Looking for a job as PSYCHOLOGY in Columbus? Check out the salary statistics from real employers. Understand how much PSYCHOLOGY actually earns and find a company in your region
According to statistics, Psychology in the year 2024 earns per year from 71 936 USD to 199 250 USD
A person working as Psychology typically earns around 143 354 USD in Columbus in 2024. This is the average salary including housing, transport, and other benefits
This is 164% higher than the average salary in the United States
This position functions as the Associate Chief of Staff for Education and Research (ACOS/E&R) for the VA Central Ohio Healthcare System. This position can be occupied by a Physician, Optometrist, or P...
This is an open continuous announcement to fill current and future Psychologist vacancies within the Columbus, Ohio VA Medical Center. This position is eligible for the Education Debt Reduction Prog...
The psychologist will be a key member of the Crisis Acute Care Clinic (CACC) providing outpatient psychological assessment and crisis intervention to Veterans presenting with a broad spectrum of diagn...
This Psychologist reports administratively to the Director of the Integrated Behavioral Health Division. The focus of this position is on the provision of psychological services to veterans enrolled a...
The Staff Psychologist will provide care for Veterans with PTSD through the Trauma Recovery Division. Psychologist will conduct psychological assessments and provide mental health care for military Ve...
The psychologist will be a key member of the Trauma Recovery Division providing outpatient psychological assessment and evidence based psychotherapy to Veterans presenting with a broad spectrum of dia...
The psychologist will be a key member of the Trauma Recovery Division providing outpatient psychological assessment and evidence based psychotherapy to Veterans presenting with a broad spectrum of dia...
The psychologist will be a key member of the Trauma Recovery Division providing outpatient psychological assessment and evidence based psychotherapy to Veterans presenting with a broad spectrum of dia...
The Psychologist Program Manager (Clinical Director of the Whole Health and Diversity and Inclusion) position works collaboratively with other Whole Health leadership to ensure that issues of diversit...
The incumbent will have broad responsibility and oversight for the Integrative Behavioral Health Division Programs, including Pain Psychology Team, Health Psychology, the Health Behavior Coordinator, ...
The Psychologist (Associate Chief of Staff/Mental Health) serves as Chief of Behavioral Health Service and is responsible for administrative and clinical management and operation of Behavioral Health ...
The Staff Psychologist will provide care for Veterans with PTSD through the Trauma Recovery Division. Solid assessment and treatment skills are needed to work with Veterans providing best practices, e...
The Staff Psychologist will provide care for Veterans with PTSD through the Trauma Recovery Division. Solid assessment and treatment skills are needed to work with Veterans providing best practices, e...