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Goverment job openings: telephone operating in ANADARKO

Fresh vacancies in ANADARKO in public sphere. Where can telephone operating get a job with decent pay in 2023?

Please, look at more than 1 job openings and telephone operating: salary statistics in ANADARKO?

Telephone operators have been an integral part of the telecommunications industry since the late 19th century. The primary function of a telephone operator is to connect callers to their desired party through a manual telephone switchboard. In the early days of telephony, operators worked for Bell Telephone Company and were primarily women. The job required excellent communication skills, the ability to work quickly and efficiently under pressure, and a thorough knowledge of the local area and telephone directory.

Today, telephone operators have largely been replaced by automated systems, but telephone answering services and call centers still employ operators to assist with customer service and directory assistance. Modern telephone operators require strong computer skills and the ability to navigate complex call-routing systems. They work a variety of shifts and may be required to work long hours during peak calling times. Telephone operators play a vital role in connecting people with businesses, emergency services, and each other.

TELEPHONE OPERATING, according to statistics, earns in Anadarko, from $35499 to $35499

Telephone Operator May 13 2024
$35 499 - 43 590 per year

This position is located at the Anadarko Indian Health Clinic, Anadarko, OK. This position provides clerical support by operating a central telephone switchboard and act as a receptionist for the faci...