Looking for a job as SOCIAL WORK in Fayetteville? Check out the salary statistics from real employers. Understand how much SOCIAL WORK actually earns and find a company in your region
According to statistics, Social work in the year 2024 earns per year from 62 574 USD to 160 627 USD
A person working as Social work typically earns around 129 012 USD in Fayetteville in 2024. This is the average salary including housing, transport, and other benefits
This is 138% higher than the average salary in the United States
Incumbent serves as the Fayetteville North Carolina VA Coastal Health Care System's Care Coordination & Integrated Case Management (CC&ICM) Social Work Coordinator at the GS-12 grade The GS-12 Coordin...
The Caregiver Support Program (CSP) is one of the Veterans Health Administration's (VHA) most rapidly growing service areas, as a result of infrastructure modernization, programming innovation, and ex...
The Caregiver Support Program (CSP) is one of the Veterans Health Administration's (VHA) most rapidly growing service areas, as a result of infrastructure modernization, programming innovation, and ex...
The Active Pain Management (AMP) Senior Social Work position is located at the Fayetteville, NC VA Coastal Healthcare System. The AMP Social Worker position primary duties are to provide pain service...
The incumbent in this social work position provides outreach services to Veterans who are Homeless. The Social Worker is responsible for outreach services to homeless Veterans in communities and rural...
HUD-VASH is an intensive case management program for chronically homeless Veterans aimed at providing psychosocial services to veterans while residing in stable housing through HUD's Section 8 voucher...
The PCAFC Supervisory Caregiver Support Coordinator is a Social Work Program Coordinator whose primary responsibilities are to provide clinical evidence based services and interventions; program devel...
This position is located at the Fayetteville Health Care Center (FHCC) in Fayetteville, North Carolina. The position will directly support programmatic needs to PCMHI( Primary Care Mental Health Integ...
The Primary Care Mental Health Initiative (PCMHI) Social Worker delivers evidence based care for primary care patients identified with a variety of emotional and psychiatric problems including depress...
The Caregiver Support Senior Social Worker develops and implements the Caregiver Support Program specific to his/her area of assignment and ensures compliance and collaboration with local facility and...
This position is located in the Fayetteville Coastal Healthcare System locations under Social Work Division (SWD) of the Behavioral Health Service Line (BHSL). Incumbent is assigned to the Geriatric (...
This position functions as the Case Manager for Fayetteville VAMC's Housing and Urban Development I VA Supportive Housing (HUDVASH). The HUD VASH Program falls within the Healthcare for Homeless Veter...
This position is located at the Fayetteville VA Coastal Health Care System sites of care and is under Behavioral Health Service Line - Social Work Division. The Senior Social Worker serves as the COMP...
This position is in the Caregiver Support Program within the Behavioral Health Service Line located at VA Fayetteville Coastal Healthcare System within the VISN 6 Mid-Atlantic Healthcare Network. The ...
The incumbent is responsible for providing case management from Veterans in the HUD-VASH program utilizing the Critical Time Intervention model. Case management is defined as the provision of services...
This position is in the Primary Care Mental Health Integration within Behavioral Health located at VA Fayetteville Coastal HCS within the VISN 6 Mid-Atlantic HCN. The incumbent serves as a Clinical So...
The PTSD-SUD Senior Social Worker is a member of Substance Treatment And Recovery/STAR, the specialty SUD program within the Behavioral Health Service Line/BHSL at the Fayetteville, NC VA Coastal Heal...
The PTSD-SUD Senior Social Worker is a member of Substance Treatment And Recovery/STAR, the specialty SUD program within the Behavioral Health Service Line/BHSL at the Fayetteville, NC VA Coastal Heal...
This position is located at the Fayetteville, NC VA Coastal Healthcare System (FNCVACHCS). The position is programmatically and professionally responsible to the Deputy Chief of Behavioral Health Serv...
This position is located at the Fayetteville VAMC and reports to the Chief, Social Work BHSL. The Supervisory Social Worker at the GS-13 grade level supervises a significant number of professional cli...
This position is located at the Fayetteville VA Coastal Health Care System sites of care and is under Behavioral Health Service Line - Social Work Division. The Senior Social Worker serves as the COMP...