Where can you find a good-paying state job in 2025 in Columbia? Here you can find over 5 job vacancies in Columbia.
Columbia, South Carolina has a diverse job market that has experienced significant growth in recent years. The city is home to several major industries, including healthcare, education, and manufacturing, and has a growing technology sector. The largest employers in the area include the University of South Carolina, Palmetto Health, and Richland County School District.
The unemployment rate in Columbia is currently lower than the national average, and job growth is projected to continue in the coming years. Skilled workers are in demand in many fields, including finance, IT, and healthcare. Additionally, the city has a thriving arts and entertainment scene, which provides opportunities for those interested in hospitality, tourism, and creative industries. Overall, the job market in Columbia offers a diverse range of opportunities for job seekers with a variety of skills and experience.
These are County Program Technician positions, locations are listed to the right. Applying to this vacancy constitutes your understanding that your resume, assessment and other application materials...
Multiple positions may be filled from this vacancy. These positions are in Farm Service Agency, Kentucky State Office in locations of Monticello and Columbia, Kentucky. This position assists the Far...
This is an interdisciplinary position. The titles, and series identified are appropriate depending on the qualifications of the incumbent. The incumbent assists the area/zone or similar engineer and ...
This is an interdisciplinary position. The titles, and series identified are appropriate depending on the qualifications of the incumbent. The incumbent assists the area/zone or similar engineer and ...
This position is located in a State or Area Office in USDA/Rural Development (RD). This is a developmental position with duties designed to provide training and development to prepare the incumbent fo...