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What is the salary for MISCELLANEOUS CLERK AND ASSISTANT in Hapeville?

Looking for a job as MISCELLANEOUS CLERK AND ASSISTANT in Hapeville? Check out the salary statistics from real employers. Understand how much MISCELLANEOUS CLERK AND ASSISTANT actually earns and find a company in your region

According to statistics, Miscellaneous clerk and assistant in the year 2025 earns per year from 44 373 USD to 75 269 USD

A person working as Miscellaneous clerk and assistant typically earns around 62 457 USD in Hapeville in 2025. This is the average salary including housing, transport, and other benefits

This is 15% higher than the average salary in the United States

Aviation Safety Assistant Sep 20 2023
$44 373 - 62 457 per year

Operates as Aviation Safety Assistant in a Flight Standards Field Office....

Aviation Safety Assistant (Office Automation) Nov 21 2023
$49 309 - 64 101 per year

Incumbent is an Aviation Safety Assistant (Office Automation) (OA) in a Flight Standards field office. Provides administrative, semi-technical and clerical support to the supervisor, or manager. Aviat...

Program Assistant May 29 2024
$50 180 - 75 269 per year

Serves as an office Program Support Assistant, independently performing diversified administrative, clerical and support functions. Acts with sufficient latitude, individual initiative, and decision-m...