The Administrative Support Assistant for Imaging service provides administrative duties assisting the Chief of Imaging service along with the Business Manager with day to day administrative functions....
This position is a Program Support Assistant to the Government Information Officer, also known as the Privacy and Freedom of Information Act Officer (FOIA) and to the Compliance and Business Integrity...
The position of Program Support Assistant (PSA).for the Dental Service is a fulltime position designed to provide clerical and administrative support for the Dental Service. The duties are varied, non...
The incumbent performs clerical or technical program support work for a variety of technical and/or program specialists in support of the line programs of an agency. This work involves execution of sp...
This position is located in the Department of Homeland Security, United States Coast Guard, National Maritime Center in Martinsburg, WV. ...
The Incumbent performs a variety of clerical tasks in support of the service as well as those services both internal and external that interface with the Facilities Management Service (FMS). The incum...
Located within Medical Administrative Service, the Program Support Assistant position is a highly public one that requires exceptional customer service skills. The incumbent must maintain appropriate ...