Fresh vacancies in LOWELL in public sphere. Where can social science aid and technician get a job with decent pay in 2023?
Please, look at more than 2 job openings and social science aid and technician: salary statistics in LOWELL?
As a Social Science Aid and Technician, you will be responsible for supporting and assisting social science research projects. This may include conducting experiments, gathering and analyzing data, and documenting research results. You must have strong analytical, problem-solving, and communication skills, as well as the ability to work both independently and as part of a team.
Your daily tasks may include setting up equipment and software, scheduling appointments with study participants, recording data, and creating reports. You may also be required to maintain databases, manage files, and track project progress. A high level of attention to detail and organizational skills are necessary for success in this field.
SOCIAL SCIENCE AID AND TECHNICIAN, according to statistics, earns in Lowell, from $49713 to $55383
This position is located in the Northeast Archeological Resources Program within the Cultural Resources Division of Interior Region 1. This is a temporary appointment NTE 1039 hours. Open to the fi...
This position is located in the Northeast Archeological Resources Program of the Cultural Resource Division of the Interior Region 1. This position is TEMPORARY seasonal not to exceed 1039 hours work...