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What is the salary for VISUAL INFORMATION in Danville?

Looking for a job as VISUAL INFORMATION in Danville? Check out the salary statistics from real employers. Understand how much VISUAL INFORMATION actually earns and find a company in your region

According to statistics, Visual information in the year 2024 earns per year from 39 576 USD to 94 317 USD

A person working as Visual information typically earns around 51 446 USD in Danville in 2024. This is the average salary including housing, transport, and other benefits

This is -5% less than the average salary in the United States

Lead Visual Information Specialist Oct 28 2024
$72 553 - 94 317 per year

This position is located at the VA Illiana Health Care System (VAIHCS), Office of the Director, including the main campus and its outpatient clinics. VAIHCS is a level three health care system, compro...

Visual Information Specialist Nov 29 2024
$39 576 - 77 955 per year

This position is located at the VA Illiana Healthcare System, Danville, IL and is organizationally aligned under the Directors Office, Communications and Engagement team. The purpose of the position i...

Visual Information Specialist - Detail NTE 120 Days Jul 29 2024
$39 576 - 51 446 per year

This position is a Detail NTE 120 Days. This position is located at the VA Illiana Healthcare System, Danville, IL and is organizationally aligned under the Directors Office, Communications and Engag...