Are you looking for job at Offices, Boards and Divisions in New York? Where can you find a good-paying job in 2023 at Offices, Boards and Divisions? Here you can find over 5 job vacancies at Offices, Boards and Divisions.
Fresh Job Openings from Offices, Boards and Divisions в NEW YORK
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The New York Field Office (NYFO) represents the United States, its departments/agencies, and federal officials in both affirmative and defensive litigation in the United States Court of International ...
This position is located in the New York Office (NYO) of the Antitrust Division (Division), and the incumbent will report to the NYO Section Chief and Assistant Chiefs. The incumbent is responsible fo...
The New York Field Office (NYFO) represents the United States, its departments/agencies, and federal officials in both affirmative and defensive litigation in the United States Court of International ...
The ITFO represents the United States, its departments/agencies, and federal officials in both affirmative and defensive litigation in the United States Court of International Trade. The ITFO handles ...
The Antitrust Division (Division) is seeking to fill a Supervisory Paralegal Specialist position in the New York Office. Supervisory Paralegal Specialists within the Division perform legal duties in s...