Fresh vacancies in public sphere. Where can nuclear engineering get a job with decent pay in 2023?
Please, look at more than 334 job openings and nuclear engineering: salary statistics?
You will serve as a SUPERVISORY NUCLEAR ENGINEER in the Nuclear Engineering and Planning Department, Nuclear Support Facilities and Waste Management Division, Controlled Industrial Facility and Specia...
You will serve as a Lead Nuclear Engineer for the Reactor Engineering Division of Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard and Intermediate Maintenance Facility (PHNSY & IMF)....
You will serve as a Nuclear Engineer in the Nuclear Government Inspector (2351), Nuclear Quality Division (2350), Nuclear Engineering and Planning Depeartment (2300) of NORFOLK NAVAL SHIPYARD....
You will serve as a SUPERVISORY NUCLEAR ENGINEER in the Nuclear Engineering and Planning Department (Code 2300), Head Nuclear Engineer (Code 2309), Nuclear Quality Division (Code 2350) of NORFOLK NAVA...
This position is located in the Division of Operating Reactor Safety, Operations Branch, in the Region IV Office, Arlington, Texas.The supervisor is Dr. Heather Gepford, Branch Chief.This positi...
This position is located in Division of Operating Reactor Safety (DORS), Operations Branch in Region IV, Arlington, TX. The supervisor is Dr. Heather Gepford, Branch Chief. Thi...
The Deputy Administrator for Naval Reactors is also the Director of the Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program and the Deputy Commander, Naval Nuclear Propulsion Directorate, Naval Sea Systems Command. Resp...
This position is part of the Deputy Administrator for Naval Reactors, Department of Energy. The Deputy Administrator for Naval Reactors is also the Director of the Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program a...
This position is part of the Enabling Science and Partnerships Divisions, Office of Science - Headquarters, Department of Energy. As a Nuclear Engineer, you will be serving as a Program Manager for th...
This is a Direct Hire Authority (DHA) solicitation utilizing the DHA for Certain Personnel of the DoD Workforce to recruit and appoint qualified candidates to positions in the competitive service. Ab...
You will serve as a Supervisory Nuclear Engineer in the Nuclear Engineering and Planning Department of PEARL HARBOR NSY AND IMF....
A successful candidate in this position will serve as a Nuclear Engineer (Criticality Safety Engineer), serving as a lead for safety basis review teams or as a technical team member performing a compl...
You will serve as a NUCLEAR ENGINEER in the Nuclear Engineering and Planning Department, Assistant Nuclear Engineering and Planning Manager, Project Support Branch (Code 2301.2) of NORFOLK NAVAL SHIPY...
These positions are located in Region II, Division of Operating Reactor Safety. The positions are located in branches to be determined. The supervisor is to be determined. The positions are in th...
This position is part of the Office of Science - Headquarters, Department of Energy. As an Nuclear Engineer, the Fusion Energy Science (FES) Enabling Technologies, Safety Research and Facilities Studi...
This position is located in the Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response, Division of Physical and Cyber Security Policy, Reactor Physical Protection Branch.The supervisor is Amanda Marshall.T...
You will serve as a SUPERVISORY NUCLEAR ENGINEER in the Chief Test Engineer Branch (Code 2340), Nuclear Testing Engineering Division (Code 2340), Nuclear and Planning Department (Code 2300) of NORFOLK...
You will serve as a NUCLEAR ENGINEER in the Assistant Nuclear Engineering and Planning Manager's Division, Code 2301 of PEARL HARBOR NSY AND IMF. This is a RE-ADVERTISEMENT of Announcement Number:ST-...
You will serve as a Lead Nuclear Engineer in the Nuclear Engineer and Planning Department at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard and Intermediate Maintenance Facility (PSNS & IMF)....