Looking for a job as MISCELLANEOUS ADMINISTRATION AND PROGRAM in Bakersfield? Check out the salary statistics from real employers. Understand how much MISCELLANEOUS ADMINISTRATION AND PROGRAM actually earns and find a company in your region
According to statistics, Miscellaneous administration and program in the year 2024 earns per year from 40 082 USD to 191 900 USD
A person working as Miscellaneous administration and program typically earns around 131 452 USD in Bakersfield in 2024. This is the average salary including housing, transport, and other benefits
This is 142% higher than the average salary in the United States
About the Position: This is a Military Technician position with the 79th Sustainment Support Command, Detachment 1, 729 Transportation Company, 469 Combat Sustainment Support Battalion, 650 Regional S...
Explore a new career with the BLM - where our people are our most precious resource. This position is with the BLM Central California District Office and can be located in El Dorado Hills, CA or Bake...
Explore a new career with the BLM - where our people are our most precious resource. This position is located in the BLM Bakersfield Field Office located in Bakersfield, California. Information about...
Explore a new career with the BLM - where our people are our most precious resource. This position is located in BLM Bakersfield Field Office located in Bakersfield, CA. Information about Bakersfiel...
This position is located in the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles, New Jersey, Philadelphia, and San Francisco Field Divisions. This position's primary purp...
Explore a new career with the BLM - where our people are our most precious resource. These positions are located in BLM Bakersfield Field Office located in Bakersfield, CA. Information about Bakersfi...