Looking for a job as MISCELLANEOUS ADMINISTRATION AND PROGRAM in College Park? Check out the salary statistics from real employers. Understand how much MISCELLANEOUS ADMINISTRATION AND PROGRAM actually earns and find a company in your region
According to statistics, Miscellaneous administration and program in the year 2024 earns per year from 78 592 USD to 221 900 USD
A person working as Miscellaneous administration and program typically earns around 191 900 USD in College Park in 2024. This is the average salary including housing, transport, and other benefits
This is 254% higher than the average salary in the United States
This position is part of the National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Chief Operating Officer and reports directly to the Deputy Chief Operating Officer. In support of NARA's Strat...
This position is part of the National Archives and Records Administration, Information Services. As a Chief Digital Officer, you will serve as the agency's chief technologist and oversees all elements...
This position is part of the National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Chief of Management & Administration. The incumbent will serve as the principal advisor to the Archivist of the...
This position is part of the National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Chief Operating Officer. The Chief Operating Officer (COO) oversees the strategic direction and operational obj...
This position is part of the National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Chief Records Officer. As the Chief Records Officer, you will lead records management throughout the Federal Go...
The National Archives and Records Administration is seeking a Director of Public Engagement to lead the Office of Public Engagement within the Office of the Presidential Libraries (P) of the National ...
This position is part of the National Archives and Records Administration. The incumbent serves as an Electronic Records Archives Program Management Specialist providing agency expertise, leadership, ...
This position is part of the National Archives and Records Administration. The incumbent serves as the Director of the Facility and Property Management Division. The primary duties of the position are...
This position is located in the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN), Office of Management (OM). OM is responsible for maintaining and managing IT assets for the Center to best enable ...
This position is located in the Office of Management (OM), Travel Management and Operations Support Staff (TMOSS), Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition. The mission of the Center for Food Saf...
This position is part of the National Archives and Records Administration. The incumbent serves as a Senior Digital Preservation Specialist and reports to the Deputy Director of Digital Preservation, ...
This position is located in the National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS), Systems Architecture & Engineering (SAE); Resource Management Division (RMD), with two vacanci...