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What is the salary for MEDICAL INSTRUMENT TECHNICIAN in Miami?

Looking for a job as MEDICAL INSTRUMENT TECHNICIAN in Miami? Check out the salary statistics from real employers. Understand how much MEDICAL INSTRUMENT TECHNICIAN actually earns and find a company in your region

According to statistics, Medical instrument technician in the year 2024 earns per year from 44 777 USD to 88 132 USD

A person working as Medical instrument technician typically earns around 85 963 USD in Miami in 2024. This is the average salary including housing, transport, and other benefits

This is 58% higher than the average salary in the United States

Med Inst Tech (Cardiac Cath) Sep 29 2023
$64 751 - 84 173 per year

The Cardiovascular Technician functions independently as a member of the cardiovascular lab under the supervision of the nurse manager. The technician works with the patient care team that includes r...

Med Inst Tech (EEG) Open and Continuous Announcement Feb 06 2024
$53 730 - 85 963 per year

The position is allied to the Neurology Service and functionally aligned to the Neurophysiology (EEG) Lab. The incumbent will serve as the Medical Instrument Technician (EEG Technologist) of the Neuro...

Med Inst Tech (Hemodialysis) Oct 23 2023
$44 777 - 71 640 per year

The Hemodialysis Technician Unit is a member of the nursing team He/She is expected to possess considerable knowledge and understanding of all types of required hemodialysis treatments, equipment, sy...

Med Inst Tech(Cardiac Ca) Oct 01 2024
$67 794 - 88 132 per year

The Cardiovascular Technologist functions independently as a member of the cardiovascular lab under the guidance of the interventional cardiologists and reports to the Nurse Manager. The cardiovascul...

Medical Instrument Technician (Cardiac Cath) Nov 22 2024
$67 794 - 88 132 per year

The Cardiovascular Technologist functions independently as a member of the cardiovascular lab under the guidance of the interventional cardiologists and reports to the Nurse Manager. The cardiovascul...

Medical Instrument Technician (Cardiac Catheterization) Jun 13 2024
$67 794 - 88 132 per year

The Cardiovascular Technologist functions independently as a member of the cardiovascular lab under the guidance of the interventional cardiologists and reports to the Nurse Manager. The cardiovascula...

Medical Instrument Technician (EKG) Jul 27 2023
$49 758 - 64 684 per year

The medical instrument technician is responsible for the operation of the Heart Station Area (Holter, ECG, and Stress Test) and the performance of these studies. These Studies are done at the Heart St...

Medical Instrument Technician Electroencephalography-EEG Aug 08 2023
$60 863 - 79 119 per year

The position is allied to the Neurology Service and functionally aligned to the Neurophysiology (EEG) Lab. The incumbent will serve as the Medical Instrument Technician (EEG Technologist) of the Neuro...

Medical Instrument Technician(EEG) Feb 06 2024
$53 730 - 85 963 per year

The position is allied to the Neurology Service and functionally aligned to the Neurophysiology (EEG) Lab. The incumbent will serve as the Medical Instrument Technician (EEG Technologist) of the Neuro...

MIT Electroencephalography-EEG-Open And Continuous Aug 08 2023
$60 863 - 79 119 per year

The position is allied to the Neurology Service and functionally aligned to the Neurophysiology (EEG) Lab. The incumbent will serve as the Medical Instrument Technician (EEG Technologist) of the Neuro...