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Looking for a job as SAFETY AND OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH MANAGEMENT in Chicago? Check out the salary statistics from real employers. Understand how much SAFETY AND OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH MANAGEMENT actually earns and find a company in your region

According to statistics, Safety and occupational health management in the year 2024 earns per year from 54 728 USD to 142 650 USD

A person working as Safety and occupational health management typically earns around 119 964 USD in Chicago in 2024. This is the average salary including housing, transport, and other benefits

This is 121% higher than the average salary in the United States

Recent Graduate or Near-Term Graduation - Safety and Occupational Health Specialist Aug 29 2024
$54 728 - 87 024 per year

This position is in Region 5, Mission Support Division, Employee Services Branch, Safety & Resources Management Section. About Region 5: https://www.epa.gov/aboutepa/epa-region-5 This is an o...

Safety & Occupational Health Manager Aug 08 2023
$109 732 - 142 650 per year

The Safety and Occupational Health Manager is organizationally aligned under the Office of the Associate Director, Safety Section of the Jesse Brown VA Medical Center, Chicago, IL This position provid...

Safety & Occupational Health Specialist Jan 10 2024
$66 942 - 105 289 per year

The Safety and Occupational Health Specialist plans, schedules, and conducts inspections in establishments and worksites where there is a strong probability of encountering hazardous work processes an...

Safety & Occupational Health Specialist (Safety Specialist) Jul 31 2023
$58 958 - 84 841 per year

Why work for the Federal Bureau of Prisons?You can have a meaningful career with an agency that truly values a diverse workforce. You will find a diverse workforce employed from entry level jobs to se...

Safety and Occupational Health Manager Dec 15 2023
$109 732 - 142 650 per year

This position is in Region 5, Mission Support Division, Employee Services Branch, Safety & Resources Management Section. About Region 5 This is an office-centered position*--you must physically re...

Safety and Occupational Health Specialist Aug 16 2023
$63 633 - 100 084 per year

The Safety and Occupational Health Specialist plans, schedules, and conducts inspections in establishments and worksites where there is a strong probability of encountering hazardous work processes an...

Safety Officer Jul 28 2023
$92 279 - 119 964 per year

About the Position: Position serves as the Safety Officer for the Operations and Regulatory Division, US Army Corps of Engineers, Chicago District located in Chicago, Illinois. The position supports a...

Supervisory Safety and Occupational Health Specialist Aug 17 2023
$92 279 - 119 964 per year

The Supervisory Safety and Occupational Health Specialist is responsible for sfety and occupational program planning and implementation and is aligned under the Office of the Medical Center Director a...