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What is the salary for PARK RANGER in Washington?

Looking for a job as PARK RANGER in Washington? Check out the salary statistics from real employers. Understand how much PARK RANGER actually earns and find a company in your region

According to statistics, Park ranger in the year 2024 earns per year from 53 105 USD to 191 900 USD

A person working as Park ranger typically earns around 107 590 USD in Washington in 2024. This is the average salary including housing, transport, and other benefits

This is 98% higher than the average salary in the United States

Park Manager (Deputy Superintendent) Apr 25 2024
$163 964 - 191 900 per year

The Deputy Superintendent of the National Mall and Memorial Parks serves as principal advisor to the Superintendent (SES), supervises park operations, and oversees almost $500 million dollars' of impr...

Park Manager (Superintendent) Aug 07 2023
$155 700 - 183 500 per year

This position is located in Rock Creek Park, in the heart of the National Capital Region. The incumbent serves as Park Manager, responsible for the management, administration, interpretation, resource...

Park Ranger Jul 11 2023
$94 199 - 122 459 per year

This position serves as the park's Resource Protection and Emergency Services Coordinator. This position will be responsible for coordinating and managing the physical security and structural fire of ...

Park Ranger (I) Sep 08 2023
$53 105 - 84 441 per year

This position serves as an advanced trainee Park Ranger (Interpretation) in any organizational unit within the National Park Service (NPS). The purpose of interpretation is to enrich people's lives th...

Park Ranger (Interpretation) Oct 09 2023
$21 - 33 per hour

Interpretive Rangers develop and present educational programs including guided walks and presentations, and working with audiences in a variety of park settings. Likely Entry On Duty: March-July 2024...

Park Ranger (Resource Management) Dec 20 2024
$68 405 - 107 590 per year

This position is located in the Resource Management Division and serves as the park's Resource Protection Coordinator and Structural Fire Coordinator. The incumbent is supervised by the Resources, La...

Park Ranger (Special Use Permits Specialist) Jul 17 2023
$64 957 - 84 441 per year

This position is located in National Capital Parks-East, in the Office of Administration. The incumbent will serve as a Park Ranger responsible for coordinating, issuing, and monitoring special use pe...

Supervisory Park Ranger Jul 31 2023
$78 592 - 102 166 per year

The primary function of the position is to conduct and supervise the visitor service function within Historic Homes Carter G. Woodson Home National Historic Site, Frederick Douglass National Historic ...

Supervisory Park Ranger (I) Jun 03 2024
$82 764 - 107 590 per year

These positions are located in National Mall and Memorial Parks (NAMA), in the Division of Interpretation and Education. NAMA preserves, protects, and interprets numerous memorials and historic places...