Fresh vacancies in AK in public sphere. Where can equipment services get a job with decent pay in 2023?
Please, look at more than 4 job openings and equipment services: salary statistics in AK?
Opened Area(s) of Consideration: 1, 2 DEFINITION OF AREA(S) OF CONSIDERATION: Area 1 - AKNG Permanent or Indefinite technicians. Area 2 - All AKNG members. PDCN: D2894000 Selecting Supervisor: Char...
About the Position: Serves as senior equipment specialist and advisor on fixed and rotary wing aircraft, flight simulators, and all associated support equipment to the USARAK, US Army Pacific (USARPAC...
Opened Area(s) of Consideration: 1, 2, 3 DEFINITION OF AREA(S) OF CONSIDERATION: Area 1 - AKNG Permanent or Indefinite technicians. Area 2 - All AKNG members. Area 3 - All other current military memb...
About the Position: Serve as System Technical Representative (STR) within the Integrated Logistics Support Center (ILSC), Logistics Assistance Directorate with responsibility for advising and instruct...