The Substance Use Disorder Treatment Program (SUDTP) is a multidisciplinary team of health care professionals providing patient centered mental health care focused on treating addiction. Incumbent may...
The Behavioral Health Interdisciplinary Program Team (BHIP) is a multidisciplinary team of health care professionals and administrative staff that provide comprehensive accessible patient centered men...
The Workplace Violence Prevention Program (WVPP) Senior Social Worker aids the Workplace Violence Prevention Program Coordinator in addressing and managing reports of disruptive behaviors across SAVAH...
The Behavioral Health Interdisciplinary Program Team (BHIP) is a multidisciplinary team of health care professional and administrative staff that provide comprehensive accessible patient centered ment...
The incumbent in this position provides social work services to the Veteran population enrolled in the Mental Health Intensive Case Management Program. The MHICM Social Worker serves Veterans with Sev...
The Psychosocial Rehabilitation Recovery Center (PRRC) team provides services to Veterans diagnosed with serious mental illnesses resulting in challenges functioning with frequent psychiatric hospital...
The Health Care for Homeless Veterans (HCHV) Walk-In Social Worker identifies and engages homeless Veterans and provides them with direct services and/or develops and connects homeless Veterans to the...
This position serves as Supervisor for the Housing and Urban Development (HUD) VA Supportive Housing (VASH) team aligned in the Homeless Programs Section of the Social Worker Service at the Southern A...
The Social Worker (Clinical Assessor) is assigned to the Caregiver Support Program (CSP). The CSP is a rapidly expanding program. The mission of the Caregiver Support Program is to promote the health ...
The incumbent in this position serves as the Outpatient Specialty Supervisory Program Coordinator providing clinical and administrative oversight of staff including, but not limited to, the Intimate P...
A Community Living Center (CLC) Social Worker is responsible for providing Social Work services to the Veteran residents within the CLC. The incumbent is a member of an interdisciplinary team and is p...
This position serves as the Psychology Program Manager/BHIP Program Coordinator, managing the administrative and clinical aspects of the Behavioral Health Interdisciplinary Program Teams in Mental Hea...
The Social Work Dementia Care Coordinator is responsible for providing Social Work services to the Veteran residents in the Community Living Center (CLC) memory care unit and may act as a consultant t...
The Workplace Violence Prevention Program (WVPP) Senior Social Worker aids the Workplace Violence Prevention Program Coordinator in addressing and managing reports of disruptive behaviors across SAVAH...
The incumbent in this position functions as the Medical Center's Liaison/Program Coordinator for Contract Community Nursing Home (CNH) and Contract Adult Day Health Care (CADHC) programs. The incumben...
The incumbent assesses and treats complicated psychosocial problems of Women Veterans to improve the overall quality of care provided to this population. Women Veteran's Program (WVP) Social Worker re...
The incumbent assesses and treats complicated psychosocial problems of Women Veterans to improve the overall quality of care provided to this population. Women Veteran's Program (WVP) Social Worker re...
The BHIP Clinic provides Veteran-centered, recovery-oriented, and evidence-based care. The incumbent in this position functions as a Case Manager and is responsible for coordination and continuity of ...
The incumbent serves in a full-time administrative position with full authority and responsibility for providing administrative support to the Chief. The incumbent will participate in overseeing the c...
The Senior Social Worker for the Post-9/11 Military2VA Case Management Program is a case manager who provides comprehensive social work and case management services to a specialized population of tran...