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What is the salary for NURSE in Winnebago?

Looking for a job as NURSE in Winnebago? Check out the salary statistics from real employers. Understand how much NURSE actually earns and find a company in your region

According to statistics, Nurse in the year 2025 earns per year from 91 351 USD to 164 862 USD

A person working as Nurse typically earns around 118 752 USD in Winnebago in 2025. This is the average salary including housing, transport, and other benefits

This is 119% higher than the average salary in the United States

Nurse (Infection Control/Employee Health) Dec 20 2023
$91 351 - 118 752 per year

This position is located within the Great Plains Area Regional Drug Dependency Unit (GPARDDU) in Winnebago, NE. The incumbent of this position will be required to work shifts (days, evenings, and week...

Supervisory Advanced Practice Nurse (Behavioral Health) (Director of Drug Dependency Unit) Sep 29 2023
$126 819 - 164 862 per year

The position functions as Advanced Practice Nurse (Behavioral Health) and has program responsibility as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for the Drug Dependency Unit (DDU) located in Winnebago, NE. The D...