Fresh vacancies in LOUISVILLE in public sphere. Where can social work get a job with decent pay in 2023?
Please, look at more than 43 job openings and social work: salary statistics in LOUISVILLE?
Social work is a profession that aims to enhance the well-being of individuals, families, and communities. Social workers help people to identify and solve their problems while also promoting social justice, equality, and human rights. They play a vital role in providing counseling, support, and guidance to those who are struggling with issues such as substance abuse, mental health, poverty, and homelessness.
Social workers are trained professionals with a wide range of skills and knowledge. They work in a variety of settings, including hospitals, schools, community centers, and government agencies. Social work is a rewarding profession that involves making a positive impact on people's lives. Social workers have a significant role in improving the lives of vulnerable populations, advocating for their rights, and creating social change through community organizing and policy development.
SOCIAL WORK, according to statistics, earns in Louisville, from $66988 to $116393
The Substance Use Disorder Treatment Program (SUDTP) Senior Social Worker who serves as an outpatient and residential therapist. The incumbent works independently and autonomously to provide clinical ...
The Substance Use Disorder Treatment Program (SUDTP) Senior Social Worker who serves as an outpatient and residential therapist. The incumbent works independently and autonomously to provide clinical ...
This Primary Care Mental Health Integration (PCMHI) Social Worker position is administratively aligned with the Mental Health Service and is assigned as a Colocated Collaborative Care (CCC) behavioral...
Senior Social Worker - Mental Health typically practices in specialty treatment program areas such as a Polytrauma, Spinal Cord Injury, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder or other program areas of equival...
This job opportunity announcement (JOA) will be used to fill two (2) full-time and permanent Social Work vacancies at the Louisville, KY Veteran Affairs Medical Center (VAMC), within the Social Work S...
The Substance Use Disorder Treatment Program (SUDTP) Senior Social Worker serves as an outpatient and residential therapist. The incumbent works independently and autonomously to provide clinical psyc...
The incumbent serves as an outpatient supervisory social worker for Mental Health Service (MHS). The incumbent has broad managerial, supervisory, and program management responsibility for the oversigh...
The Substance Abuse Residential Recovery Treatment Program (SARRTP) Senior Social Worker serves as residential therapist at the Robley Rex Veterans Affairs Medical Center campus. The incumbent works i...
The Intimate Partner Violence Assistance Program Coordinator (IPVAP-C) is a Social Work Program Coordinator whose primary responsibilities are to develop and coordinate programming for Veterans, their...
The Community Engagement and Partnerships Coordinator (CEPC) serves as a content matter expert for community-based suicide prevention and facilitates integration of suicide prevention education throug...
The incumbent is responsible for multiple fund control points assigned to the programs, including for the following: standardized patients for hands on training for designated Women's Health Provider...
The incumbent serves as the Supervisor and Program Coordinator for the HUD-VASH program at the Robley Rex VA Medical Center. Services target all homeless Veterans eligible for HUD-VASH throughout the ...
The General Caregiver Support Program Coordinator is a Social Work Program Coordinator whose primary responsibilities are to provide clinical evidence-based services and interventions; program develop...
The incumbent serves as an outpatient and residential therapist at the Robley Rex Veterans Affairs Medical Center campus. The incumbent works independently and autonomously to provide clinical psychos...
The incumbent serves on the Measurement Based Care Team/PCMHI as a Collaborative Care Manager (CoCM) Social Worker (SW) located at the Greenwood Community Based Outpatient Clinic (CBOC). The incumbent...
The incumbent performs specialized treatment of complex physical or mental illness. Incumbent incorporates complex multiple causation in differential diagnosis and treatment of veterans including maki...
The incumbent works closely in coordinating and planning with the VISN Homeless Program Leadership to assure Statewide Planning in the process of ending homelessness among Veterans throughout the Stat...
The incumbent typically practices in specialty treatment program areas such as a Polytrauma, Spinal Cord Injury, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder or other program areas of equivalent scope and complexit...
Supervisory Social Worker responsible for the coordination of the Inpatient Social Work and supervision of all social work personnel responsible for discharge planning and long-term placement options....
The incumbent is assigned to the Intensive Community Mental Health Recovery Services (ICMHRS)- Mental Health Intensive Case Management (MHICM) Program, based on the Assertive Community Treatment model...