Looking for a job as HEALTH SYSTEM SPECIALIST in Miami? Check out the salary statistics from real employers. Understand how much HEALTH SYSTEM SPECIALIST actually earns and find a company in your region
According to statistics, Health system specialist in the year 2024 earns per year from 52 214 USD to 143 181 USD
A person working as Health system specialist typically earns around 120 401 USD in Miami in 2024. This is the average salary including housing, transport, and other benefits
This is 122% higher than the average salary in the United States
Position functions as the Health Systems Specialist to the Associate Director in the Director's Office. Health Systems Specialist utilizes specialized knowledge of the fundamentals of healthcare manag...
Health System Specialist (Credentialing & Privileging) Drafts local credentialing processes and Medical Staff Bylaws in compliance with all regulations. Receives and reviews correspondence and communi...
Health System Specialist (Chief of Systems Redesign) position per?forms work independently and refers only problems of unusual difficulty to supervisor along with proposed solutions. Provides oversigh...
This position will be located at the Bruce W Carter Department Of Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Miami, Florida. The Health System Specialist - Credentialing and Privileging Specialist is assigne...
The Health System Specialist position serves as the Executive Assistant to the CEO/Executive Director of the Miami VA Healthcare System....
Health Systems Specialist (Executive Assistant) reports to the Medical Center Director for the Miami VA Healthcare System. Serves as a back up Health System Specialist in the office and may be detaile...
Health Systems Specialist (High Reliability Officer) reports to the Medical Center Director for the Miami VA Healthcare System. The HRO Officer will oversee, coordinate, and lead the facility's High R...
Health Systems Specialist (HRO Officer) reports to the Medical Center Director for the Miami VA Healthcare System. The HRO Officer will oversee, coordinate, and lead the facility's High Reliability pr...
The Health Systems Specialist in the Office of the Medical Center Director reports to a senior member of the Executive Leadership Team (ELT) within a Level-1 complexity, Joint Commission-accredited he...
Health Systems Specialist position is aligned in the Quality, Safety, and Value (QSV) Service. Managing the risk of lack of updated information regarding Veterans Affairs/Veterans Health Administratio...
The Graduate Healthcare Administrative Training Program (GHATP) incumbent functions within an intensive, 12-month training program that provides opportunities to learn from and interact directly with ...
The Health Systems Specialist (Health System Redesign Specialist) improves effectiveness and efficiency of work processes to facilitate attainment of organizational goals using Lean and Six Sigma proc...
As a Lead Health System Specialist assigned to Credentialing and Privileging Office, under the Chief of Staff Office, of the Bruce W. Carter VA Medical Center, Miami, Florida. You are responsible for ...
The Health System Specialist position is responsible for assisting the Credentialing & Privileging (C&P) Manager with the operation of the C&P Program Office at a Veterans Affairs Medical Center (VAMC...
Health System Specialist (Credentialing & Privileging Assistant Manager) is responsible for assisting the Credentialing & Privileging (C&P) Manager with the operation of the C&P Program Office at a Ve...
Supervisory Health Systems Specialist (Credentialing and Privileging Manager) is assigned to the Medical Staff Office, under the Chief of Staff (COS) located at the Bruce W. Carter VA Medical Center i...