Fleet and Family Readiness Program, Fleet Readiness Department in the Fitness/Sports and Deployed Support Department at MWR NAVAL STATION NORFOLK F...
The purpose of this position is to effectively develop, coordinate, manage and publicize an effective sailing program at the Sailing Center on Naval Station Norfolk....
This position is located within the Morale Welfare and Recreation program aboard NAVAL STATION NORFOLK Aquatics Department....
This position is located on the Naval Support Activity, Norfolk VA. Regional support services program. Morale Welfare and recreational department, recreation Division. The Purpose of this positions to...
This position is assigned to the Non-Appropriated Fund (NAF) Bowling, Recreation, Liberty Programs and Deployed Forces Support Branch; Fleet Readiness; Commander, Navy Installations Command (CNIC). In...
This position is located on the Naval Support Activity, Norfolk VA. Regional support services program. Morale Welfare and recreational department, recreation Division. The Purpose of this positions to...