Looking for a job as SUPPLY CLERICAL AND TECHNICIAN in Phoenix? Check out the salary statistics from real employers. Understand how much SUPPLY CLERICAL AND TECHNICIAN actually earns and find a company in your region
According to statistics, Supply clerical and technician in the year 2024 earns per year from 35 122 USD to 73 720 USD
A person working as Supply clerical and technician typically earns around 56 941 USD in Phoenix in 2024. This is the average salary including housing, transport, and other benefits
This is 5% higher than the average salary in the United States
The Lead Supply Technician (Medical) for the Medical Supply Distribution (MSD) areas of Logistics Service within the Phoenix VA Health Care System. As a Lead Supply Technician, you will ensure supplie...
This position serves as the Lead Supply Technician (Medical) for the Medical Supply Distribution (MSD) areas of Logistics Service within the Phoenix, AZ VA Medical Center. You will ensure supplies and...
This position serves as the Supervisory Supply Technician (Medical) for the Medical Supply Distribution (MSD) areas of Logistics Service within the VA Health Care System. As a Supervisory Supply Techn...
THIS IS A NATIONAL GUARD TITLE 32 EXCEPTED SERVICE POSITION. This National Guard position is for a SUPERVISORY SUPPLY TECHNICIAN T32, Position Description Number PDD0914000and is part of the AZ Army ...
In this position you will ensure that supplies and materials are distributed to all areas serviced by Supply Chain Management Service at the Phoenix VA Clinic on 32nd street. Providing wards, clinics,...
This position serves as Supply Technician (Medical) for the Medical Supply Distribution (MSD) areas of Logistics Service within the Phoenix, AZ VA Medical Center. As a Supply Technician, you will pro...
This position is located in the Materials Management Department, at the Phoenix Indian Medical Center, Phoenix, AZ. The position is responsible for various supply and property management, data entry, ...
This position serves as Supply Technician (Medical) for the Medical Supply Distribution (MSD) areas of Logistics Service within the VA Health Care System. As a Supply Technician, you will provide war...
This position serves as Supply Technician for the Expendable Supplies Division of the Logistics Service in a Veteran Affairs Health Care System (VA HCS) and supported catchment area. As a Supply Techn...
THIS IS A NATIONAL GUARD TITLE 32 EXCEPTED SERVICE POSITION. This National Guard position is for a SUPPLY TECHNICIAN T32, Position Description Number PDD0849000 and is part of the AZ USPFO, National ...